On the advice of several people who had excellent artistic skills and talents (and the fact that my old thread was getting messy with responses), I decided to start over again on this thread, and proceed in a totally different fashion from the way I did in the last one.
I was advised that putting in more specifics, examples, and details on WHAT I need when I request spriting assistance for the engine, would help people to better understand what it is EXACTLY that I need done, and possibly garner more assistance. And while this may sound obvious to some of you, sadly this fact escaped me in my previous thread since I have ZERO artistic skill and knowledge sadly.

On that note, if anyone feels that I should include any other info that I left out when making a request for help with a sprite, please PM me your advice instead of posting here.
NOTE: This thread is ONLY for me to make requests for spriting assistance. NO UPDATES WILL BE PUT HERE AND NO QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ENGINE WILL BE RESPONDED TO, NOR SHOULD ANY OPINIONS BE PLACED IN HERE! IF ANYONE WANTS TO ASSIST ME, OR HAS ADVICE OR QUESTIONS, I AM ASKING YOU ALL VERY NICELY TO PLEASE NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD. PLEASE PM ME INSTEAD OR THIS THREAD WILL EASILY GET CLUTTERED VERY QUICK. THIS THEN MAKES IT HARDER FOR PEOPLE TO SEE THE REQUESTS I PUT UP AND SLOWS DOWN PROGRESS ON THE HACK!I will be regularly putting up requests here for any sprite work I need. And I could greatly, GREATLY use any talented assistance that the community can offer. The sooner I can get these done, the sooner I can get another demo out so you guys can try out Alucard. One I have a request completed, I will erase it from this thread.
Note, that I am willing to offer a small amount of pay for SOME of these requests (only the rather big ones; YES I am THAT dedicated to this project). But the amount and terms would be negotiated privately via PM. If this is an option for a request, it is listed near the bottom of it.
Please be sure to PM me BEFORE making any attempts at spriting something so that if you have any questions I can clarify them. I know how involved spriting is and this saves the sprite artist time and effort.

I appreciate the help that I get and give full credit to all people for their work with this project. All sprites would be included with the source code of the engine when released, and would be available for all to use.