The soundtrack to the first two GB CVs has been my favorite roadtripping CD for many years. Unfortunately, I don't roadtrip too often anymore. :/
In reply to the topic, I think the article wrongfully asserts that all those games suffer because of their platform. That states the painfully obvious while missing the point of those games entirely. Any game could be prettier or have higher sound quality or whatever, if it was on a more powerful system. Duh. But that doesn't mean the gameplay suffers. Who cares if enemies aren't very detailed? Compared to the SNES, sprites on the NES are underdetailed, and even moreso compared to the PSX, PS2, and PS3. Duh.
The point of the Gameboy was to make portable gaming a realistic possibility, and it did that very well. (Why it beat out the Lynx and Game Gear, which did this so much better, is another story...but it's an off-topic story.) Kid Icarus on the GB was a worthy portable version of the NES original. Same with Belmont's Revenge and Megaman V. That was the point of those games, and they did what they were designed to do very well.