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Offline Wanhus

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Re: Simon's Curse, metroidvania game based on Simon's Quest
« Reply #225 on: October 03, 2023, 11:14:57 AM »

Had to do a quick bug fix due to saving the game causing a crash.

And as always saves SHOULD be backwards compatible!

Download at!:

Update v0.64 D03.M10.Y2023 Critical bug fix

-added npc portraits to chat screens

-added new npc

-added simon landing from high dust particles

-added item heart cost amount to item description as icon in inventory

-added item damage amount to item description as icon in inventory

-added sound to frog dying

-added various menu selection sounds, removed old one

-adjusted item heart costs

-improvements on item use code base

-minor improvements to item graphics

-set default screensize to 1024x960

-set default volume and sound lower

-fixed being able to obtain blue crystal without owning white crystal

-fixed aldra sign

-fixed glow orbs spawning form wrong position for shrine

-fixed heart value blinking over the limit

-fixed simon stairs sprite being above other sprites

-fixed issue with crashing when saving due to missing variable
"in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king"

Offline Wanhus

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Re: Simon's Curse, metroidvania game based on Simon's Quest
« Reply #226 on: October 21, 2023, 03:54:20 AM »

And as always saves SHOULD be backwards compatible!

Download at!:

The Polishing Update 0.65 D21.M10.Y2023

-added inventory and settings open and close sound

-added orb pick up sound

-added gate slam closed sound

-added water level lower sound

-added spider level 1 die sound

-added bat wakes sound

-added bone throw skeletons throw sound

-added bone thrown destroy sound

-added effect for bone thrown destroy

-added effect for powering crystal devices

-added effect for gate slamming closed

-added effect shield forming from bones

-added effect for coin and heart pickup

-added effect for UI for coin and heart increase

-added whip damage amount to whip description as icon in inventory

-added armor amount to armor description as icon in inventory

-added new item: heart max container

-added 2 new hidden stats

-added new decor light

-added new npc

-added new tile: fence tile

-added show damage shows when enemy is immune

-added show damage color change when weakness to certain damage

-added load or main menu select to death screen

-mausoleum improvements: added exit to part 2, added crack in the floor, fixed tiles shadow and placement, added new tiles, fixed dropping tile sprites, green braziers added to front of the mausoleum

-changed certain boss reward

-increased gold amount from certain gold bag

-improved death screen art

-pad menu button also accepts selections in main menu

-minor changes to aldra locations

-minor changes to yuba lake

-minor changes to aljiba locations

-fixed unable to return back from dennis woods 2

-fixed aljiba caverns wrong music

-fixed respawning gold in mausoleum

-fixed some priests having wrong portraits

-fixed certain boss effect still lingering after boss is dead

-fixed missing other options indicator explanation

-fixed a bug that resulted in a certain weapon smith not spawning

-fixed mausoleum skeletons eye glows (sword, shield and throw)

-fixed indicator showing on shrine and devices when you cant use them no more

-fixed talking lock when speaking to several npcs at the same spot

-fixed boss hp bar being drawn over death screen

-fixed simon cant fall of the screen edges

-fixed having shield equipped while knock backed

-fixed level 3 skeleton thrower throwing wrong looking bones
"in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king"

Offline Wanhus

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Re: Simon's Curse, metroidvania game based on Simon's Quest
« Reply #227 on: November 10, 2023, 03:39:36 AM »

And as always saves SHOULD be backwards compatible!

Download at!:

The Major Update v0.70 D10.M11.Y2023

-added new town: Andole

-added areas

-added new items

-added new story event

-added 2 new enemies

-added new npcs

-added new music tracks

-added more weaknesses to enemies

-added new status poisoned

-added more damage types

-added hud stats to inventory

-added status to inventory to show effects

-added weapon and item damage types icons

-added pressing 4 times F2 in main menu resets resolution and keyboard mappings

-minor improvements to wicker woods

-minor changes to jova holy water seller house

-minor changes to Carmilla cemetary

-minor improvements to jova church

-minor improvements to orb graphics

-minor improvements to boss hp bar graphics

-minor improvements to all candle graphics

-changed exp in inventory to show exp needed instead of current exp

-changed some enemies in debora woods

-increased fireball hit animation speed

-improved coding on several systems: various enemy related, simon attacking, item (there might be new bugs now, hopefully not)

-improved looping on some music tracks

-fixed ai sometimes getting stuck while airborne to walls (still not perfect, working on an overhaul to enemy code)

-fixed not being able to talk to some npcs during the night

-fixed owl reaction to garlic

-fixed holding controller attack button did not speedup talking text scroll

-fixed item text clipping over box in inventory

-fixed keyboard control item equip sound spam

-fixed npc sometimes stopped walking after you talked to them

-fixed day night transition visible in menus

-fixed item use automatic fire, switched to semi automatic (could accidentially cause multi items use)
"in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king"

Offline Wanhus

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Re: Simon's Curse, metroidvania game based on Simon's Quest
« Reply #228 on: November 30, 2023, 06:07:35 AM »

And as always saves SHOULD be backwards compatible!
From version 0.73 (this version) onwards you dont have to move savefiles from old version folder to new version folder. Sorry for that.

Download at!:

Update v0.73 D30.M11.Y2023

-added new areas

-added 2 new enemies

-added new effects

-added new status

-added new secret

-added new tiles

-added new backgrounds

-added new music

-added new sounds

-added fullscreen option (only in main menu.)

-improvements to sadam woods

-improved day transition animation

-improvements to window graphics

-improved metzger made logo and added animation

-improvements to jova

-minor improvements to many locations

-minor improvements to several tile sets

-decreased flying skull spawn time

-fixed some block positions for improved jumping

-fixed npc's walking inside slopes

-fixed npc having wrong portrait in andole

-fixed some non moving paralaxes: sadam woods, andole, outskirts

-fixed collision mask with various spikes and traps (made them slighly smaller)

-fixed frogs no longer trying to crouch (yeah that was kinda funny)

-fixed level 3 bone throw skeleton wrong reverse sprite

-fixed missing tiles from debora woods

-fixed dead river passage tiles
"in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king"

Offline Wanhus

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Re: Simon's Curse, metroidvania game based on Simon's Quest
« Reply #229 on: December 05, 2023, 05:59:11 AM »
Hiya mates! How are you doing?

And as always saves SHOULD be backwards compatible!
From version 0.73 onwards you dont have to move savefiles from old version folder to new version folder. Sorry for that.

Download at!:

Update v0.74 D05.M12.Y2023

-added balloon pod level 1 spore die animation

-added tutorial

-minor improvements to certain location

-minor changes to several sprites

-minor changes to another certain place

-fixed missing zombie die animations from day time swap

-fixed owls not in view during day time not despawning

-fixed missing indicator for certain thing

-fixed spike/trap hit boxes (again)

-fixed incorrect shadows in veros church
"in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king"

Offline Wanhus

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Re: Simon's Curse, metroidvania game based on Simon's Quest
« Reply #230 on: December 22, 2023, 10:12:14 AM »
Hiya all and happy holidays!

And as always saves SHOULD be backwards compatible!
From version 0.73 onwards you dont have to move savefiles from old version folder to new version folder.

Download at!:

Update v0.76 D22.M12.Y2023

-added two new item (one of them is not visible in the inventory or usable but dont worry you SHOULD still have it)

-added new area

-added new miniboss

-added 2 new songs

-added new tiles

-added different hit effects for crit and normal

-added attack blocked sound for enemies

-added sounds for normal and crit hit

-added new decor objects

-changed certain other miniboss sprite

-improved hud graphics

-improved menu button graphics

-improved some item graphics

-changed minibosses do not get stronger during the night

-minor changes to aljiba

-adjusted several enemy damages, hp and exp drops (often doubling exp and lowering early enemy damage. Did not lower werewolf damage or hp, but increased exp gain)

-nerf: increased owl spawn distance a lot

-fixed exp displayed incorrectly in inventory

-fixed certain exp abuse gimmick
"in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king"

Offline Wanhus

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Re: Simon's Curse, metroidvania game based on Simon's Quest
« Reply #231 on: February 10, 2024, 07:31:32 AM »
Hiya all!

And as always saves SHOULD be backwards compatible!
From version 0.73 onwards you dont have to move savefiles from old version folder to new version folder.

Download at!:

Update v0.78 D10.M02.Y2024


-added continue system (ruby icon in the hud) to the game, dying reset the location you are in but you lose a bit of gold and exp and you lose the continue, praying at the church replenishes the continue

-added map (very basic) that shows location of the player (accessed with triggers on controller while in menu, backspace on keyboard (cannot be changed, yet))


-added scanlines option to turn scanlines on and off


-added coin bounce sound

-added coin bag pickup sound

##graphics and effects

-added more animation frames to coin

-added coin bounce

-added effect ferry boat weight

-added ferry boat light

-added oar end piece to ferryman

-added effect for dropping blocks breaking when hitting ground

-added effect for some corpses/items colliding with liquids

-added effects for holywater water collision

-added effect for spider web bolt colliding with ground

-added hearts float on water

-added new tiles (joma marsh trees)

-added simon idle animation

-added button indicator for setting 5

-added few different button/key graphics for indicator

-added new church doors

-added lights out effect to candlesticks

-added new npc sprite

-added animation to shrine

-added wings to shrine

-improved shrine orb graphics and animation

-improved bonfires

-improved intro animation

-improved mausoleum platform graphics

-improved some decor object graphics

-improved menu border graphics and background

-improved many npc graphics

-improved device graphics

-improved death screen graphics

-improved several background images

-improved most tile graphics

-improved several enemy sprites

-improved several enemy animations

-improved waterfall graphics

-improved tree leaf graphics

-improved aljiba lampposts

-changed some text colors

-altered simon sprites

-altered simons curse logo colors

-altered vaniamania logo

-altered metzger made logo anim

-adjusted sunray visibility time

-changed simon midair attack sprite


-added area between carmilla cemetery and aljiba

-changes to joma marsh

-changes to dabis path


-added system to check if the player is using keyboard or controller (could be used to to show correct use/action/etc keys/buttons with the indicator)

-reworked most of the enemy AI coding (it does not show that much on the outside, but all the fixes with the enemies are because of it)


-can also equip item1 with the item1 use key/button

-pressing inventory or options button/key while either is active while now close the current menu instead of changing it

-both start and select work in death menu

-added gamepad setting 5 (up button does nothing, use/talking/entering is via top button, item use buttons are bumbers)

-gamepad triggers swap menus from inventory to options

-ingame options selection position resets when closed


-nerf: holy water is not very effective in water

-buff: when starting new game player has 3 more ingame hours before night time

-change: werewolfs now only roam at night


-fixed issue where player would take damage above noxius ponds without hitting them (turns out this was a conversion issue in hitboxes, should not cause anymore issues)

-fixed issue where player would take damage above spikes without hitting them (turns out this was a conversion issue in hitboxes)

-fixed player getting stuck on roof slopes

-fixed werewolf fixes: not using slopes, getting stuck on slopes when jumping, getting stuck on walls

-fixed slime not using slopes

-fixed some enemies shooting from outside of view

-fixed weird behavior with bone throwing skeletons (getting stuck, trolling platforms, staying airborne, getting stuck on ground, throwing bones without animation)

-fixed frog enemies sometimes getting stuck on walls while jumping

-fixed some flying enemies under some objects they should not be

-fixed player jumping out of water splash y pos too high

-fixed mausoleum exit door being closed when boss defeated

-fixed inventory clock not having minutes and hours in double digits (when less than 10)

-fixed certain drop that you were not supposed to die from

-fixed issue with new game in empty save slot trying to load a save

-fixed a lot of typos
"in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king"

Offline Wanhus

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Re: Simon's Curse, metroidvania game based on Simon's Quest
« Reply #232 on: March 06, 2024, 11:15:04 AM »

As always saves SHOULD be backwards compatible!
From version 0.73 onwards you dont have to move savefiles from old version folder to new version folder.

Download at!:

Update v0.80 D06.M03.Y2024

##story related

-added hints where to go next that ties in with the story


-added several new areas

##enemies, npc and objects

-added 5 new enemies

-added new lights

-added new decor object

##graphics and effects

-improved map graphics (it's a lot better now)

-improved jova town trees

-improved sky/cloud graphics

-improved intro graphics and some animations

-minor changes to  several locations

-added new effect reflecting mirrors

-added new backgrounds

-added several new tiles

-added new background to aljiba

-added item box graphics in invetory

-added unknown location map marker

-added coin bag dropping in water effect

-added mist effect to an area


-added item to enemy drop list


-changed lighting code a bit to allow more adjustable lights

-added better loot tables and improved its coding

-luck now works and affects things such as loot tables (and there is one item that gives a bit of luck)

-added continue delay, so that respawn is not instant but still quick


-fixed few light positions

-fixed some breakaway blocks having wrong color

-fixed missing portrait from intro

-fixed intro chat text swapping too fast

-fixed few non moving backgrounds

-fixed merman jumping out of water splash effect too high

-fixed jumping merman not facing player

-fixed not getting exp from killing a jumping merman

-fixed very rare case where map would not work

-fixed certain drop being deadly when it should not be (again)

-fixed few missing tiles

-fixed menu logo being over scanlines
"in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king"