Hey guys.
There's a new forum feature that I've stealthily installed... and that's the Member Awards and Achievements.
But, I need your help. Yes, you.
The table below shows some of the awards/achievements I've created. However, you guys can help by pitching for new categories and awards, and pick a small picture in the format given (it's usually 24x24) for the mini-award.
Awards can be based on post count, or they can be individually assigned (by mods) upon request. I encourage you guys to be creative and pick Castlevania style sprites for the award.
If you think someone should be nominated for an award, send a PM to any one of the mods (or myself) with whom should receive an award, and why.
Awards show up on the left side of a person's information when they make a post (the mini-graphic does, anyway).
Feel free to use graphics from any CV title that has sprites. Let's make this a more fun place.
Image | Mini Image | Name | Description | |
| | The Unfazed | Never loses his/her calm, even in the most heated arguments. | |
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| | The Trollmeister | The Trollmeister: Knows just the right thing to say to tick you off, sometimes. | |
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| | The Town Crier | Town Crier: Updates the forum with many news items, often not even Castlevania. | |
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| | The Retro Gamer | The Retro Gamer: Has a heated passion for the oldschool VG Titles. | |
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| | The Pervert | The Pervert: Sneaks in any and all innuendo into threads that he/she can. | |
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| | The Peacekeeper | Capable of resolving arguments/fights peacefully without mod/admin intervention. | |
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| | The Hack Master | Hack Master makes creations out of CV parts. (S)he makes Dr. Frankenstein proud. | |
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| | The Great Defender | The Great Defender will always defend the object of his or her fandom. | |
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| | The Great Collector | The Great Collector: Has a seemingly obscene amount of Castlevania memorabilia. | |
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| | The Artist | The Artist: Designs copious amounts of assorted artwork. | |
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| | SuperOld Dungeonite | SuperOld Dungeonite: Members who have been around since the oldOLD days. | |
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| | Permanent Resident | Permanent Resident: Seems to always be around to post/reply. | |
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| | One-Time Show | One-Time Show: Not quite a lurker, but posts infrequently and in only few areas. | |
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| | Master Debater | Master Debater: Argues 'til the cows come home about just about anything. | |
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| | Lurker | Lurker: Spies on from afar, rarely interacting with the general populace. | |
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| | ICVD Denizen | ICVD Denizen: Those that dwell in the corrupted, mirror image of The Dungeon. | |
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| | Chief Conductor | A great musician and composer of various melodies both original and game-based. | |
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New awards Sindra created:


Unmovable Object: Will make a staunch stand on one subject and never, ever budge.


The Flame Demon: Will heatedly and viciously hate any that draw his/her ire, often with little provocation.


The Snarker: A master of sarcasm whose words often drip with satire and cynicism.


The Purist: Seeks to keep their game or fandom free of any and all changes they deem "unfaithful".


The Guardian: Comes to the defense and aid of the community, regardless of personal opinions.