I know it's way off topic at this point, but because of where i have to live, i have to get my DL anyhow.
Gotta be able to drive, i'm too far in the sticks to not drive.
And yeah that's pretty much what i'm dealing with, big ideas i can't fallow through with.
But i'm going to keep working on graphics and so forth, maybe someone will come on along, see the effort i'm already putting into it, and basically go "wow, i would love to help".
Biggest issue at the moment, is reading all these tutorials and not even getting some things, some things just keep going right over my head.
That's how i was in school, in fact the only subject i was good with was reading and science and art when i was in school, science a lot of things you could just try out and it helped you learn.
I'm the same way now, i learn by doing, not by reading.. which is why i learn more from what people have done and being able to look at it, VS reading things until i'm blue in the face.
I'm rying to design graphics based around the areas you will be visiting.
Like for instance, at one point you have to go into a haunted nightclub, i'm trying to take a theme from CV and make it sound like techno or dance music for that area.
You're also going to go into a factory outside the city, planning to use the Iron Blue Intention for that area, since you're going to deal with haunted machines and dead factory workers.
Planning also for a chapel that you stop in thinking it's a safe haven like most of the chapels and churches in the city, only to find out everyone is dead and they end up coming at you anyhow.
Going to have you visit a city park at night as well.
Got all kinds of ideas for some areas you would not get to visit otherwise if my game was based on any other time period.
There's more you can do with a modern era, that you can't with the same motif CV fan games keep going with.
Which is why Castlevania bloodlines is my favorite, you never would get to go through the leaning tower of pizza if they stuck with dracula's castle.