I'm sure some of you will be happy that I was working with the US release, which I'm sure is what 99% of modders are using.
Open the US ROM and jump to address $018048. It should be 0xB6DA1A00. This is the very first hidden item in the game. Each set of items is terminated by 0xFF, so you could potentially have 8 hidden items per stage. The status of a hidden item is bitmasked in RAM address $0144. The neighboring RAM address $0145 is used to keep track of how long Simon stays in place when necessary.
Here are the pointers for each stage (excluding Hard Mode numbering). This address map can be found at 0x01FC48 in the US ROM. Add #018010 to each pointer to find its corresponding address in the ROM. A lot of these just point to terminal #FF.
8038 | Stage 00 |
804A | Stage 01 |
8041 | Stage 02 |
804F | Stage 03 |
83FB | Stage 04 |
8400 | Stage 05 |
8409 | Stage 06 |
8556 | Stage 07 |
8548 | Stage 08 |
8551 | Stage 09 |
87A0 | Stage 10 |
87A0 | Stage 11 |
87A0 | Stage 12 |
89AF | Stage 13 |
89B4 | Stage 14 |
89C0 | Stage 15 |
8AE5 | Stage 16 |
8AE1 | Stage 17 |
8B39 | Stage 18 |
Item definitions are in the following bitmasked format:
Y = Y-coordinate
D = Difficulty
M = Mode
L = Level
X = X-coordinate
S = Screen (i.e., X div 256)
V = Vertical offset
H = Horizontal offset
I = Item number
Both X and Y are handled as-is (no arithmetic) and correspond to where Simon must posture. In other words, Y is always a multiple of 16 and X is a multiple of 8. Both V and H can be thought of in terms of 16*V or 16*H and refer to the position the item itself will spawn, relative to Simon.
There are 4 modes. Mode 0 requires Simon to
stand still for 2 seconds. Mode 1 is just a quick duck at the spawn zone. Mode 2 requires Simon to stay in place while holding left or right for 2 seconds (this can be done while ducking, or by walking into a wall). Mode 3 just means Simon merely has to walk over the spawn area.
The Item numbers are as follows. Note that descriptions are based on Stage 04's sprites.
#00 | Coins |
#01 | 1UP |
#02 | Crown |
#03 | Chest |
#04 | Moai |
I haven't found a way to get the shoes, coffee, kittens, or love letter. Then again, I didn't really take the time to test out all 256 possible item numbers.