belmont warlord chromosones, bro. the belmonts got their power from centuries of monster hunting & pure will. they were only accepted into society again after the church discovered Trevor & he defeated Dracula
I've always had that as an idea as well. It makes sense that it's been a tradition that the Belmonts have been vampire/demon hunters since BEFORE Trevor(and LONG before Trevor).
And personally, I'm still biased regarding Trevor being the first Belmont to kill Dracula. It just fits better that way. Even with Leon written into the mix, it doesn't retcon Trevor being the first, as Leon doesn't even fight Dracula(let alone "KILL" him). And while LoI isn't my ideal origin story, it kept CV3 sacred(which I think is the REAL reason IGA hates Legends retconned Trevor being the first Belmont defeating Dracula, and IGA seems really fanboyish over CV3, which he's said on occasions to be his favorite), as well as established a time period where the Belmonts(who were already knights) could hone their demon/vampire hunting skills for centuries BEFORE CV3. Again, I like to think the Belmont's skills to battle evil is their own, not related(by blood) to Dracula(who is their ancestor, but isn't... hehehe). It just makes matters more interesting. The Belmonts are badass because they just are. They aren't BORN into a family of magical vampire blood, hence are super-human. They work their ASSES off fighting evil and that MAKES them super-human.
I think the whole, "It's because... THIS" theory seems like a cop out. It's the same as the whole, "The reason Cloud is super strong in every FFVII game/story is because.... (Final Fantasy VII and Compilation Spoilers)
JENOVA CELLS!". Even after he was rid of Jenova cells, people are still trying to say he everything is BECAUSE of the experimentation. It's not because, maybe, he has a natural gift? He sure as hell didn't have any Jenova cells within him when he skewered Sephiroth's ass and tossed him into the mako pit like a rag doll. And by the end of Advent Children, he was completely purged of Geostigma(and his remaining Jenova cells), but still managed to pull of super-human moves and bested Sephiroth in the end. For me, it's not THE reason he's so good, it's a contributing factor(one of many). There should be no THE REASON. I think when people try to scrape up the easiest reason as being the definitive answer, it's lazy. While I might not care for Advent Children, one of the ideas it brought up was interesting. Rufus says something about how it doesn't matter how many Jenovas or Sephiroths will come at the planet, the planet will retaliate each and every time(as in, it will make beings capable of fighting the threats; purely natural warriors).
Yeah, I think the same way. The bosses in a videogame are my favorite part, and in a Castlevania game, since the first games, they ARE my favorite element of the game.
Whenever I would think up a fan CV idea, after the initial plot idea, the first main thing I'd think up is what bosses I'd love to include! In video games, bosses are ALWAYS a highlight, and Castlevania is no exeption. It's the reason I(among others HERE, and I know for a fact because of it we are all kindred spirits) always stay tuned, eyes peeled and ears to the web when a new CV is released(did it for LoS, MoF and LoS2, despite not liking them much) JUST to get a list of what bosses will be featured in the games.