I was never asking people here for money. I'm just saying why I'm not releasing it, it's my work and I can choose to release it or not. I didn't make this to "fill my pockets", that's a pretty bold assumption. I thought some people might appreciate what I did, I guess that's not what this forum is about.
It seemed pretty clear to me that you're looking for prospective buyers. Otherwise, you'd have no reason to post about it here, or anywhere for the matter.
For appreciation to happen, you must let people
appreciate it. And guess how Castlevania fans/players appreciate a Castlevania game?
Yeah brighty boy, by
playing it. Not watching some gameplay. True appreciation for players comes from playing games. Videogames are an interactive medium, and appreciation for it comes from interacting with it. That's exactly why games are sold as games, and not as gameplay movies.
Then you start a little semantics play to look smart and honest. A failed atempt.
From the look of things this is a forum of trolls who complain when they don't get what they want. From the way you talk you must be a master at hacking nintendo games. Sorry my work need to be at your par to be worthy of even posting it here.
And who told you we want your game, again?
The only one trolling here is you.
"HURR DURR here I haz this game but imma not let you play it if u not give me moneh." "Wat? Me, azking foh muny? NO NO I nevah said dat! Wat u taking me foh, mofo?"
You know very well we like playing games and we take interest in exploring new things fans have made, yet you take this instance. "You don't need to cross this bridge, you can just look at it. But if you want to cross it, you have to pay me the tool". You're failing at trolling too it seems.
And one more thing: Some of us are not only "Nintendo hackers" but full fledged videogame developers. I'm INDEED a master at hacking Nintendo games, from ASM hacking to music composing using hex, palette editing, sprite editing, debugging, patching, etc etc etc. Your hack is not that good, and you should take a more humble instance before coming here asking people for their money FOR SOMETHING THAT'S NOT EVEN YOURS. It may be legal, but it SURE AS FUCK is not ethical.
All we want from you is to be more humble and to not go the unethical ways. Ever heard of any "nintendo hacker" making money with hacked ROMs? The hacking community frowns HEAVILY upon this, and you seem to not know why.