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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2014, 08:34:32 AM »
I personally am not a conspiracy theorist, and for many of the conspiracies, such as aliens, I don't really have much to say either way on the subject. But I would like to point out a few of the reasons I do say that a majority of conspiracy theorists are barking up the wrong tree with many of their ideas about occult involvement in certain circles, especially Aleister Crowley. For one thing, it's constantly pointed out that Crowley was a Golden Dawn member at one time, and that he therefore knew some of the well-to-do members, and this is often used as evidence of him being behind certain political acts. However, what is usually left out of these accounts is the story of what happened to the Golden Dawn, and why Crowley left. The fact is, he was not liked by the majority of members, and he was refused the higher grades because of his bisexuality. After his departure, he and the founder, MacGregor Mathers, had a nasty and public feud in court. Shortly after, the Order crumbled. Also, the founder, Mathers, was a coward scared to death of any sort of "negative" entities or Black Magic. He once pulled a pistol on a member and started screaming at him out of fear because said member would not stomp chanting a mantra meant to rouse Shiva. The inner "secrets" of the Golden Dawn were very basic, and didn't go much farther than basic ceremonial magic, tarot reading, and astral projection. The often said statement that sex magic was practiced there is completely wrong, caused by confusion with Crowley's later work after leaving the Order. In truth, their leader, Mathers, never even made it to the top of his own grade system.

As for Crowley and the Nazis, yes, it is true that the Nazis, mostly Himmler, were interested in utilizing occult powers. It is also true that Crowley made an attempt through one of his German members to influence Hitler. But, it didn't happen. Instead, once Hitler came to power, Crowley's O.T.O. lodges were singled out for persecution just the same as Jews and homosexuals, and all of Crowley's German followers who didn't get out in time were hauled off to concentration camps. The thing is, there are many factions and opposing camps in occultism, and the Nazis' brand of occultism was far removed and in many ways diametrically opposed to the system in use by Crowley. Furthermore, while we can't prove it, Crowley always claimed that he was consulted by the British government for tips on how to counteract the Nazis' occultism, or, at the very least, get some ideas as to unnerve the Nazi leadership by making it look like they were countering with occultism of their own. According to Crowley, he told Churchill that the Nazis are obviously obsessed with Solar forms of spiritual energy, so, he told Churchill to make the "V for victory" hand gesture as often as possible in public, because in the system Crowley learned in the Golden Dawn, that hand sign represents Typhon, so he hoped it would make the Nazis nervous that Churchill was utilizing a lunar current against their solar one.

And there is no need to speculate on which spirits Crowley was invoking in certain famous cases, such as the time in the desert when he allowed himself to be possessed by Choronozon (not Thoth, mind you) as a test of his will and as part of his pathwork on the Tree of Life. This was his method of "Crossing the Abyss." Crowley kept voluminous diaries and wrote and published his activities on a regular basis. But, I suppose it's sometimes funner to some, or makes it seem scarier and more sinister, to speculate on Crowley's activities rather than just dig into the source material and hear it from the man himself. In short, what I'm getting at is trying to learn about occultists from sources hostile to occultists is about as useful as learning about Judaism from a White Supremacist.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 08:36:20 AM by K.K. Drunkinski »

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2014, 10:25:26 AM »
Is it the same god? Are you sure about that? Because the Old Testament God says not to use any symbol to represent his worship. Idols, etc. In fact, the way i read it, the bible makes it clear that idol worship starts after satan is cast from heaven. Sun worship is satans revenge for this. At least, that's what the bible says. I know that this ancient alien thing claims that all these gods are the same, and for the most part, they are. But the God of the Old Testament seems to be a clear example of something a little different.

Are you taking the bible as literal fact? Don't. The bible was written by the Holy Roman Empire three centuries after Christ's death. 44+ volumes of the original Jesus scriptures were deliberately left out of the final product because they did not "fit" with the Roman's agenda. The bible in and of itself is based off Christ's teachings, however it is heavily slandered with Roman propaganda and ideology. Satan is actually different elements that were all packed together to create the evil equivalent of god. Elements such as the goat (or Capricorn), Pan, etc. The Pentagram was turned up-side down and then painted with a goat's head in the center. Before the existence of the early churches, Satan himself did not even exist. He was pure Roman propaganda to instill fear into an illiterate society. The truth is there is no great evil equal to that of God because God has no equal. God is God, since the beginning, and ever after throughout eternity. Satan came about because of us. Because of our ignorant finite minds. Humans are capable of both good and evil, and it is through our imperfection that we made a very big catastrophe out of Christ's teachings.

1999 turned upside down is the numbers 1 and 666.

The origins of the number 666 (or 616) is the address of the infamous Roman Emperor Nero. Look the guy up, he's really sick in the head. And was the worst of the three Emperors; Caligula - Claudius - Nero.

This quote is absolute rubbish and i won't entertain it. You are no mod and your not claiming any high ground by acting like one.

It's not about being a mod. It's about being respectful to other poster on this forum. The rules thread is quite clear about specific details that will not be tolerated here, no-matter who you are. If you haven't read the rules (and your current attitude would suggest so) I suggest you read it. I am no mod nor will I claim to be. That would be playing arrogance and I've got a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to the human ego. And in terms of what you might find to be rubbish it's all in your head and thus is not fact. Different people, different opinions. If you can't have a civilized discussion without drawing swords then that's your issue.

What are all these references to us, lol.

The "rest of us are" those who posted on this thread besides you and me.

Loved the read K.K. Drunkinsk  :)  Didn't know about the Aleister Crowley, Nazi thing until Morning Star mentioned it, however you filled in pretty much all the blanks.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 10:27:04 AM by X »
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Offline Morning star

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #32 on: April 08, 2014, 01:47:15 AM »

Nah man, i don't take the bible literal. Especially not the New Testament. I will be the first one to admit how corrupt it is. I know that in order to get people to convert that it was bridged with paganism, lol. The cross in my avatar is just better than a demon, that's all. I'm an Old Testament man. And don't even try to say the Romans wrote that ;) We have a difference of opinion about satan though. He is mentioned in the Old Testament. However, many modern interpretations (New Testament) do add things to his profile that are.. Questionable to say the least :) Nero.. Yeah, i am aware of that. It's a theory that's gained moderate support. But the thing people need to understand is that these symbols of evil have been adopted and are being used by the illuminati today in order to express their agenda using symbolism that people will recognize. If their motivation is pure, why adopt symbolism that is generaly accepted as representing evil? That's a tough one to answer man, i don't care how you look at it. We went a little far with this Crowley thing. The guy was just an illuminati pawn. He was used to advance an agenda. As well as the other members of the dawn. The dawn itself was founded under direct order from top illuminati members. It had a purpose.

Far as the ego thing. Not so much ego as a short temper. I lost my cool a bit. I do that. I do apologize for that. To all that have seen my posts as offensive, sorry guys.

I also agree about KK's post. A good read. Lots of good information there. But it does give rise to a greater point and something that i have been trying to express this entire time. I will get around to that later when i have more time. It involves all the members of golden dawn and how much influence they have on things that are more relevant now than they were at that time. Very strange stuff. That much influence originating from the same place at almost the exact same time.. I can prove that it's part of a much larger agenda. One that proves that communism has always been funded by capatilists. That Hitler was illuminati. That these people have been playing all the ends against eachother for a very long time. That no matter what modern form of spirituality you practice, it's really just a branch of the original illuminati theology. All brought to you by the Knights Templar and their banking system that was funded by the spoils of crusade. Truth is stranger than fiction.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 02:53:18 AM by Morning star »

This magic whip could be an example of advanced alien technology.

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2014, 11:29:46 AM »
Far as the ego thing. Not so much ego as a short temper. I lost my cool a bit. I do that. I do apologize for that. To all that have seen my posts as offensive, sorry guys.

No problems Morning Star  ;)  We all get angry but it's because we're only human. I think the reason why you got short with me was because I was not seeing your point of view. It's not a good idea to expect something of someone else because all you're doing is setting yourself up for possible disappointment. One of the rules I live my life by is "Not to expect anything". It's much less of a hassle that way. I will not expect you to see my points of view either. But the only thing I do know that we have in common is Castlevania  ;D

I've noticed that you got quite the image collection of the sacred triangle. The intersecting Tetrahedral. A simple mathematical shape, yet the strongest form of creation in existence. It can be found everywhere you look. Not only in nature but also in symbology as you've pointed out. Do you believe it to be evil? Me personally, No. It's the blueprint of all existence. God's blueprint. The Tibetan Tree of Life contains within it the Scared Triangle if you know what to look for. Even the Ark of the covenant contains within it this simple yet powerful artifact of creation which is why the Ark was able to to do all those things that were written about it. There's just no escaping it because it's also what make up our existence too. It can be found all over the world in different forms yet it's, at the same time, the same thing. People use it's symbology for many different purposes. Some good, some evil, yet we all use it, it's what makes us 'us' and that's what we all have in common.

I'm an Old Testament man.

This tells me quite a bit about you now that you've mentioned it.

And don't even try to say the Romans wrote that

The Romans didn't write Jesus' scriptures. His disciples did on what is known as the Jesus scrolls. These scrolls contain absolutely no references to Satan, Lucifer or anything dogmatic and negative in any way. Those elements came later by the Romans. Jesus simply taught the people positive messages; about a God of infinite love, wisdom, patients; an infinite being of all-knowing and all-seeing and complete understanding. He kept his teachings simple and not complex. He also taught us that we are only human and that we make mistakes. The term "Thou shall not sin" is absolutely impossible for us as we are only human. The Bible itself was not put together until three centuries later By the Emperor Constantine, when he united all the churches and brought about the Holy Roman Empire. And the first Old Testament books that were complied were used by his Empire to spread Christianity throughout Europe. This gave the empire it's 'second wind' so to speak. Constantine met with each of the leaders of the once separate christian faculties and decided on what would go into the bible, what would remain intact, and most importantly, what was omitted. I would personally rather indulge in reading the Jesus scrolls as they give out his complete teachings.

That no matter what modern form of spirituality you practice, it's really just a branch of the original illuminati theology.

Spirituality is not an Illuminati invention because the Illuminati does not go back to the beginnings of humanity. It can't. It's organization is too complex for a bunch of simple-minded primitive hominids to create. Spirituality is straightforward, very simple and was the first on the scene when the first peoples' became aware of death and started to wonder "what comes next..?". Like I had mentioned with Witchcraft, it is ancient. Unlike organized religion which is far more recent, spirituality is all about you and your sacred connection to God.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 11:33:43 AM by X »
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2014, 02:34:23 AM »
 I can't remember the last time somebody misquoted me as many times as you have, lol.

One example.

I said "Modern spirituality", not spirituality in general. I never said spirituality was an illuminati invention. You are either confused or misleading people.

I will explain...

Modern wicca is NOT ancient witchcraft. (As much as every modern practitioner would like it to be). Thelema is NOT traditional paganism. (Even though the modern prophet has given us all the direction for the new age, lol)  The Old Testament is not even the ancient, real, Hebrew texts. Lots of Jews will line up to tell you that. Christianity has been infiltrated with all manner of random religious beliefs. It's like a Frankenstein monster to be honest. Scientology is just a Joke! And satanism... Well.. I believe i already mentioned how that was influenced by Crowley, Gardner, hell, all of em! If Christianity is a Frankenstein monster, satanism is certainly represents the bride of Frankenstein. But again, they all are to be frank about it.

History is being altered even as we speak. They recreate truths daily. The idea of accepting this was driven into minds with Indiana Jones, lol. Mockingbird again. Now they can say they found shit that rewrites history every day and people just go, derp, ok.. They don't understand, the same people who do the research are being paid to follow a script. They do it in congress. Believe that they do it here as well. They rewrite history online while doing away with traditional physical forms of history. Just like CDs and video games. It won't be long and you won't get to buy a physical copy of these things anymore. That's preconditioning to accept it where it really counts. All physical historical texts. And you can believe your new reality because Indiana jones was a cool guy, remember?

History can be a lie agreed upon. I think Napolean said that. Tell a lie. Make it big. Tell it often enough and people will believe it. Hitler? Clearly these are not exact quotes. These are from my memory, not google.

Do you think the Jews chose Solomon's seal to be the standard on the flag of Israel? The Star of David/shield of David/Solomon's seal, is an abomination of the Jewish faith. And it's also something they never asked for. It didn't even show up as a symbol until the late Middle Ages. During the... Yep, Holy Roman Empire ;D The symbol itself is used by the occult to invoke and control demons. The rebirth of the nation state of Israel was part of an illuminati Zionist agenda in the late 1800s. The nazis were the 'final solution' to how they would finally get it accomplished. As the nazis themselves were funded and directed by the illuminati. Only 28% of Jews even support the idea of Zionism. The movement was started by the illuminati. It was done in the same fashion as they used when they started the uprising in the Ukraine. Since the end of the American civil war, the illuminati has been very busy. Check this shit out. This is from document about the history on the Israeli flag.

Coincidence or Epiphany?
How could four people — one in Switzerland, one in Israel, and two in the United States — come up with the same flag design? Was it just a coincidence, or could it have been something supernatural in nature?
I would argue that the Lord moved on their hearts with the same design and did so to affirm the fact that their design was the one that should be adopted by the new state.

How many ways can you say wow? That's crazy.

This magic whip could be an example of advanced alien technology.

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2014, 07:02:25 AM »
Thelema is NOT traditional paganism. (Even though the modern prophet has given us all the direction for the new age, lol)

You're correct. I would just like to point out that Thelema never claimed to be, and is not meant to be, a revival of an ancient form of paganism. It is meant to be a new form of religion which disposes of all old systems, the ancient forms of Paganism included. It doesn't do away with the old deities, but puts them in an entirely new frame of reference. People often try to lump Thelema in with things such as Wicca which falsely believe they are doing something ancient, but that's unfair, because Thelema openly states it is new, not old.

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2014, 10:06:20 AM »
I said "Modern spirituality", not spirituality in general. I never said spirituality was an illuminati invention.

It sounded that way since it wasn't clarified till now. So it was confusing there for a bit.

You are either confused or misleading people.

Just confused. To mislead someone would be to lie to them and I cannot do that to those whom I've known for quite a while now. Nor would I want to lie to anyone as that wouldn't make me feel good inside, but rotten. Also we were never given the right to judge one-another, harshly or otherwise.
The symbol itself is used by the occult to invoke and control demons.

This is where we will have to to agree to disagree. The Blueprint of God's design does not, nor has it even involved invoking demons, much less controlling them. That's all us and has nothing to do with the Intersecting Tetrahedral. We are the ones responsible for such things and not God's design. We're imperfect remember? And thus make mistakes and even claim lies to be the hard truth. But even then demons do not exist in reality as many of the western religions claim. Church propaganda remember? Demons are great for story-telling and I've used references to them also in some of my writings, but they are unrealistic when it comes to common sense which many religions sadly don't practice enough of. Many demons were created out of flight's of fancy and inexplicable things and events. Others because the people didn't know what to tell the authorities about what they didn't understand they were experiencing, or dealing with. Still others demons were brought about by church doctrine itself by using gods, deities, and even animals of former religions and spirituality. Christianity claims the serpent is evil when in truth it represents power, creation and fertility. A very ancient symbol of spirituality. And animals by nature are not evil. They don't have our human weaknesses or intelligence to make them think the thought or decide to become evil. It's simply not in their nature. but it is in our nature. We were given free will and this has allowed us the decision to be good, evil, or somewhere in between. We were deliberately made to be this way as a part of our learning experiences. And we need to learn to take responsibility for those weaknesses if we are ever to move on.

I can't remember the last time somebody misquoted me as many times as you have, lol.

It's for the better in that regard. I find keeping track of the little things to be too emotionally bogging. It's best not to carry useless weight around so that way you can feel just that much lighter. Otherwise you'd feel like Atlas; The Titan whom holds the weight of the world on his shoulders.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 10:08:30 AM by X »
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #37 on: April 16, 2014, 10:13:31 PM »
Me >I can't remember the last time somebody misquoted me as many times as you have, lol.

X >It's for the better in that regard. I find keeping track of the little things to be too emotionally bogging. It's best not to carry useless weight around so that way you can feel just that much lighter. Otherwise you'd feel like Atlas; The Titan whom holds the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Me > LMAO!!!! This is like the anthem these days is it not. YOLO!!!!! Am I right ;) No I didn't overlook the fact that you just called all mi information pointless bullshit. I am just focusing on the part that says your lazy and ignorant because your too fragile to handle or care about the truth :D

In closing.. Nothing short of WOW! What an example for others..
« Last Edit: April 16, 2014, 10:18:58 PM by Morning star »

This magic whip could be an example of advanced alien technology.

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #38 on: April 17, 2014, 09:49:18 AM »
Me > LMAO!!!! This is like the anthem these days is it not. YOLO!!!!! Am I right ;) No I didn't overlook the fact that you just called all mi information pointless bullshit. I am just focusing on the part that says your lazy and ignorant because your too fragile to handle or care about the truth :D

In closing.. Nothing short of WOW! What an example for others..

*Sigh* so you're going to personally attack me once more all because I've not seen your point of view or that you have failed to change my mind as you were expecting to? That's the wrong attitude to bring to a forum. Any forum for that matter. You cannot force change on another individual that has rights and freedoms under the law. And under God. To do so personally violates their rights. But enough of this. This topic has gone off the deep end somewhat. More then what I was hoping for. You seemed like an intelligent fellow but decided very quickly that painting a target reticle on my head would be better for you since I "wasn't cooperating" with you according to your ego. Did you truly apologize to me before the last time? I feel it was superficial in it's meaning. Scoring points to attempt to get on my good side so you could try your tactic once again. After this recent comment I don't really believe you actually meant it. As I had surmised before, you being an Old testament kind of guy really told me a lot about you. This is the 21st century and not the dark ages. No Witch hunts are acceptable in this day and age. Or in any age for that matter.

To any and all Moderators here please feel free to lock the thread. Morning Star has invited me to ask for it's closure.
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #39 on: April 17, 2014, 10:40:30 AM »
X, you don't get to ask for a thread to be closed.  We determine that based on our monitoring of said threads.

However, this thread WILL NOW be closed because people couldn't be trusted to keep things civil, as Bloodreign asked on Page 2.
This is why you can't have nice things.

That ship is my admin powers administering the Lock.
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