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Offline Belmont legacy

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Tech wizards needed, please
« on: July 30, 2018, 12:39:39 PM »
Hey everyone, I am in dire advice of some tech advice for recording videos, capturing footage from different game systems, and editing them. Now, I currently have a channel and do let's plays (Cosmic Kaiju) however I can only record using my PS4, then render/edit them using sharefactory, and record my voice using a Sony headset however I want to be able to Branch out more than just PS4 and PS2 ports of games. I want to do other systems, including all the Castlevania games on my channel but I have absolutely 0 knowledge on software, computers, etc. I have no idea what size of ram, storage, editing software, brand of PC, etc. I have no idea how to build a PC either. Can anyone please, please give some advice on where to start? It would be more than appreciated and I will also give you a shout out on my channel. Please and thank you.
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