Sprite Trophy Award ContestOctober 2014:
Winner - The Plot Twist

October Entries:
Award for Music Contests/ 2nd Place

3rd Place:




November 2014 Winner - ThePlotTwistDracula End Boss Design (Original)November 2014 Entries:
Dracula 9
2nd Place:
3rd Place:

ZeroSabreGreen (unfinished):


December 2014 - Design your own foods!Winner:Jop - Blood Pack 
Blood Pack:
For a Vampire this is the better way to restore the afflection in the body, its heal a lot, for a human its only to replinish the blood losed, its Universal 0.

Soul Bottle Animated:

Left to Right:
Blood Pack:
For a Vampire this is the better way to restore the afflection in the body, its heal a lot, for a human its only to replinish the blood losed, its Universal 0.
Soup Demon Teeths:
this teeths have special powers that some people think can cure mental illness, if its prepared well it can restored from fatal wounds.
Demon Bones:
Its hard to kill a demon in special this kind, for a werewolf its the best bone he can chew, it have special effects for them (heal a lot), some people use the teeths for make a soup that cure mental illness but the bones dont have anything special for a human.
Soul Bottle:
This special bottle it was made to trap souls inside, with this souls it can restore the life of creatures that where made by magic or alchemy.
Crazy Chef Master Work:
After many yers of fail in cooking this chef start mixing all type of foods to make something good, when he die he left in his journal this food and in the journal he called the Master Work.
In the Journal he say that use Human Blood, Demons Bones, Soup of the Demon Teeths to mix and the souls of the Souls Bottle to keep energy from the others foods, only someone with a powerfull stomach can eat this and fell the secret power that this food have.
The Demons Bones was made for Cornell and the Soul Bottle is for Pumpkin, Crazy Chef Master Work only some belmont can eat that.
2nd Place:Bat Sandwich 

Bat sandwich
Exploring Dracula's Castle could be an exhausting task even for the strongest hero. Recharge your energy with this extra crunchy roasted bat sandwich.
The Android:
3rd Place: Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake 

Take a moment to have some Cold Ones with Homestar and the guys.

Enjoy some Spiced Egg Nog as you celebrate the Holidays!

A celebration cake for the celebration that should have been
Shiroi Koumori:

Christmas Pudding Cupcake
A traditional English pudding now in a easy to eat package.

Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake
A rich and delicious dessert. A small slice is plenty!

Big Mac, heart attack special

Large Mcdonald's french fries

Soda Elixir


Giant pot roast: Mutated Castlevania pot roast, good for the heart
Brick-Grown mushroom: Gives the illusion of increased height, favored by plumbers.

Gingerbread Man: That's an awfully big smile for someone who's about to be eaten.

Milk: Can't go wrong with a glass of milk... Unless you're lactose intolerant, that is.
January 2015 - Vamprotector PowerupsVladCT - Winner - 1st Place

Bullet Tip (Vamprotector version): Imbues the whip with the ability to shoot fireballs by channeling the soul of Christopher Belmont.

Wind Charm: Grants an aura drawn from the winds and enhances your jump height.
Jop: (2nd Place)
Bird Power or Feather Power:
Cat Power or Fur Power:
Dragon Power or Scale Power:
Turtle Power or Shell Power:

Death Power or Scythe Power: