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Offline Crying Freeman

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Blue Angelo: Angels from the Shrine
« on: September 01, 2015, 07:43:04 PM »
I remember years ago seeing a clip of what looked like a great SOTN style game! It had a different look though: It was very colorful and had a very dreamy-space-fantasy look to it, with your main character (a blue humanoid thing) attacking with a staff. It was called "Blue Angelo". I searched for a bit, found out it was a GP32 game. I wanted to play it so bad that I wanted the handheld (too young for my own money at the time :rollseyes:)

I remembered the game tonight after GP32 was brought up online, and just looked it up for curiosity sake... no videos... anywhere. Just about 0.5% information on the web about this game, but I did discover a few things:

Developed in the UK by Virtual Spaghetti, and published by Shibuya Interactive (the first and only game for both companies). I also found out it was released for the GBA later on. The game was only released in Europe.

The game is in English, but other European languages as well I assume. I can easily find the GP32 rom online, but no GBA rom in sight. Its a really intruiging game, and I've seen others on forums posting small bits about it. I know this is like 0 chance, but does ANYONE know about this game?

