That is absolutely true Shiroi. And the sad thing (to my knowledge) is that you can't tell if someone has just imported midi files to the DAW's used or not, at least, not
exactly. Some of the bigger things to listen for is variation IMO. If you hear something that sounds note for note the same as an original track, then its more likely to be just a midi import. But when you hear different instruments, sections, additions then it's going to lean more towards someone actually grinding out the track. For me (not that my opinion is more than shite

) when it comes to doing a track, it says more for what you can do to improve on it, in your own way. Sure, it sounds sick as hell to hear something we've heard all our lives go from 8-bit to orchestra libraries over 50 gigs lol, but it gives more of a draw when you can put your own stamp on it. But on the same token, it's also important to know what songs need to be left alone. There are just some tracks that no matter what you do to them/with them, it still wont come out right. Those are usually the ones you need to leave as is lol. That's what i try to do when i make these. I want to stay very true to the original as possible, but at the same time throw my twist on it so that in a blind test listeners would be like, "yep, that's a BMC_War Machine track".