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Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« on: April 05, 2012, 05:41:37 AM »
CHAPTER 2: (Uninvited Guest)
During Soma’s unconsciousness moment, everything turns out to be silence. Everything is black. Everything is blank. This time, Soma really have some bad nightmares, pity. Soma dream about how he actually killed Graham brutally with his sense of enjoyable with wicked laughter at the same time as well. Graham stated “S..S….SOMA..WAIT..PLEASE, DON’T KILL ME! SPARE MY LIFE! I DIDN’T WANT TO KILL YOU! Wait Soma, please~ Spaare myy liiife. Wait, you are not Soma, YOU….GRRRAAAAAARRGGH!! *Graham been slash out brutally by Soma”. Next nightmare scene “S..Soma, join the Dark Lord c…candidates along with all of us alright…you are the reincarnation of Lord Dracula right? No, WE are the potential candidates to be the next Dark Lord yes? Come, let us be stronger and take over the world shall we..Soma? BLAAAAARGH!” Dario been killed with such agony. “Soma, I shall release the power of the Dark Lord within your soul! Wh-Why, I brought you back into this world did I?” “Shut up! You annoy me! That’s all the reason that I need!.” “Wait Soma, Wa….KYYEEAAARGH!” Celia utterly killed by Soma. “Th-This cannot be…My dominance should be complete! GWWOOAARGH! SOMAAA!! WHO THE HECK AARRE YOUUUU!!” Dmitrii shouted as he about to vanish from the world. Soma response “Huhuhuhu. Hahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHA! DIE! YOU MAGGOTS! HYEAH!”. “GRRRAAAAAAARRGGGHH!” Dmitrii/Menace had utterly destroyed with growling voices. In this game, these scenes you’ll be able to play through during each of the nightmares at the place where you played once before. Nostalgia moment I must say, yes? For an example, during Graham’s death in Soma’s first Nightmare scene, it was held at the throne room in Aria of Sorrow. During Dario’s death in Soma’s second Nightmare scene, it was held at the throne room in Dawn of Sorrow. During Celia’s death in Soma’s third Nightmare scene, it was held at the garden where Mina was sacrificed. (I forgot the name of the place). Finally, during Soma’s fourth Nightmare scene, it was held at the abyss. Olrox’s voice echo suddenly appears and stated “You. Enjoy. KILLING. THAT’S WHY! Don’t make me laugh SOMA CRUZ! If you are the reincarnation of Lord Dracula, WHY did you spare that puny little Belmont, Julius’s life 2 years ago? WHY didn't you kill him? WHY did you give such freedom to your little girl Mina and your friends? WHY? “ “MIIIIINAAAAAAA!!!!” Soma shouted in his Nightmare dream and everything turns into white screen. Few seconds later, Soma finally wake up from his Nightmares with full of sweats on his body. Here’s comes the new idea of my own storyline dialogue scene:

Mina: Soma! You finally awake!

Soma: Everyone…

Yoko: Soma. Glad that you are finally back.

Hammer: Hey hey heey how do you feel right now young boy?

Mina: Thanks to Aunty Charlotte to cast a holy spell on you in order for you to wake up Soma. :D

Old Charlotte: (-________- don’t call me aunty little girl. I’m not ready to be old yet actually)

Soma: Really? Thank you Charlotte, I appreciate it.

Old Charlotte: Anytime Soma! Glad that you feel fine now.

Julius: *Smile*

Old Jonathan: Yahoo! Hey Soma, you know what, you actually look pretty cool when your eyes turns out red and with your evil look you know. *laugh*

Old Charlotte: *Knocked Jonathan’s head*. Husssh! You know
Jonathan, we really need to talk after we finish all this missions.

Old Jonathan: Heey what did I do? Geez, why everyone always stopping me when everytime I said something.

Soma: Julius,…Yoko…Everyone…I’m so sorry about recently for what happened to me. Sometimes, I can’t control the evil spirit that lies within my soul.

Old Jonathan: Nah~ It’s ok Soma. We cool! ;)

Mina: ☹

Julius: Is OK Soma, as long as you learn how to control your evil power that lies within your soul and your body. You even make us more worried about you.

Soma: I’m sorry Julius.

Julius: Its fine. Don’t worry. By the way Soma, Arikado told me to send this message to you.

Soma: What is it all about?

Julius: You’ve been assigned to explore this Castle and destroy the time warp machine before its too late.

Soma: “Before it’s too late”? What do you mean by that?

Julius: I don’t know. But that’s what Arikado told me to tell you this.

Soma: Where is that time warp machine then?

Yoko: It’s located at the ‘Clock Tower’ where Death hideout is. BECAREFUL Soma, you might need this.

Soma: And these are?

Yoko: A broad sword and 5 potions. I found it somewhere in...
Sorry I couldn’t recall what’s the name of that place.

Soma: Its ok it doesn’t matter anyway. Thank you Yoko. Now I’m on my way to the ‘Clock Tower’.

Yoko: Your welcome Soma. :D

Soma: Julius, tell Arikado, that I still have unfinished business with him. I still don’t believe that he is my Father.

Julius: So you trying to tell me that you starting to despise him?

Soma: ….A little tad. Alright, everyone take care of yourself here. Don’t go anywhere alright.

Old Jonathan, Old Charlotte, Yoko, Hammer and Julius: We will!

Soma: Mina, forgive me that you have to go through this.

Mina: Its fine Soma, don’t worry about me. The most important thing right now is to destroy those immortal demons, Orlox and Death and finish them once and for all! As long as you come back safely Soma. We are counting on you, always.

Soma: Thank you Mina. I really appreciate it.

Soma is currently exploring throughout the Castle. Killing all demons who stand in his way, level up, gain EXP, collecting souls as ever, receiving a lot of items, money and weapons, absorbing new abilities such as ‘Double-Jump’, ‘Detecting enemy’s names’, ‘Sliding ability’, etc. Fighting with some bosses, and here we are, Soma has enter a new place called ‘Crystal Palace’. This is the moment where Soma will meet a person whom Soma never seen that person before, not even once in his lifetime. Here comes the dialogue conversation scene:

Soma: ???. This place is so quiet. Silence as it seems to be. I better move on.

Mysterious voice: Greetings! Young boy, who possessed the power of the Dark Lord and the one who wields with such great weapons to slaughter the great demons.

Soma: Huh?. Who goes there!. Come out whenever you are!

Mysterious voice: Yoohoo! Hello there Soma! This would be our very first gentle conversation with you.

Soma: Who are you?! Are you one of them too?! If it does, then you leave me no choice but to kill you! (Soma prepares to draw his weapon)

Mystery man: Oh my! What a rude young boy you are Soma. Relax, I’m just a passer by here. This Castle looks really beautiful and it does amuse me I must say…Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. Just call me. (He creates a glass of wine as he about to introduce himself). Saint Germain!.

Soma: Saint Germain? (Arikado never told me or mention about him before in a first place). What are you doing around this Castle. This Castle is not safe at all and it’s not a place for you to hang around.

Saint Germain: Aaahh~ don’t worry Soma. In fact, I have the special power to kill these demons too.

Soma: I see. But first, I would like to ask you some questions. How do you know my name? Who are you actually? And Why are you here?

Saint Germain: *laugh* You seems to be very curios and kind of rushing right now. Relax, take a deep breath, its never too late you know. Well, I have the ability to control….( The place is starting to be shaking ). Oh ooooh, I can sense something very powerful evil spirit is coming to us. Here we come~!

Soma: What?! What happen??

Death has made his appearance to confront Soma and Saint Germain.

Death: *HAHAHAHAHAHA* (His evil laugh voice that has the same voice as in Castlevania SOTN where he appears to confront Alucard). WELCOME TO THIS CASTLE GENTLEMANS! Soma, you still seem to be alive, I see.

Soma: DEATH! I knew you would come back and never die! Why can’t you just die yet! I shall kill you and Olrox!

Death: *HAHAHA* Foolishness Soma, foolishness. Unfortunately, your power STILL can’t even surpass Olrox and ME.

Soma: TRY ME THEN! Mr. Germain, leave this to me.

Saint Germain: Erm erm! No no no no, Soma, I’m sorry to say this but please, leave this to me. Death and I had a very loooong history together.

Soma: What?! So you and Death, both of you knew each other all along?

Saint Germain: Yup. Well, so excuse me Soma. Hello there,
Death. Or should I call your name, Zead, I recall?

Death: Greetings my old friend, Saint Germain!. Its been a long time!

Saint Germain: *Yawn* Death, you really never change yourself did you not?

Death: *HAHAHAHA* Why would I do such a thing to change myself from what I always been before?

Saint German: *laugh* Well well well, what are you planning to do this time Death? The same old ways?

Soma: ???.

Death: You shall wait and see. Maggots like both of you will NEVER understand ‘Death’. However, soon, soon you two will live no longer anymore!

Saint Germain: Oh really? Wooo I’m scared. *laugh* We shall wait and see then.

Death: Laugh while you can my old friend. I shall take my leave. Who shall LIVE and who shall DIE! *HAHAHAHAHAHA*

Soma: Don’t you try to RUN AWAY DEATH! (Soma draw his sword and nearly attack Death but Death manage to escape through his portal). DAMMIT! I nearly kill him.

Saint Germain: *sigh*. You are too slow than I thought Soma.

Soma: Erk…What?

Saint Germain: You know, you really reminds me of Hector.

Soma: Hector? Who’s that?

Saint Germain: Oh! Pardon me Soma. Never mind, forget it.

Soma: …

Saint Germain: Alright, I guess I shall make my move right now. I wish you Good Luck my friend. Continue on your mission. Remember, do not rush young boy.

Soma: Ok then, you too Mr. Germain.

Saint Germain: Oh don’t call me “Mr. Germain”. Just call me “Saint Germain” would do.

Soma: (Geez, he is kind of weird man. I wonder what is he doing here. Does he involve in this mission as well? No, I’ve got no time to waste. I got to move on to the ‘Clock Tower’ now.) Ok
Saint Germain. See you around.

Saint Germain: *Gentle bow upon Soma and he walk away slowly while whistling Simon Belmont’s theme song* (Simon Belmont’s very own theme music easter egg)

Soma is continuously exploring throughout the Castle. As usual, killing all demons who stand in his way, level up, gain EXP, collecting souls as ever, receiving a lot of items, money and weapons, absorbing new abilities. Fighting with some bosses and enemies, etc. Until the moment he reach to the ‘Clock Tower’, here comes an another dialogue conversation scene between Soma and Death.

- Before the first battle with Death dialogue scene:
Soma: So, this is the time warp machine. What a huge thing. I shall put an end right here, right now!

*A large scythe swinging towards Soma as if its been thrown strongly and Soma escape from that deadly scythe*

Death: *HAHAHAHAHAHA* SOMA! It is indeed such a pleasure to meet you here!

Soma: It would be more pleasure to see you DIE HERE DEATH! This time, I WON’T LET YOU LEAVE!

Death: *HAHAHAHA* Your NIGHTMARES that you’ve been dreamt of, seems to be absolutely intense! Do you really believe for what happened to you when the time you slaughter the cult leader and the Dark Lord candidates?

Soma: ENOUGH! I’ve never give a DAMN about it! THAT WAS JUST A DREAM! NOTHING ELSE!

Death: And do you really believe that YOU are the reincarnation of my Master, Lord Dracula?

Soma: Whatever things I’ll turn out to be, believe it or not, it doesn’t matter to me right now. All I care is about to DESTROY ALL OF YOUR KINDS! I will send you back to HELL TO MEET LORD DRACULA!

Death: *HAHAHAHAHAHA* Let’s see WHO shall LIVE and WHO shall DIE!

Soma really have a hard time to defeat Death because apparently Death is getting much more stronger than he used to be before.

- After the first battle with Death dialogue scene:
Death: ARGH! You really getting stronger than I thought Soma! Don’t you hardly feel that you such difficult to be killed?


Death: Because WE ARE THE SAME SOMA CRUZ! Olrox and I believe that YOU were born as an EVIL IMMORTAL!

Soma: SHUT…UUUPP! (Soma’s voice literally slightly changing into a more demonic voice)




Soma: NOT….NOW!....GRRYYEEEAAARRGH!! *The ‘Clock Tower’ beginning to be shaking off as Soma’s power is increasingly getting stronger*

Death: *HAHAHAHA* YES! YES!! My plan, is almost, COMPLETE! But first, is he, truly the reincarnation of my Master...
Everything starting to be silence and the ‘Clock Tower’ has stop shaking.

Death: Hmm?!

Evil Soma:……….. HEHE!

Death: WHAT?!

Evil Soma: *Evil laugh* I AM SOMA CRUZ YOU LITTLE BASTARD! Shall I, be the next Dark Lord? HMPH! Kind of INTERESTING TO ME! That stupid friend of mine, Julius Belmont must have ready to kill me when I’m officially sitting on the throne itself.

Death: *HAHAHAHAHAHA* SOMA! Will you, join me to conquer the world?

Evil Soma: Conquer the world?...Hah! I’m no interested with it. You really annoy me don’t you know that?

Death: Hmm?!

Evil Soma: Why don't YOU!... *Soma look at Death* TASTE MY FIST! (Soma with his evil expression on his face and with his red eyes of darkness. Soma runs towards Death super fast as lightning with just blink of an eye and brutally punch Death’s face with just a single punch)

Death: GRRAAAAARRRGGH! IT CAN’T BE! I HAD UNDERESTIMATED HIM! SUCH YOUNG BOY! COULD PUNCH AN IMMORTAL DEMON LIKE MYSELF WITH JUST A SINGLE PUNCH?! (Half of Death’s skull face is utterly broken and shattered into pieces.) YOU LITTLE PUNY IGNISIFICANT PIECE OF TRASH! FEEL ONE OF MY TRUE POWER! (Death cast a huge strong purple power ball upon Soma)

Evil Soma: Hah?! GGGRAAAARRRGGHHH!!! I…Can’t…Stand…This…Strong…Power….Soma fall down and is about to be fainted, yet again.

Death: I shall take my leave! And I shall move the time warp machine into another place! So that NO ONE can destroy MY PLAN and THIS PRECIOUS MACHINE OF MINE! *HAHAHAHAHAHA* (Death escape once again by summoning his own portal).

Evil Soma: Am I,…Getting…More…Weaker than…Before? (Soma literally change into his own self which is the good side) Who…Am I?... *Saint Germain appears by teleporting himself*

Saint Germain: Soma, Soma, Soma, aren’t you going to disappoint your dear friends again?

Soma: Saint…Germain…

Saint Germain: You don’t have any reason to live in this world, no more. The evil spirit that lies within your soul and your body doesn’t seem to settle.

Soma: What are you talking about…Plus, I do have a reason to live in this world.

Saint Germain: And what a thing that makes you say you have a reason to live young boy?

Soma: Mina.

Saint Germain: Mina? You mean, the cute little girl? Then get up. Look at yourself Soma. Lying down on the floor doesn’t make you a strong man you know.

Soma: …I’m just tired of all this.

Saint Germain: Hmph. *Saint Germain offers his hand upon Soma to get up* Let’s go back to the hideout shall we? Death already moves the time warp machine into another location.

Soma: *Soma grab Saint Germain’s hand to get himself up* Germain, you actually know about everything do you?

Saint Germain: Ohohohoho. Well, honestly speaking, It is such an easy task for me to find where your dear friends are hiding all this while. The Hideout. Simple.

Soma: …

Saint Germain: Alright sorry about my ramblings. Let’s go.

Soma: Ok.

Soma and Saint Germain teleporting themselves back to the hideout. End of Chapter 2.

A description appears after Soma and Saint Germain scene goes off.
*New Gallery has been unlocked in the main menu*

Click here to see the cover artwork that I've done recently.

If you do have anything to say, suggestions or opinions, just say it out inside the comment box section down below here! Thank you! Please, read the description above and the dialogue scenes as well before you comment on this box. Cheers! :D

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2012, 12:52:10 PM »
Hey dear 20 viewers, did you guys have something to say about my above storyline? I really in need of feedbacks from the true Castlevania fans. :)

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2012, 08:01:35 AM »

uh... uh.... i don't like sorrow's story so every thing sorrow almost equates to crap.

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2012, 10:14:18 AM »
uh... uh.... i don't like sorrow's story so every thing sorrow almost equates to crap.

Isn't this a bit heartless Kale? This is fan fiction and not so story written by IGA. You don't have to reply if there's something you don't like. It is important to exercise that initiative rather then risking insult to someone who put a lot of thought and effort into a story. Be it fan fiction or an original take, do try and be more sensitive about others okay?
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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2012, 12:33:06 PM »

uh... uh.... i don't like sorrow's story so every thing sorrow almost equates to crap.

Whatever you say Kale. X was right. If there's something that you really don't like, I suggest you to leave from my own forum post at once. You despise Sorrow's story? Very well then. At least you honest to yourself. Up to you if you wanna read my fanfiction above or not. Now leave, thank you. :)

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2012, 12:43:46 PM »
Isn't this a bit heartless Kale? This is fan fiction and not so story written by IGA. You don't have to reply if there's something you don't like. It is important to exercise that initiative rather then risking insult to someone who put a lot of thought and effort into a story. Be it fan fiction or an original take, do try and be more sensitive about others okay?

Thank you Hunter X! You saved and rescued me! I really appreciate it. Lol. On a side note, what do you think about my Chapter 2 storyline? Chapter 3 is currently in progression right now. I really hope that you enjoy reading my storyline from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2. :)

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2012, 01:24:14 PM »

Whatever you say Kale. X was right. If there's something that you really don't like, I suggest you to leave from my own forum post at once. You despise Sorrow's story? Very well then. At least you honest to yourself. Up to you if you wanna read my fanfiction above or not. Now leave, thank you. :)

Well, you were expecting a reply. I was just telling you why I didn't post one before.

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2012, 01:27:55 PM »
Well, you were expecting a reply. I was just telling you why I didn't post one before.

Alright thank you for the reply. Have a nice day! :D

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2012, 07:02:52 PM »
On a side note, what do you think about my Chapter 2 storyline? Chapter 3 is currently in progression right now. I really hope that you enjoy reading my storyline from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2. :)

I've skimmed over the first chapter but I've yet to read it thoroughly. When I've got the time I'll give it a read. As it currently stands I'm rotating from house to house due to my mom going for cancer treatment in Vancouver BC so I'm looking after her two cats and dogs and unfortunately she's taken her laptop with her. It should be all and good after Monday of this coming week. That way I'll have the time to sit down for a good read. I'll let you know then  :)
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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2012, 10:17:07 AM »
I've skimmed over the first chapter but I've yet to read it thoroughly. When I've got the time I'll give it a read. As it currently stands I'm rotating from house to house due to my mom going for cancer treatment in Vancouver BC so I'm looking after her two cats and dogs and unfortunately she's taken her laptop with her. It should be all and good after Monday of this coming week. That way I'll have the time to sit down for a good read. I'll let you know then  :)

Hmm I see. I'm so sorry to hear that X, I really hope that your mother will get well as soon as possible. Thank you X, I will looking forward to your reply one of this week. :)

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2012, 11:36:13 AM »
Well, you were expecting a reply. I was just telling you why I didn't post one before.

No, silence would've been better in this case.
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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2012, 01:01:42 PM »
No, silence would've been better in this case.

Ahaha. By the way, have you read the storyline above that I've made recently? :)

Offline Jorge D. Fuentes

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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2012, 03:52:34 PM »
I just read it.
I'm interested in seeing how this plays out.
Specifically, what it is you're going to do with Soma and all.
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Re: Castlevania: Souls of Sorrow (Chapter 2: Uninvited Guest)
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2012, 11:01:31 PM »
I just read it.
I'm interested in seeing how this plays out.
Specifically, what it is you're going to do with Soma and all.

Thank you so much Jorge, I really appreciate it. Well, there are actually many details that I'm not going to explaine because it would spoil the surprise you see. Lol :P. Soon, very soon you will know every little details and information about the storyline that I've made. Currently now I'm pursuing to Chapter 3 and thinking what to write and what scenes I should put into in order to make more interesting and attracting as well. :)

