Yeah, I'm kind of really fond of those games. Though it pains my heart to see what a wasted opportunity they are.
Y'see, while I love me my Classicvanias, Metroidvanias other than SotN kinda-sorta lose me. Couple that with neither owning a PS2 nor owning a PC powerful enough to emulate PS2 well back in the day, and I was really behind on Castlevania. I *read* about the plots of the newer games and... well, I wasn't really impressed.
Hence why I couldn't care less for all the stuff they "got wrong" (as far as I'm concerned, they just felt it wasn't good and changed it around; some of the changes worked, others didn't). To me, Lords of Shadow 1 looked like exactly what I wanted Castlevania to be - more or less a modernized take on a classic formula - a linear action-adventure game in which you play as a badass warrior whose last name is Belmont, with Dracula at the end. And when I finally got to play it, that's pretty much what it was. Even if the soundtrack was very different (but still good: Oscar Araujo did a grand job on it) and it was trying very hard to be a Hollywood movie (some of the vampire castle locations remind me of Van Helsing, which goes well with Gabriel kinda looking like Hugh Jackman). And the story was kind of stupid with the God mask being the red herring all along. And yes, I do vastly prefer Dracula being a Belmont to Dracula being some guy who's neither a Belmont nor Vlad Tepes.
Mirror of Fate I didn't play until after LoS2 and initially I was less than impressed. It's trying to play both sides against the middle and doesn't do very well as a metroidvania, but eh... okay. Whatevs. Story-wise, as always, we get the elements that appear right the hell outta nowhere (like, y'know, the Mirror Spirit) and go right the hell nowhere. As with the last game, I actually like the streamlined approach to Alucard. Adrian's origins never really made sense to me, especially if the Matthias!Dracula's origins are taken into consideration. I get that Matthias was retconned in, but it only made it all more needlessly convoluted and silly. I also liked Simon's redesign in this game, taking Kojima's redheaded hunter and combining him with the original barbarian image so he doesn't look like someone who just escaped from a BDSM club (I will forever call Kojima's design "BDSimon" for I despise it very much).
Lords of Shadow 2... oh sweet merciful Christ, talk about all the potential wasted. It oozes from the game. There are lots of story ideas that could carry fully-fledged games on their own and none of them go anywhere (Dracula trying to find a way to off himself? Dracula's castle rebelling against him? Dracula taking a nap and awakening in modern times? Or in the future? Dracula vs Satan? Each of these could be fleshed out and carry a game on its own if given proper attention; none of them were). The graphics are the great last hurrah for the 7th gen with beautiful art direction (especially in the castle parts)... that clashes wildly with the parts that were blatanlty designed by someone else. The music... yeah, the music and gameplay mechanics are the only things that are consistently good, Oscar Araujo is still great.
But the story. The unfocused, over- and underwritten Frankenstein's monster of a story is just a pile of awful mess that, despite the devs knowing that it'll be their last CV game, fails to provide an entertaining journey and a satisfying closure to the trilogy. Everybody is an idiot (other than Alucard, he suddenly turns into a freaking Machiavelli), Dracula is far too angsty and not arrogant enough (he should consult Kain on how a vampire overlord protagonist should behave), Victor is cool, only he dies for no reason, Satan is an idiot who gets gutted by the
Vampire Killer near a pizza joint and the non-ending leaves a metric frakton of questions never to be answered. Such as:
- What the funk and wagnal was that about the castle? Is it real? is it in his head? It seems to be in his head but then Alucard can suddenly travel there too? And what the flipping hell is up with Maria?
- Why can Vampire Killer kill Satan? Seriously, it's never explained or alluded to.
- So what, Dracula doesn't want to off himself now?
- Was Trevor an illusion or was it Alucard? If it's Alucard, then how can he do that?
- What's up with Alucard being stronger than Dracula, even
after he defeated Inner Dracula?
And I can go on and on and on, but you get the point. The writing is stupid and horrible and practically buries the game and the few genuinely awesome moments ("I am his Chosen One!") are buried by all the idiocy that's going on. What a shame. This really could be something special.
I can't exactly get angry at the games because it's not the games' fault they were built that way. It is the fault of those who made the games that need to take responsibility for their incompetence and the irreversible damage they've done. But this is north America. And most game designers over here don't care much about polishing a product as they do about making money. Bethesda game studios is a good example of this sad, ever-growing trend.
MercurySteam is a Spanish developer.
Also, Bethsoft produces GOTY candidate after GOTY candidate, what are you talking about?