Like I said, Microsoft made it easy. Unless Sony comes out and says, "Derpa derpa derp, daaaah, we are dooing it too!", and then the world explodes, civilization ends and life starts anew with a firm warning to the new people, "Hey, stop being dicks or the world will DIE!".
It is funny too, considering this is a good example of anti-consumer practicing. Don't get me wrong, a lot of publishers are clamoring for this too. Y'know, maybe I'm old fashioned, but I would think a cornerstone of any good business is to respect your customers because, ultimately, they ARE the ones buying your products. Maybe it's just a concept that is floundering with every new generation. The "greed is good" mantra of the 80s is making a comeback, tenfold. But, there is some merit to valuing your customers. YOU make money BECAUSE of THEM. You're aim should be to please them and deliver, not only the best product possible, but a product so good your customer says, "Wow, I'm coming back for more!!". It's like the saying, "You can draw more flies with honey rather than vinegar". YOu give them something possitive and it's a Win-Win situation. The customer's happy because they ENJOY your product and service, and you, the company/business is happy because "Happy customers equals MOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!". More happy customers means MORE MONEY! The more happy people you can draw in with great products and services, the MORE MONEY YOU CAN BE ROLLIN IN!
Seriously, it almost seems like the whole "Goose that Laid the Golden Egg" story. You have the goose, symbolic of the consumer, laying a golden egg and is well tended to by it's owner. It leads a happy life, and continues to give back for being treated so well. Then, you have others(publishers) who wish to find the secret of the golden eggs. Maybe, if they kill the goose, cut it up, there's some magic means, like an orb or relic within the goose that, if they come to take hold over it, THEY have the power to make riches for themselves(pinch-penny greed and wealth on their own terms). Well, what happened? They killed the goose, cut it up, and there was nothing inside. From that day on, no more golden eggs were laid. That's it, baby.