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Shaft and balls... I dont even knew that Shaft plays golf xD
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Hau auu~     

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The propaganda is geared mainly toward the fact that she plays games, and enjoys fantasy worlds. That's not my point. It's the message these quotes send. People can have any hobby they wan't within reason, but the sheer volume of these comments portraying her as some creepy WoW addicted lazy annoying hyper-mouthed girl, is a little concerning. You DID see the actual full compilation site with all the quotes, right? If not, go read the whole thing, or at least a large sample. You'll know what I'm talking about then.

Gunlord summed it up pretty nicely though. No sense in repeating it.

What volume? They gave 51 quotes total. 13 were political about 7 were specifically negative towards Republican and or the Tea Party movement. The rest were mostly normal conversation for online gaming in general with terms and jargon that might sound bad when taken completely out of context as they were. And on top of that all instances of  slacking off at work are prior to 2009 when she wasn't running for office, and there were even three instances where she said she was lazy or had no time from after 2009 that were taken out of context, but if you read the whole post she was referring to not having time to play WoW. So to your point of the message these quote sent, is all an illusion carefully crafted to make her look as bad as possible. I could do the same exact thing to you right here on this forum and make you look like an devil worshiping, goth that is addicted to a demonic video game series. I can take quotes of my own that taken individually make me look like a raging alcoholic, but the truth is I only drink an alcoholic beverage maybe two or three time a month. And it would all be bullshit. Because that's what this type of propaganda is. It's completely meaningless. "...portraying her as some creepy WoW addicted lazy annoying hyper-mouthed girl..." is exactly what they were trying to do.
If you actually want to know the truth you'll do what I did which is follow the links to the original posts and read them all IN CONTEXT which is the only way to really get an idea for of what she was actually saying.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 10:38:33 PM by Inccubus »
"Stuff and things."

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I'm with Gunlord here. I couldn't care less about a candidate's hobbies, but I really would have preferred a politician who does more useful things with his/her free time other than play MMORPGs or watch cinema or whatever. 
God knows I love movies, books and video games but I don't have time for them when I study, even more so if I join a political movement and would have to dedicate the rest of my time to social activities.

Then, if they are digging that stuff up from her past (in before she went into politics) to hurt her, now that's dirty politics. Using a person's past habits against him is a nasty, though acceptable tool in political propaganda.
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Republicans are stuck in the past and only care about the super rich.  They also use the most underhanded tactics to win.  So what if a politician plays video games.  Video games can remove stress.  Plus, playing MMOs can help people gain experience being part of a team.  The fact that the GOP considers them a waste of time just shows how little they know and understand about video games. 

Sometimes it's good to take a break when you're really busy and playing a videogame can help you relax and blow off some steam.  In other words, they can act as a therapy. 

I really pity anyone who doesn't understand this.
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Republicans are stuck in the past and only care about the super rich.  They also use the most underhanded tactics to win.  So what if a politician plays video games.  Video games can remove stress.  Plus, playing MMOs can help people gain experience being part of a team.  The fact that the GOP considers them a waste of time just shows how little they know and understand about video games.

Sometimes it's good to take a break when you're really busy and playing a videogame can help you relax and blow off some steam.  In other words, they can act as a therapy.

I really pity anyone who doesn't understand this.

*NOD NOD NOD* Yep, I agree.

No, no, I just like joking around and stuff. I just say 'mew' and *purrs at X contentedly* all the time, it's just one of my cutesy Gunlordisms, like "prunyuu~" and calling everyone "-sama." XD

What the Deuce?!?
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Never mind that the AI being developed has the potential for many practical uses in government and the private sector. Just another example of a politician crying "Games bad ugh!" this time the Republican Senator from Oklahoma.

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I'm with Gunlord here. I couldn't care less about a candidate's hobbies, but I really would have preferred a politician who does more useful things with his/her free time other than play MMORPGs or watch cinema or whatever. 
God knows I love movies, books and video games but I don't have time for them when I study, even more so if I join a political movement and would have to dedicate the rest of my time to social activities.

Then, if they are digging that stuff up from her past (in before she went into politics) to hurt her, now that's dirty politics. Using a person's past habits against him is a nasty, though acceptable tool in political propaganda.
How you bounce back and forth, maybe you should be running for office! ;D

"I could care less about a candidate's hobbies" is almost completely negated by ",BUT I really would have preferred a politician who does more useful things with his/her free time other than play MMORPGs or watch cinema or whatever.". It's like trying to play both sides of the fild. Reminds me of the South Park episode were Chef was protesting the racist flag, and they interviewed the people of South Park on the matter.

I think it is history, I think it is racist.

Offline Mooning Freddy

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How you bounce back and forth, maybe you should be running for office! ;D

"I could care less about a candidate's hobbies" is almost completely negated by ",BUT I really would have preferred a politician who does more useful things with his/her free time other than play MMORPGs or watch cinema or whatever.". It's like trying to play both sides of the field.

Hehehe I guess you're kinda right. It reminds me of a course I had last year about the structure of Israel's political system. The lecturer worked really hard to be politically neutral, and that's not simple when you talk of the parties in my country, believe me.
I remember how he once said "Ever since 1967 there were those in Israeli politics who advocated retreating from territories in exchange for peace, while others had a... quite different point of view."  :rollseyes:
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