I knew i recognized the main part of the melodies track lol, check around 1:02 on this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGn2HyFvfHg&list=PLrbDoTCvadnhIQ-PtjeyJMp0yjOQEyCbq&index=45 I agree dude, very cool track, i always liked that track! Also if i remember right, on the wolf revealed on judgment they threw in annex in there about mid way through the track for a cool breakdown lol
Ah yeah that is def it at the 1:02 mark. Yeah I like this one a whole lot and I don't feel like it has gotten any love at all. I can't think of a better piece really. The main idea though is to go with something like this that has not seen a lot of attention. We really don't need another bloody tears or vampire killer etc if you know what I'm saying. I mean I love bloody tears like most of us and that is why there are so many covers of it but let's not forget the other great stuff from the series that no one took the time to do yet.
Track choice aside I find it painful when I go through my massive library of castlevania music looking for tracks to make a castlevania playlist and I end up with like less than 20 tracks in my playlist because I don't want to listen to an hour of 15 different covers of the same 3 songs. I might have like 4 or 5 different covers of the same piece that I really like but I don't really want all of them in one playlist either. I could probably make several lists of the same songs all in very different styles and moods but none of them would be very long either prob less than 20 songs in total. Makes me sad man.
Again I believe this is why I found that submerged track so enjoyable. You have done the only cover of it I actually like so far I think and it gives me at least one more unique song in my list. Swinglevania is also a good one but it cheats a little cuz it is a medley of stuff and not just one song and it is also in such a wildly different style than most other stuff. Metal/Orch/Techno etc all common but jazz or swing? You don't hear to much of that. I love the stuff Hat does for this reason. Drac's crib is a great example of his stuff and really stands out against the more common styles used. Don't get me wrong though I am at my core a metal fan. As broad as my musical appreciation is I find myself solidly attached to the sound of a raging guitar in ways I can't say the same for with other styles of music. Hard to describe but something tells me a guy like you probably knows exactly what I mean