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Offline Abnormal Freak

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LOL you guyz!

Just becuz u dewdz talk Castlevania all tha tiem duzn't mean tha rest uv us do ;)
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

Offline Belmontoya

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Please don't generalize the members of the forum as "hardcore IGA fans who cannot embrace change." That's such an ignorant, downright false response. We are Castlevania fans, not IGA fans. If you've been around for the past 6+ years then you'd realize this, and a lot of us wanted a change from IGA's formula as well. That doesn't mean we should automatically give LoS a free-pass just because it was radically different from "igavania," you know.

I wasn't generalizing the members of this forum. I was referring to the "hardcore IGA fans" who cannot embrace change. There are very loud members on this forum who fit this description. I certainly did not mean to imply that EVERYONE on this forum is part of that group.

This is a forum for Castlevania. We should be able to have a thread on this forum where we can discuss Lords of Shadow, the most current home console installment of the series, which was and is very successful; without it turning into a roast of the games developer just because the game is different. It was made to be different from other CV's!

And I for one saw the CV4 inspiration in this game. It wasn't as much in the game play as it was in the vibe of the game. It had that classic more adult vibe to it, and not the anime cartoonish look. If other player's can't see that, that's too bad. I will repeat that my biggest complaint for LOS was the loss of whipping candles to get items.. Barrels just don't do it for me. That's my biggest gripe, and it's trivial.

MOF missed the mark by a long shot in my opinion. But I think we have every reason as CV fans to be excited for LOS2.

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Offline crisis

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But he got a lot of grief over the direction and probably got tired of hearing about how bad a job he was doing, so I can understand his frustration somewhat, being called on the carpet by nitpicky fans every other day.

Well that's the thing, he's in a position that those types of comments will come his way & he has to learn to deal with them accordingly. Blocking, and in some cases insulting those that have simple critiques isn't the right way to handle it, imo. It wasn't even necessarily the "direction" or "bad job he's doing" with Castlevania that makes him block people. It's simple QUESTIONS, and/or innocent criticisms. For example, our member Nagumo called him out on Twitter after he said (on more than 1 occasion, mind you) that Alucard & Trevor were NOT the same, in fact 2 different characters, immediately shooting down any speculation otherwise. When that proved to be obviously false, Nagumo tweeted "You said Trevor doesn't turn into Alucard! Liar liar pants on fire!".. guess what he did? He BLOCKED her. seriously, wtf? Was that really warranted? He couldn't have just said "haha yeah well i had to mislead you guys till the game came out, sorry! :)"

Shit like that is what rubs people the wrong way, and that's just 1 example. Araujo came under fire for calling Michiru Yamane's music too "feminine." Sure, that could just be his personal opinion, but when you're in that position dealing with thousands of fans, you have to learn how to word your opinions properly, so that you don't offend the fans that are BUYING YOUR GAME. There's been many interviews where MS/Cox say stuff like "We don't care about what other fans want or think, we're doing what we want, how we want." (not exactly in those words, but again, it's reading between the lines). But then turn around and say they want to "make our game like the classics, to appease the fans."

We should be able to have a thread on this forum where we can discuss Lords of Shadow, the most current home console installment of the series, which was and is very successful; without it turning into a roast of the games developer just because the game is different. It was made to be different from other CV's.

When IGA was the figurehead, there was non-stop roast fests of him and his metroidvanias on this very forum, as well as others. I remember all of it. People were insistent on calling him a detriment to the series, turning Castlevania into an anime-driven cheese-fest, even declaring him a sexist. Nowadays there's a new batch of fans calling Cox a detriment to the series, turning the series into a generic hodgepodge of GoW/SotC, disregarding the legacy, etc. And now people get mad at that, just how people got mad when they were saying those same insulting things about IGA. See where I'm getting at? You may not agree with it, but I hope you understand both developers have gotten their share of flack, unwarranted or otherwise. The only difference is IGA, in all his interviews, was and is a humble guy that loved communicating with the fans about several aspects of the series. Cox, on the other hand, isn't so humble (or doesn't appear to be). I'm not saying he should be just like IGA in his demeanor, but it would help if he'd stop trolling the fans on seemingly minor stuff like gameplay, "no QTE's," etc. 

And for the record, I'm highly anticipating LoS2 and loving the previews from the little we've seen (hell I'm in the minority here that liked MoF despite it's glaring flaws), just in case anybody thinks I'm needlessly bashing the LoS series and it's production team.

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I was too busy putting the mack on back in those days to be on a CV forum. But if that's really how it was, then I suppose you can empathize with some of these LOS fans on here, can't you?

It feels great to talk things out like this Crisis... If I could, I'd take you out for a beer right now!
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Offline Abnormal Freak

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lol, "I wuz too bizzy bangin' hoez, bro" is the funniest fucking statement I ever see on nerd-centered message boards.

By that I mean really damn redundant and asinine.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

Offline Inccubus

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Bottom line. Cox didn't save Castlevania from monotony. This is what this all amounts to anyway. Konami moved the series away from the monotony it was slipping into a before Cox got involved when decided to solicit new concepts for a more modern game.
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Offline DoctaMario

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Well that's the thing, he's in a position that those types of comments will come his way & he has to learn to deal with them accordingly. Blocking, and in some cases insulting those that have simple critiques isn't the right way to handle it, imo. It wasn't even necessarily the "direction" or "bad job he's doing" with Castlevania that makes him block people. It's simple QUESTIONS, and/or innocent criticisms. For example, our member Nagumo called him out on Twitter after he said (on more than 1 occasion, mind you) that Alucard & Trevor were NOT the same, in fact 2 different characters, immediately shooting down any speculation otherwise. When that proved to be obviously false, Nagumo tweeted "You said Trevor doesn't turn into Alucard! Liar liar pants on fire!".. guess what he did? He BLOCKED her. seriously, wtf? Was that really warranted? He couldn't have just said "haha yeah well i had to mislead you guys till the game came out, sorry! :)"

I think we can agree that Cox is thin-skinned, but Nagumo's response wasn't exactly mature, and I could see him not wanting to deal with that.  :P

Offline Belmontoya

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lol, "I wuz too bizzy bangin' hoez, bro" is the funniest fucking statement I ever see on nerd-centered message boards.

By that I mean really damn redundant and asinine.

Lighten up Freak  :rollseyes:. That was meant as a joke, however true. Asinine... Yes. But hey, I was a young teenage boy in those years. I still played every CV game and collected them all. But the last place you would have found me in those times would have been a forum. But I did frequent the CV Dungeon site in those days. Mostly just to read about games and look at fan fiction and art. I've always loved the fan made stuff, even back then.

Point is, I've been visiting this site for many years. I just didn't engage in the forum until a few years ago when I started creating my own fan fiction. 
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Offline Abnormal Freak

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It's just that most broz who use that line tend to be very disparaging and try to come across as hot shits who were too busy with girls and not being lame and chatting video games. If you didn't mean to say it that way or in that tone, my apologies. ;D
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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PERSONALLY, I would've preferred(and perhaps respect a little more) if they made the ogre(in the trailer and the boss) Balore instead of a typical "Ogre". I mean, they wouldn't even have to do much(just give him a raw eye that shoots lasers), as they can make it an HD version of DoS's Balore:

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - Balore

I mean, artistic wise and size, Balore and the Ogre look VERY similar:

I know they didn't call him Balore in LoS, but that was totally Balore. Giant ogre that stands at a distance and uses his hands to attack you. You slice up his eyes before ultimately defeating him. That's REALLY close. But yeah, he doesn't lazer eye you. Still, I always call him Balore when I play that stage.
Return to CastleVania

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I admit that I think this teaser still has some nice style to it, which could fit in well with Castlevania.
Also, Gabriel's pose at 1:15 seems rather Japanese to me. Holding out your hand, looking down at the floor (not at your opponent) and then doing a whip strike? That pleasantly overly dramatic display actually seems like something a character in an anime might do.

There simply wasn't enough shown for it to be fishy. I get that the ogre is a World of Warcraft looking enemy, but we had no idea that the game would be filled with those...

The more we saw, the more we were like, "Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh... WTF!?!?"

Im particularly fond of this version that somebody added CV music to. It just works so well.

Not this again.

LOL you guyz!

Laura and Gabriel arrive in the deepest cave of the castle and... they find IGA.

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Man that last page was straight outta 2009/2010.....ehhh what the hell.

Edit: Darn my inability to proofread.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 09:11:14 PM by Kingshango »

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I was too busy putting the mack on back in those days to be on a CV forum. But if that's really how it was, then I suppose you can empathize with some of these LOS fans on here, can't you?

It feels great to talk things out like this Crisis... If I could, I'd take you out for a beer right now!

Haha, this makes me laugh.
Do not presume that because people are posting on this board, they do not have social lives that they have going on.  Multitasking is the skill of the adult.

That kind of assumption reeks of junior high schoolyard mentality.  Knock it off.
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That Lords of Shadows 200 reveal, mirite?
Laura and Gabriel arrive in the deepest cave of the castle and... they find IGA.

Offline Belmontoya

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Haha, this makes me laugh.
Do not presume that because people are posting on this board, they do not have social lives that they have going on.  Multitasking is the skill of the adult.

That kind of assumption reeks of junior high schoolyard mentality.  Knock it off.

I'm glad it made you laugh. Because it was a joke.

I have never presumed anything about the social lives of any of the other members of this forum. It would seem hypocritical for me to make such a comment when I am on this forum myself, don't you think Jorge? Again, I was making a joke about when I was a young teenager. Multitasking is indeed the skill of an adult, being a parent, a student, and a full time union carpenter, I can attest to that. I have to trade sleep for every moment I get to work on compositions, or sprites.

My comment was lighthearted and in a good humor, which of course got blown way out of proportion. If you would prefer every debate over Mercury Steam and IGA to be hot headed and strictly partisan, then I can stay out of them. I was simply trying to lighten the mood.

The worst monsters are human.

