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You /=/ everybody

I don't think it's that unreasonable, so I'm not sure what the snide remark was about.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 06:07:57 AM by Nagumo »

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You /=/ everybody
I never implied I was.

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Then how do you know ?

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I'm glad it made you laugh. Because it was a joke.

I have never presumed anything about the social lives of any of the other members of this forum. It would seem hypocritical for me to make such a comment when I am on this forum myself, don't you think Jorge? Again, I was making a joke about when I was a young teenager. Multitasking is indeed the skill of an adult, being a parent, a student, and a full time union carpenter, I can attest to that. I have to trade sleep for every moment I get to work on compositions, or sprites.

My comment was lighthearted and in a good humor, which of course got blown way out of proportion. If you would prefer every debate over Mercury Steam and IGA to be hot headed and strictly partisan, then I can stay out of them. I was simply trying to lighten the mood.

Your comedic skills need work.
It is difficult to tell what is meant to be a joke and what was troll-like statement.

I appreciate you clarifying, however.

Bluuu...I've learned the hard way that sarcasm doesn't always translate to Twitter/internet. :P

Indeed, what comes off as sarcasm or humor to one, comes off as jerkass to another.  Just a matter of who is the member and who is the mod.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 06:45:19 AM by Jorge D. Fuentes »
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Lighten up Freak  :rollseyes:. That was meant as a joke, however true. Asinine... Yes. But hey, I was a young teenage boy in those years. I still played every CV game and collected them all. But the last place you would have found me in those times would have been a forum. But I did frequent the CV Dungeon site in those days. Mostly just to read about games and look at fan fiction and art. I've always loved the fan made stuff, even back then.

Point is, I've been visiting this site for many years. I just didn't engage in the forum until a few years ago when I started creating my own fan fiction.

I thought this clarified it sufficiently Jorge.

@Maedhros. I'm the guy who loves Classicvanias. I'm also the guy who says IGA made some really great games. I"ve said time and time again that I love SOTN, LOI, and Dawn of Sorrow. OOE is pretty good too. All I've said is that he made too many games that stuck to the same formula, and it became, well... too formulaic. Even the games I think are ones that could have been skipped are still good games.  That's all. And I actually like all of the 3D Castlevanias except for Curse of Darkness, which feels more like a Pokemon game or something. I guess you can consider Judgement a 3d Vania. I think that game is terrible just in general.

I think there's actually a lot we agree on Maedhros. I understand if LOS isn't your bag. I just think this game gets unfairly scrutinized. But hey, it really doesn't matter Maedhros. You love Castlevania, and so do I. If we disagree on one game that doesn't mean we don't agree on others. I think it's cool that your passionate about it.

Just wanted to let you know that while I disagree on LOS, you say a lot of things that I really agree with.

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Offline DoctaMario

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Except it's not, FOR ME. Like I've said, it's totally feels like I'm playing God of War. It doesn't really matters if it it haves some different moves, that's LoS trying to bring something to add it's own flavor, the characters still feels and plays like Kratos for me. Leon on the other hand was almost like a dancer, it reminds me a lot of DmC.

The second point is a bit stupid. It's impossible to completely separate your previous game experience from the new one. It HAS the name Castlevania attached to it, so it's a given that people will compare it to their previous experiences, at some point of the game. Like Crisis said, it relied on nostalgia on the PR, they said it would be like SCIV. It feels like NOTHING I've played in any Castlevania before, period (the only elements I can somewhat see from SCIV are the stages and whip swinging, even though it's automatic like in God of War).

Even when I approached the game from a perspective of an action game, it didn't do nothing for me. The name Castlevania, for me, is attached to exploration and action platforming. LoS is a pure ACTION game. The elements of "platforming" that are on the game are fucking terrible, I didn't liked that in GoW or Uncharted or other moderns games who uses it, why would I be liking them here? I also don't like the stylish combat approach.

I'm not saying that the game should be like the older entries, AT ALL. I simply didn't like what it did, just like I didn't like LoI, CoD, CV64 and other entries of the series.

My point in bringing up the combat in LoI was to say that the influence on LoS' combat didn't come out of left field. The system of combos and such, the button layout, etc, are similar. Sure there are GoW influences, no one's saying there aren't. But the combat engine itself is very similar to what was used in LoI. That's the point I was trying to make.

I also wasn't saying that LoS should be completely separated from the previous games, and it's not if you know the influences. But like I said, it WAS classified as a reboot, so obviously it's going to be quite a bit different from its predecessors, regardless of what kinds of name-checking they do of previous games/characters. The reason it doesn't feel like anything you've played in Castlevania before is because it plays quite a bit like the previous 3D installments in many ways. Games you admittedly don't like and probably haven't spent much time on, which is why I imagine a lot of the elements of LoS seem alien to you.

It sounds to me like you don't really like 3D action games, and that's fine. But it would be like me going in and saying how terrible I think Final Fantasy games are when I'm not really all that into RPGs. In my mind, LoS is the best 3D 'vania we've gotten to date, and the 64 games are among my favorite games of all time. Is LoS the most original game ever created? No. But they did a good job of taking elements used in previous CV games and melding them with new and different influences, which is exactly what Symphony did, and exactly what LoI did.

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Am I the only one with that sentiment?

Absolutely not. I actually prefer the more elegant look that Kojima brought to the series, as it struck an interesting balance, and at least for SotN the game didn't compromise any gothic appeal with it's in game art. This cannot be said as much for the GBA entries and certainly the DS entries were even worse in this aspect.

On the other hand, Mercurysteam felt that Castlevania wasn't dudebro enough, so they need to add in protagonists with HULKING MUSCLES and lots of enemies with BOOBS. THE MORE THE BETTER. Cause those are direct indicators of how MATURE a game is, bro. And GENERIC MATURE DUDEBRO games are totally better than anything wussy and girly like those stupid other games. Right, bro?

Offline jestercolony

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On the other hand, Mercurysteam felt that Castlevania wasn't dudebro enough, so they need to add in protagonists with HULKING MUSCLES and lots of enemies with BOOBS. THE MORE THE BETTER. Cause those are direct indicators of how MATURE a game is, bro. And GENERIC MATURE DUDEBRO games are totally better than anything wussy and girly like those stupid other games. Right, bro?

...And yet you forget about the artwork from the old 80s early 90s titles ;) js....

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On the other hand, Mercurysteam felt that Castlevania wasn't dudebro enough, so they need to add in protagonists with HULKING MUSCLES and lots of enemies with BOOBS. THE MORE THE BETTER. Cause those are direct indicators of how MATURE a game is, bro. And GENERIC MATURE DUDEBRO games are totally better than anything wussy and girly like those stupid other games. Right, bro?

bro 8)
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

Offline Belmontoya

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I would like to see an actual game called SUPER DUDEBROS where you play as DUDEBRO and it's totally geared towards the more mature audience.

This sounds like a home run formula to me bra!
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Offline jestercolony

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Offline Abnormal Freak

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I would like to see an actual game called SUPER DUDEBROS where you play as DUDEBRO and it's totally geared towards the more mature audience.

This sounds like a home run formula to me bra!
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

Offline Briraka

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Hahaha! I'm so happy that really exists!
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Offline Abnormal Freak

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It's been plenty of years in the making, so here's hoping that (a) it's out soon, and that (b) it'll be good.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

