Whats up guys? it has been friggin FOR-EV-ER since i've been on the forum but i thought this would be the best way to bounce back
I've been on a long hiatus due to work, im getting married next thursday, getting my band back together, so to say the VERY least i've been a touch busy lol. Anyways, Darkman and i needed a little break from Vamprotector (trust me, its not dead! we have BOTH been slammed with everything BUT the game here as of late!) but i wanted a little change of pace...so for the longest time i have been wanting to remake Dracula's Curse and i started putting some time towards it
i know there is another version floating around but i thought to hell with it, this is all in fun anyways so why not do my own version? Im making some GREAT progress thus far, due largely in part to me working on Vamprotector and im really polishing up my programming skills. So far, i have the first 3 stages completely mapped out, including the 2 Mad Forest stages so ive basically got 4 stages ready to roll and im going to work on it more this evening and weekend so i should have a couple more levels cranked out by Monday. That being said, i should have this one done fairly quickly. I took a different approach this time, instead of trying to just do a level and then add my enemies, im going to make all the stages first and then go back and add all the enemies and such. MUCH better approach IMO. And of course, since im doing 100% of the game, im going to be remixing the entire CVIII OST with my remixes so expect it to be completely brutal and VERY well polished compared to the Vamprotector OST. Im at work now and cant make a vid while im here, but i plan on getting some screen shots of my progress so make sure to check back over the weekend and monday and see the updates!!! As far as the game goes, i want to do something a little different with it, mainly with Alucard. Im going to include all of his SOTN skills (including spells) and depending on what you use and where, it will reveal hidden routes ala RoB style so that should prove to be pretty gnarly! Glad to be back guys and i cant wait for you all to see what i've got going so far!