Diablo III despite the long years and massive disaster its original PC launch was, was able to recover, cause 1. Blizzard is rich 2. it didnt launch console versions, so by the time they fixed it, console masses had better 1st impressions than the PC crowd 3. its already a very established and popular IP.
ROTN has none of those advantages. the dev team doesn't have the mainstream fanbase backing, Bloodstained has yet to start its IGAvania legacy, and there is little confidence in the launch version.
dunno how much impact a 2019 ROTN can make, especially with people more nitpicky than during the PS1 days.
and the thing is, SOTN is too overrated , even if ROTN surpasses that bar, the conservatives will not see it, because like FFVII fans and and Resident Evil 2 fans, they refuse to acknowledge even superior games that are not remakes of their overrated game that made the most nostalgic impact to them back then .
yea people have to wait regardless, but unlike something like Code Vein, ROTN just doesn't have the more open qualities other genres like soulsborne have. its stuck with the IGAvania recipe that even with innovations, inherits the weaknesses the genre has (like flat 2D exploration, dumb enemies, shoebox level design, overall on the easy side and gets easier, no true co-op, combat is simplistic, its intrigue wears off after its all said and done, and other igavania weaknesses. )
it will sure have more lastability than COTM, though ROTN getting pushed to 2019, like how is that really gonna make a profound difference?
sure adding more modes to the base game can help, though it's an IGAvania, as demanded as the genre is , it sure is not a phenomenon of a genre.
so I dunno if this 3rd and 4th quarters games scared them to 2019 like it did to Code Vein, but I think Code Vein is going to have more vast improvements to the game than whatever they do to ROTN.
igavanias really typically aren't triple digit hour games, most people get tired of them after one or two playthroughs. people are gonna 200% it in less than 2 days.