name a situation you could be in any situation literally any situation where the odds are against you or anything where a lightsaber WOULDN'T come in handy it's just the most efficient tool anyone can have sure you can name giant guns that can tear holes in the fabric of space & time but the negatives far outweigh the positives in weapons such as those such as weight of said weapon reload time X brought up a Proton Pack but prolonged use would destroy your back and wear you out especially if you're out of shape whereas if you were surrounded by vicious animals and men in heavy armor but all you had was a lightsaber well do i even have to say who would win
if terra had a lightsaber then the entire conflict of FF6 will be over in no time if you yes you X Dracula9 VladCT MooningFreddy Munchy NeoBelmont no exceptions were transported anytime in the past be it the Crusades or World War 2 and all you had was a lightsaber then you would literally csingle handedly conquer the world prove me wrong
just admit that the lightsaber is by far the best weapon anyone could ever have