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« Reply #585 on: May 19, 2017, 12:24:08 PM »
Dracula represents in the EARTH what Satan represents in the HELL. Right? two opposite evil forces, each one in this plane.
Lets not compare each other, as well that we must not compare Lecarde Chronicles's with the canons because isnt the purpose of this game.

This game is beautiful and good enought to have HIS OWN storyline and parallel universe. So, lets not muddy this topic with these discussions, ok?

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« Reply #586 on: May 19, 2017, 02:24:22 PM »
Just thought I'd chime in again and say that "Satan" is called "Maou" in Japan, which literally means Demon King. Now what title does Dracula have? Exactly. So in the Japanese version, you could argue that he's called Satan Dracula.
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« Last Edit: May 19, 2017, 04:52:20 PM by Jop »

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« Reply #588 on: May 19, 2017, 05:09:49 PM »
this is all just fans saying what they think a few words thrown together proves nothing even if in writing it would put Dracula over Satan. still don't mater because the makers of Castlevania never put that much thinking into it game Co. never do it's the fans like yourself that try to make scents of it. sorry still proves nothing thanks for trying tho it will always be up in the air that's a fact. not saying your 100% wrong or right i'm just saying we will never know.


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From AKUMAJO DENSETSU (I cut this one because the plot is enormous, and kept only the important part):

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Note on the above: The "demon" that keeps being mentioned to have been made a pact with is specified at the beginning to be the "dark evil god" of unspecified nature. And no, the "dark evil god" is not Satan. More on that at the end.


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And that without mentioning other specific descriptions for Dracula calling him "incarnation of evil", "root of evil", "evil god", etc. It is constantly driven home the point that Dracula is the greatest evil on the Castlevania universe. Later games in the series go further than simply calling Dracula "Demon King" though, and explicitly say he sits on a throne atop the dark world (SotN), all demons are below him (Judgment), that he holds the power to command the forces of darkness and is the opposite of god (Aria/Dawn) and so on and so forth. It's a crushing amount of evidence.

About "Satan":

The Japanese term used to refer to Dracula most frequently is "Maō". This term is commonly understood in Japan to mean "Satan" because it is the Japanese word for a given entity representing the "ultimate evil". Its literal translation is "Demon King/Demon Lord", but yeah, it means Satan.

So, "Satan" is never mentioned because Dracula IS "Satan". "Satan" is an honorific, and on Castlevania, it belongs to Count Dracula (and later, after Dracula is dead, it is up for grabs). Whatever kinda pact Dracula made, it turned him into the opposite of god. In this sense, you could say Satan is mentioned all the time -- he's the star of the series. To put it into another perspective: Everytime you see the words "Dark Lord", it was the translation for Japanese's "Satan". If you replace every instance of "Dark Lord" with "Satan", it will be the same thing.

I get the confusion as it requires a bit of knowledge about how translations work. I also understand that western Castlevania manuals are in huge part to blame for this. But there's not excuse anymore. I shouldn't even be saying anything because I'm being extremelly redundant -- two people have already explained in detail what Dracula is.

Also, I commend Mig and Belmontoya for not stepping on the toes of the official canon. They managed to do their own lore and remain respectful to all fans of the series. They have their own villains, but whenever Dracula is mentioned, he is never diminished as a servant to no one.

Dracula represents in the EARTH what Satan represents in the HELL. Right?

Nope. Still on that note: When a place called "Hell" appeared on the series (Order of Ecclesia), Dracula was also de lord of it, literally sitting at its throne.

Reiterating: Dracula is Satan. He may not be "Lucifer", but he does hold the position Lucifer would (that of "Satan").
Director of that one 1999 fangame that is not out yet.

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« Reply #589 on: May 19, 2017, 05:33:06 PM »
Reiterating: Dracula is Satan. He may not be "Lucifer", but he does hold the position Lucifer would (that of "Satan").

Given "Satan" derives from "Shayṭtān," and the Shayṭtān was not a singular species/entity, this is an absurdly simple way to explain it.

(Although, the Shayṭtān were subservient to Big Honcho Iblis, making them a powerful but still lesser species, but this is another aspect not entirely relevant to this context)

Also, I commend Mig and Belmontoya for not stepping on the toes of the official canon. They managed to do their own lore and remain respectful to all fans of the series. They have their own villains, but whenever Dracula is mentioned, he is never diminished as a servant to no one.

SO much this. That shit ain't easy.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2017, 05:34:59 PM by Dracula9 »

Trøllabundin eri eg, inn í hjartarót.

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« Reply #590 on: May 19, 2017, 06:05:08 PM »

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From AKUMAJO DENSETSU (I cut this one because the plot is enormous, and kept only the important part):

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Note on the above: The "demon" that keeps being mentioned to have been made a pact with is specified at the beginning to be the "dark evil god" of unspecified nature. And no, the "dark evil god" is not Satan. More on that at the end.


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And that without mentioning other specific descriptions for Dracula calling him "incarnation of evil", "root of evil", "evil god", etc. It is constantly driven home the point that Dracula is the greatest evil on the Castlevania universe. Later games in the series go further than simply calling Dracula "Demon King" though, and explicitly say he sits on a throne atop the dark world (SotN), all demons are below him (Judgment), that he holds the power to command the forces of darkness and is the opposite of god (Aria/Dawn) and so on and so forth. It's a crushing amount of evidence.

About "Satan":

The Japanese term used to refer to Dracula most frequently is "Maō". This term is commonly understood in Japan to mean "Satan" because it is the Japanese word for a given entity representing the "ultimate evil". Its literal translation is "Demon King/Demon Lord", but yeah, it means Satan.

So, "Satan" is never mentioned because Dracula IS "Satan". "Satan" is an honorific, and on Castlevania, it belongs to Count Dracula (and later, after Dracula is dead, it is up for grabs). Whatever kinda pact Dracula made, it turned him into the opposite of god. In this sense, you could say Satan is mentioned all the time -- he's the star of the series. To put it into another perspective: Everytime you see the words "Dark Lord", it was the translation for Japanese's "Satan". If you replace every instance of "Dark Lord" with "Satan", it will be the same thing.

I get the confusion as it requires a bit of knowledge about how translations work. I also understand that western Castlevania manuals are in huge part to blame for this. But there's not excuse anymore. I shouldn't even be saying anything because I'm being extremelly redundant -- two people have already explained in detail what Dracula is.

Also, I commend Mig and Belmontoya for not stepping on the toes of the official canon. They managed to do their own lore and remain respectful to all fans of the series. They have their own villains, but whenever Dracula is mentioned, he is never diminished as a servant to no one.

Nope. Still on that note: When a place called "Hell" appeared on the series (Order of Ecclesia), Dracula was also de lord of it, literally sitting at its throne.

Reiterating: Dracula is Satan. He may not be "Lucifer", but he does hold the position Lucifer would (that of "Satan").

Again, very much this. It's very uplifting to see people knowing their lore. The only thing I have to add - I always thought of the Demon Castle has Hell itself, given that Dracula reigns over it and that the last area of the Castle in Stolen Seal/Order of Ecclesia is flat out called "Gates of Hell" and guarded, sometimes by a statue, sometimes by the actual Cerberus, the three-headed dog demon of Hell/Hades. So this only drives the point further home that in Castlevania proper, Satan is the title and Dracula holds it. Dracula is Satan, Satan is Dracula.

But to get back to the topic of LC2 proper, I really liked the game and look forward to playing the hell out of it some more times. That shit was thoroughly good. Now if only the MIDIs would be made public...
"It's not that I don't love to run into the heart of danger... Actually, that's exactly it."
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« Reply #591 on: May 21, 2017, 03:17:22 AM »
You miss one HP Max up

I encountered similar one at the entrance of Path of Untruth; is the max up still accessible after boss beaten? Or it requires certain button combination/extra condition?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 03:30:23 AM by Aceearly1993 »
"Did you know when one's most desperation time is? It's when he was beaten up by someone critically...
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« Reply #592 on: May 21, 2017, 09:21:47 AM »
Please, can someone post here the 100% map of the castle? i'm stuck in 99% even after finishing the game.

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« Reply #593 on: May 21, 2017, 02:10:13 PM »
I encountered similar one at the entrance of Path of Untruth; is the max up still accessible after boss beaten? Or it requires certain button combination/extra condition?

I think you can obtain after you beat the boss, but im not sure if this is the way to obtain it, when you go to the altar, i think you need to enter from the right path you will hear a weird sound, its sound like a laser, you will know its something weird, im not sure if that part of the area, when you hear that go to the warp of the area and go to the 4 seasons, when you go there lisent the music, if its the music of the drop you will know you make it, just be warning, make that in a place where the item dont get stuck, if you find a way to obtain the max up in the path of untruth and know what to do tell me i will love to try to reach 1000hp XD.

Please, can someone post here the 100% map of the castle? i'm stuck in 99% even after finishing the game.

I make a map that have all the item and some helps of the areas:

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« Reply #594 on: May 21, 2017, 04:04:36 PM »
I think you can obtain after you beat the boss, but im not sure if this is the way to obtain it, when you go to the altar, i think you need to enter from the right path you will hear a weird sound, its sound like a laser, you will know its something weird, im not sure if that part of the area, when you hear that go to the warp of the area and go to the 4 seasons, when you go there lisent the music, if its the music of the drop you will know you make it, just be warning, make that in a place where the item dont get stuck, if you find a way to obtain the max up in the path of untruth and know what to do tell me i will love to try to reach 1000hp XD.

I make a map that have all the item and some helps of the areas:

That is the map to end all maps. I love how this game came out like, what, a month ago, and already fans, of a fan-game, are so dedicated to build on it. The Castlevania-fandom is awesome.
"It's not that I don't love to run into the heart of danger... Actually, that's exactly it."
"Individualism is a path fraught with obstacles, and sometimes angry mobs, but for all its hardships it is the only one worth taking."

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« Reply #595 on: May 21, 2017, 05:31:08 PM »
I think you can obtain after you beat the boss, but im not sure if this is the way to obtain it, when you go to the altar, i think you need to enter from the right path you will hear a weird sound, its sound like a laser, you will know its something weird, im not sure if that part of the area, when you hear that go to the warp of the area and go to the 4 seasons, when you go there lisent the music, if its the music of the drop you will know you make it, just be warning, make that in a place where the item dont get stuck, if you find a way to obtain the max up in the path of untruth and know what to do tell me i will love to try to reach 1000hp XD.

As what I know, the laser sound it sounds just like the noise that you activated the path to final battle area, the path would be automatically opened but Still don't know what kind of specific conditions are; There're also reports that the glitch would erase Anna V.V battle flag if you catch the max up dropped at Path of Untruth entrance and if you didn't beat Anna V.V, then the bestiary of Anna V.V can't be recorded unless you edit save file...

I had lots of fun when finding the glitch/"inner(reads normally inaccessible) settings" in the game and collecting information through reports in the world;

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« Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 05:50:01 PM by Aceearly1993 »
"Did you know when one's most desperation time is? It's when he was beaten up by someone critically...
And he can't find who caused this."

Offline eryson

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« Reply #596 on: May 22, 2017, 08:46:32 AM »
I think you can obtain after you beat the boss, but im not sure if this is the way to obtain it, when you go to the altar, i think you need to enter from the right path you will hear a weird sound, its sound like a laser, you will know its something weird, im not sure if that part of the area, when you hear that go to the warp of the area and go to the 4 seasons, when you go there lisent the music, if its the music of the drop you will know you make it, just be warning, make that in a place where the item dont get stuck, if you find a way to obtain the max up in the path of untruth and know what to do tell me i will love to try to reach 1000hp XD.

I make a map that have all the item and some helps of the areas:

This map is awesome. thanks jop.
Is this the map used by beta testers?

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« Reply #597 on: May 22, 2017, 10:24:42 AM »
I did it.

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« Reply #598 on: May 24, 2017, 02:23:11 PM »
Here is the complete OST for those of you who are interested!

It is in the OGG format Mig used for the game. You will need to play it in a player that can read OGG files and loop tracks.

I will not have time to do my youtube videos as I had hoped to do. I will spend that time working on our next project instead.

If anyone wants to help get this stuff posted on the interwebs feel free. I suggest looping each track a couple times and fading out. Just give credits and plug the game! Thanks!

I've never shared a folder publicly with dropbox so if there are security problems or anything I will have to take this post down quickly. Hopefully it works. Thanks everyone! Enjoy!

« Last Edit: May 24, 2017, 02:57:54 PM by Belmontoya »
The worst monsters are human.

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« Reply #599 on: May 24, 2017, 03:05:30 PM »