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Re: Animated series, beyond season 2.
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2017, 11:27:09 AM »
I was thrilled. It's excellent watching, but man is it gory. Holy crapbaskets.

But the acting is good, the dialogue is good, I like Trevor, Alucard is sufficiently creepy yet regal, and the detail of hitting the Cyclops in the eye with the dagger, then it turning Sypha back into human form after having turned her to stone, was my favorite nod to the actual game.
Are ya smokin' yet?!

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Re: Animated series, beyond season 2.
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2017, 12:01:06 PM »
I was thrilled. It's excellent watching, but man is it gory. Holy crapbaskets.

But the acting is good, the dialogue is good, I like Trevor, Alucard is sufficiently creepy yet regal, and the detail of hitting the Cyclops in the eye with the dagger, then it turning Sypha back into human form after having turned her to stone, was my favorite nod to the actual game.

I'm glad another fan liked it too,  and what you said about  Alucard is true. And what did you think of the whips design.
Last son of family Belmont.

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Re: Animated series, beyond season 2.
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2017, 12:09:54 AM »
I honestly don't care. I have no confidence that they will do anything I disliked about this series any differently, so it doesn't make any difference to me at all.
They could do a story about Kokoro Belmont next and I wouldn't bat an eyelash.
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Offline gallandryal

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Re: Animated series, beyond season 2.
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2017, 07:46:00 PM »
What do you guys think?  Where is it most likely to go?  Where would you like it to go?

CV/CV2 following Simon’s story > Rondo of blood/Symphony of night/Nocturn of Recollection arc > Order of Ecclesia > Bloddlines/Portrait of Ruin > Aria and Dawn of Sorrow

  • Curse of darkness featuring Trevor as protagonist and Hector as a deuteragonist, tying some loose ends and making the future change of protagonists smoother. I can see this game being skipped, going straight to Simon’s arc, though
  • Simon game’s doesn’t have solid story with dialogues, but following the premise of the simple script, the writer will have liberties to create original characters and subplots, and this is not bad at all. The gypsy and Crystal trader can be turned into substantial characters and maybe deuteragonists, whatever....  It can be adapted in one or two seasons depending of the writter’s creativity.
  • Rondo of blood first episode I can see opening with a creepy scene of the village being invaded, showing villagers like Maria's parents being killed and Annette, Maria and other girls being taken by to the castle; introducing Richter in the second episode with a subplot and showing why he was not in the village.

    Symphony of the Night will be harder to structure as a tv series. I think the first three or four episodes will need to be a building for Richter disappearance, settled outside the castle, mirroring the first season where it’s more focused on characters dynamics and relationships, plus adding a subplot. Nocturn of Recolection can be adapted as an opportunity to show Alucard past prior meeting Trevor, maybe gaining it’s own season, being less silly with more mature tone, also explaining some vague stuffs like Maria’s fate, why Alucard was awake, what Richter was doing.

    Order of Ecclesia placed in the first decade of 1800, Shanoa as protagonist featuring Richter or Alucard as easter egg characters, closing the “1800’s arc” tying up some loose ends as why Richter gave up the vampirekiller, etc...
  • Bloodlines and Portrait of Ruin can be tied in two or three seasons, maybe with Eric as protagonist as he appears in both games. Lots of things can be done with a world war story.
  • A prequel of Aria and Dawn of Sorrow finally covering Julius quest against Dracula is welcomed. A “modern gothic” atmosphere would be more fitting than a sci-fi setting.

There's no need to adapt Leon, Juste and Christopher stories. Their feats can be mentioned or showed on flashbacks.

How do you imagine the different stories from the games would be presented, given the style of the animated series?
  • Simon’s character development can be the opposite of Trevor: in the beginning he’s somewhat cocky and eager to fight, and he will get more gloomy and bitter as the story unfolds and shit happens to him

    Make Simon’s love interest an anti-heroine. A Belmont that fall in love with a girl that is secretly antagonist is a new touch. There’s too much blonde sidekicks and damsels in distress in this franchise. Something like his future wife being attracted by occultism, seeking Dracula’s power, and Simon goes to rescue her but she doesn’t need to be saved. Later she regret and low key helps him - turning her into the mysterious lady (a dynamic similar to Denna/Kote from kingkiller or hercules/megara relationship). Or anything that's not a helpless bland lady.
  • As for Maria.... She is so out of place... The little that is shown of her personality is really cartoonish and her clothes are historically innacurate. Why the hell she wore pants and short skirts? And her characterization was so no sense for that period. I’d go with something like this: When the village was being invaded in RoD Maria disguised herself as a boy to not be abducted by the demons, but of course, it didn’t work

    Growing up Maria ended up enjoying wearing pants even if it was in the 1700's. Maybe because she enjoyed fighting and it was diffuclt to train using a long skirt

    She is probably bad in cook and other traditionally feminine chores like embroidery and housework

    the neighbors raise eyebrows to her because she was eccentric and also filled the neighborhood with dove’s filth :/

    She developed a cringey and one sided crush on a 400-year-old vampire, who felt relieved to tear her away.

    The producers said that the netflix series is a sarcastic and more realistic version of the game. That said, Twilight-type relationship between vampires and pixie dream 17-year-old girls who makes his world pink is ridiculous. Castlevania doesn’t need this. The tv show needs to portray what really happens when a teenager falls in love with an old vampire.

    Maybe she is a closeted lesbian, who felt sidelined and had nowhere to go after Richter and Annette married moved away... Or maybe she realized that her crush is stupid, moved on and married any villager., who knows.... Just ugh, makes this character make some sense in a realistic and non-annoying way.
  • It’s implied that Elizabetha, Lisa and Mina are reincarnation of the same person, so her being a medicine or nursing student would make an interesting nod to it.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 10:28:39 AM by gallandryal »

