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Offline suomynona

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Castevania Ranked
« on: January 28, 2017, 11:50:33 PM »
This is my ranking of Catlevania series. Very opinion based, so any thing you want to say, just tell me.

My criteria of good game is:
Kojima Art
Good Gameplay
Good music (Both with Quality and Composition)
Good Graphics (for its console)

1. Super Castlevania 4
Just. Excellent. No more improvement required.

2. Aria of Sorrow
Definitely the best Metroidvania.

3. Symphony of the Night
Excellent. It has the best graphics and best music quality.

4. Harmony of the Dissonance
Besides the graphics and confusing navigation, enjoyed a lot.

5. Castlevania
Very hard and short, but I had lot of fun with this.

6. Dracula's Curse
Had lot of fun with it. It's good for NES, but really hard.

7. Order of Ecclesia
Similar ranking with other DS games, but the artwork was what this got a extra points on.

8. Bloodlines
Well made game. Just problems with devolved controls, but it's ok.

9. Portrait of Ruin
Get a boost up because there isn't any seal. Still with that artwork, it ain't going up much.

10. Dawn of Sorrow
Decent, but not as a follow-up of Aria. Had to be let down with seal and artwork.

11. Circle of the Moon
Still a good game. This one has a better quality of graphic/music, but way too slow for Metroidvania.

12. Harmony of Despair
It's way too repetitive. Also don't like the fact that I have to buy Characters, not enough that also have to buy the game.

13. Dracula X Chronicles
Better version of Rondo+RoB+SotN. Just complaints with how much Maria got downgraded.

14. Adventure Rebirth
Impressed with how much this improved on. Made this high for Adventure series.

15. Rondo of Blood
Still a decency, but rather play Super CV 4.

16. Chronicles
Unless of Simon's design, enjoyed it much.

17. Simon's Quest
shitty gameplay. Just play Zelda 2. If it's worse then this, you know that's not good.

18. The Adventure
Explainable with the limitation of Gameboy, but that's not a excuse.

19. Dracula X
Straight inferior version. Don't expect anything.

20. Belmont's revenge
Worse sequel of a already problematic game.

21. Lament of Innocence
Best of 3DVania, but this low. Gave points for story and characters(except Succubus).

22. Curse of Darkness
Didn't have any fun with this. Mediocre story, weird character design.

23. Lord of Shadow
I wouldn't call this much Castlevania, but it IS Castlevania at the end.

24. Legacy of Darkness
Now much good. Fickly camera and shitty control Just with nice characters.

25. Castlevania 64
What do you expect from base of a already bad game?

26. Legends
Shitty. Only point of this game overall would be female Belmont which isn't canon at all.

27. Judgment
What king of messed up game is this? Glad there is Brawl to replace with. Along with worst character design and even worse control.

28. Lords of Shadow 2
One points of for devolved quality and another one for not being original CV series.

29. Mirror of Fate
The absolute bottom. Had no fun at all. Glad I borrowed it from my poor pal.

Didn't have chance to play Order of Shadows, Haunted Castle, early CV1 adaptations and Kid Dracula series. (wouldn't even care for infamous pachinko, but definitely in the bottom)

Offline zangetsu468

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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2017, 03:53:50 AM »
I think what people will say as their #1 is very subjective. I agree that MoF is the absolute worst of the series and even though I haven't played LOS2 and people tell me how shit it is, I can't see it being any worse to be frank.

Now I'm going to address some things which you've stated that make no sense whatsoever:

9. Portrait of Ruin
Get a boost up because there isn't any seal. Still with that artwork, it ain't going up much.

You can't praise a game because of the shortfall of another game, that is a straight-up bad opinion - I don't care how biased I sound. It's like me saying I don't like turkish delight, so when someone asks me of my opinion of chicken I respond "I like it because it's not Turkish delight", completely irrelevant. Your opinions of POR should be based on the game's merits and shortfalls, as your criteria states... Where does it state criteria about other games???

11. Circle of the Moon
Still a good game. This one has a better quality of graphic/music, but way too slow for Metroidvania.

"Still" in what context?? "Better" quality than what/which other games and in what context?? I understand it being relative to other games but which ones? Why do you keep basing your opinions on things which you're not properly explaining the context of?

19. Dracula X
Straight inferior version. Don't expect anything.

Assuming you mean XX - Bullshit, it's widely considered the inferior version for several reasons. Namely, it missed content that ROB had. Playable Maria and two other women are missing, and this is the original version of the story of ROB. 

Having said this, it's not everyone's opinion. In my experience XX's graphics are less crisp (maybe more scratchy), however, some of the effects such as the fire in the first level do appear superior. (It's difficult to compare the graphics because I've only seen ROB on an emulator, though I'd say it's graphics are noticeably better than XX)

The anime cut scenes are gone (no big loss) and the art style itself - which is 25% of your criteria - is vastly superior and more suited to Castlevania than ROB's imo.

The same goes for the level of challenge for a 16 bit game. (even on the normal route). Furthermore the game is completely different, the stages are not similar aside from the first level.

The music, also 25% of your criteria is technically better for certain tracks, so you can't say it's worse in a technical sense. If you believe the tracks are all garbage compared to Rondo's, then I'd listen carefully to both, because it's certainly not the way you're making it out to be.

17. Simon's Quest
shitty gameplay. Just play Zelda 2. If it's worse then this, you know that's not good.

:-X No mate, this is a SHITTY opinion, but on top of this, it's an even worse analogy.
CVII/ Zelda II in open world design I understand, but ....How the fuck can you compare Castlevania's gameplay to CVII's gameplay and say CVII is shit???? It's the same fucking gameplay...  Have you even played this game? Please tell me what differentiates the gameplay itself between CVI and CVII??

That's like someone else saying they didn't like Zelda II because the game was too similar to Zelda 1... WTF dude.. #badopinionsRbad How you can even compare the gameplay between CVII/ Zelda II is beyond me.

Criticise the design, the riddles, the puzzles, that you didn't like the open world or the weapons etc whatever, but the gameplay? Please... Your opinion is uninformed, it's the same as Castlevania 1 which you've listed as #5.... This opinion of your opinion is not biased nor an attack, it's analytical and informative that CV's gameplay was used in CVII.. Aye-yaye-yaye  :-\

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            v                           l      ^               ^       ^
BE=Bad Ending
RE=Richter Ending

Offline suomynona

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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2017, 04:06:12 AM »
Alright, this is a ranking. I can compare game to game. For example, let's say SC4 is better then Original because of better controls. CV4 is better, but that doesn't mean original is bad. Same thing. PoR and DoS is both a good game.

"Still" means that despite the bit of flaws (however I can only think of Nathan's pathetic speed). Or I just phrased it wrong.

Might be, but the controls were missing. Also with Maria mode. Though that cutscene was shit, missing Maria mode was quite a disappointment. Also to add that damn falls in Dracula battle.

In here, I am saying that the repetitive gameplay is shitty, not the controls. Control is quite fine in this game. Also, I had more fun with Zelda II but not saying that CVII is terrible game. Also, some say that CVII was made referencing Zelda II's gameplay.

Offline zangetsu468

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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2017, 07:02:49 AM »
Might be, but the controls were missing. Also with Maria mode. Though that cutscene was shit, missing Maria mode was quite a disappointment. Also to add that damn falls in Dracula battle.
Which controls would they be that are missing, I'm assuming you mean the controls were bad in comparison?
Yes, I mentioned Maria mode and everything else which was missing content-wise.

In here, I am saying that the repetitive gameplay is shitty, not the controls. Control is quite fine in this game. Also, I had more fun with Zelda II but not saying that CVII is terrible game. Also, some say that CVII was made referencing Zelda II's gameplay.
The repetitive gameplay is shitty, not the controls... Okay.. Not sure I even want to go there.
No, I don't believe CVII was made reference Zelda II, please provide one source of information stating that CVII copied Zelda II's gameplay... So confused.

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            v                           l      ^               ^       ^
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RE=Richter Ending

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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2017, 11:10:55 AM »
The only referencing I've heard about CVII and Zelda II is that they are both oddities; unusual sequels to really good games. That's about it.

The controls in CVII are actually better then the controls of CVI. Simon's sprites are better animated and flow better, and he just feels tighter. His whip attacks are also much faster. With the amount of speed Simon uses in CVI for a single attack I can almost pull of two attacks in CVII. CVII did leave a lot to be desired but it improved upon quite a bit which is expected of a sequel.
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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2017, 04:38:40 PM »
In Castlevania Chronicle there is original mode that Simon Belmont's design is more akin to his classic apperance. There's no need to stuck in arrange mode alone and critisize it alone for the total rank of the whole game.
Besides, it does exist several flaws
1-Not able to customize every single element in both Arrange mode and Original mode and then mix them together (Simon Belmont, and other enemies' graphic style, Original mode difficulty - difficulty 3 to 6 or more, all four sound modules) in normal method available in the game. There should be unaltered Original mode, Arrange mode we have, and the "mixed mode" that was mentioned above.
2-The "trim" camera setting and weather change called by Konami code is less meaningful (Still interesting to see the changes on the painting of the Death corridor but the season change could be more expanded to be better interact with stages/enemies in more areas.)
 But it's still not that worse because you still have several amount of choices.
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Offline suomynona

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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2017, 07:07:58 PM »
In Castlevania Chronicle there is original mode that Simon Belmont's design is more akin to his classic apperance. There's no need to stuck in arrange mode alone and critisize it alone for the total rank of the whole game.
Besides, it does exist several flaws
1-Not able to customize every single element in both Arrange mode and Original mode and then mix them together (Simon Belmont, and other enemies' graphic style, Original mode difficulty - difficulty 3 to 6 or more, all four sound modules) in normal method available in the game. There should be unaltered Original mode, Arrange mode we have, and the "mixed mode" that was mentioned above.
2-The "trim" camera setting and weather change called by Konami code is less meaningful (Still interesting to see the changes on the painting of the Death corridor but the season change could be more expanded to be better interact with stages/enemies in more areas.)
 But it's still not that worse because you still have several amount of choices.

Yeah. Chronicles is a good game compared to other all games, but there was better games for me in Castlevania series. No doubt I enjoyed that quite a bit until Harmony of Dissonance came.

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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2017, 07:15:13 PM »
The only referencing I've heard about CVII and Zelda II is that they are both oddities; unusual sequels to really good games. That's about it.

The controls in CVII are actually better then the controls of CVI. Simon's sprites are better animated and flow better, and he just feels tighter. His whip attacks are also much faster. With the amount of speed Simon uses in CVI for a single attack I can almost pull of two attacks in CVII. CVII did leave a lot to be desired but it improved upon quite a bit which is expected of a sequel.

Kind of. You really can't compare two games which prequel for greatest top-down/side-scroller.

But the similarity is:
It's a side-scroller
It's open-world
You have to collect stuff and it's the aim of the game
There are villages you have to go into and they mostly don't help much.

That is quite a lot of similarity, but i think there should be more speed to Simon then what is given in CVII cuz it's a open world game. Think Simon's going nowhere with the speed, just like what I said about Circle. Even worse with time constraint of ending.

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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2017, 07:24:14 PM »
19. Dracula X
Straight inferior version. Don't expect anything.

Assuming you mean XX - Bullshit, it's widely considered the inferior version for several reasons. Namely, it missed content that ROB had. Playable Maria and two other women are missing, and this is the original version of the story of ROB. 

Having said this, it's not everyone's opinion. In my experience XX's graphics are less crisp (maybe more scratchy), however, some of the effects such as the fire in the first level do appear superior. (It's difficult to compare the graphics because I've only seen ROB on an emulator, though I'd say it's graphics are noticeably better than XX)

The anime cut scenes are gone (no big loss) and the art style itself - which is 25% of your criteria - is vastly superior and more suited to Castlevania than ROB's imo.

The same goes for the level of challenge for a 16 bit game. (even on the normal route). Furthermore the game is completely different, the stages are not similar aside from the first level.

The music, also 25% of your criteria is technically better for certain tracks, so you can't say it's worse in a technical sense. If you believe the tracks are all garbage compared to Rondo's, then I'd listen carefully to both, because it's certainly not the way you're making it out to be.

Last time I played Dracula X (which was while I was in highschool), I didn't like the fact that Richter moved faster when he jumped than when just walking.  No, I don't mean the backflip, but rather the normal jump. Made him feel sluggish.  I also was frustrated by the difficulty and felt it was cheap at the time, but looking back, I came in with the intention that "yeah, it's not going to live up to Rondo of Blood."  I guess now's the time for me to revisit this to judge it not only as a variation of Rondo of Blood, but as its own game.

I did find the graphics to be fitting for Castlevania.  Hell, give me a Castlevania comic with that artstyle, and I'd prolly spend my loonies on it.  Not to mention that yeah, the ground looks less like it's constructed from square blocks in many places.  Also, I like the music in Dracula X as much as in Rondo of Blood, and hell, some tracks are better here imo.  Overall, I agree with Zangetsu that Dracula X shouldn't be just written off as "the completely inferior quasi-sequel-port-thingy to Rondo of Blood."

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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2017, 10:03:18 PM »
I did find the graphics to be fitting for Castlevania.  Hell, give me a Castlevania comic with that artstyle, and I'd prolly spend my loonies on it.  Not to mention that yeah, the ground looks less like it's constructed from square blocks in many places.

Just making sure that by graphics you're also referring to the artstyle? It is one of my favourites in the series.

The actual graphics have that buildingblock-less quality which helps the environments seem more cohesive than they would otherwise. However, the graphics don't have the same richness in colour or crispness as ROB.

  Also, I like the music in Dracula X as much as in Rondo of Blood, and hell, some tracks are better here imo.  Overall, I agree with Zangetsu that Dracula X shouldn't be just written off as "the completely inferior quasi-sequel-port-thingy to Rondo of Blood."

Some tracks are better, yes, and certain sound effects i.e. Richter swinging the Vampire Killer (Crying Freeman will back me up here) sound better.

Exactly, a port is the same game released on another console. It's a different game with the same basic plot, and I was never certain why they did this, but I liked it. 
« Last Edit: January 30, 2017, 01:00:42 AM by zangetsu468 »

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            v                           l      ^               ^       ^
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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2017, 11:57:37 PM »
Exactly, a port is the same game released on another console. It's a different game with the same basic plot, and I was never certain why they did this, but I liked it.

Don't quote me on this but I had heard that there was some legality issues with porting Rondo to NA or some such thing. That's about all I know. If it wasn't then I don't see what the problems were. Rondo could have been replicated on the SNES near-perfectly, Minus cirtain things of course. But it would have been doable. The fact that SNES Dracula X was a very different game with the same basic story kinda tells me otherwise.
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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2017, 10:17:36 AM »
Just making sure that by graphics you're also referring to the artstyle? It is one of my favourites in the series.

Yeah, referring to the artstyle.

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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2017, 10:31:47 AM »
I agree with number 1!

Can't say that I agree on the rest of your list, but hey, we all like different things.

But scv4... It's a wet dream of a video game.  Too bad that a lot of it's great ideas got forgotten or left behind.

Looks like we'll have to do something about that.
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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2017, 03:30:18 PM »
Don't quote me on this but I had heard that there was some legality issues with porting Rondo to NA or some such thing. That's about all I know. If it wasn't then I don't see what the problems were. Rondo could have been replicated on the SNES near-perfectly, Minus cirtain things of course. But it would have been doable. The fact that SNES Dracula X was a very different game with the same basic story kinda tells me otherwise.

It's quite possible which is also why they didn't copy it. I like XX more than ROB personally, but I can't say that it's a more complete game, because ROB had more elements which were left out of XX. If they'd just included a playable Maria (after Richter saves her) I could have justified in my own mind that it was as complete.

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            v                           l      ^               ^       ^
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Re: Castevania Ranked
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2017, 05:48:52 PM »
If they'd just included a playable Maria (after Richter saves her) I could have justified in my own mind that it was as complete.

I think so too. Unfortunately rescuing Maria is a little more then 2/3's into the game so by the time you do rescue her, there's no point, lol. Although rescuing her early-on would allow her as more of a playable character. SNES Dracula X was also a shorter game in that, unlike Rondo, you can't go back to a specific stage  :-\
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