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Offline Abnormal Freak

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Heavy Rain
« on: June 21, 2010, 12:19:41 PM »
is pretty awesome. Very cinematic, well-written, fairly well-acted, and the quick time event-centered gameplay is actually a load of fun. Thank goodness this is for the PS3 and not 360, though; I suck so much at trying to remember the button layout on the Xbox because I get the buttons confused with the Super Nintendo's—and more than that, I often mistake the blue X for the blue X on the PS controller, ha. This caused a lot of problems while playing Deadly Premonition... (The PS3 version of that game really should have been released here. Maybe it will someday? I love that game.)

Anyhoo... I love these kinds of unique games with what I consider to be "quirky gameplay." I'm actually kind of surprised that Heavy Rain is as popular as it is, 'cos to me it seems to be that kind of game that only I and a handful of others would enjoy. I guess there was a lot of hype surrounding it, however, so I guess that may explain it, but I'm glad it receives the love that it deserves (very much unlike the aforementioned Deadly Premonition, which gets shat all over).

I was playing a rental copy, but whenever it drops to about $40, I'll buy it. I'm kind of interested in playing it with the PlayStation Move controller come September, but I don't really know if I wanna buy into a cheap gimmick that tries to replicate the Wii.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this game? Oh, and it's got TITTIES! I love a game with some nice tatas.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: Heavy Rain
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2010, 02:24:45 PM »
Hmm your mention of Deadly Premonition got me lookin into it... Seems critics LOATH it entirely but gamers love it! Im gonna have to check it out

Offline Abnormal Freak

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Re: Heavy Rain
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2010, 03:46:25 PM »
Deadly Premonition from a technical standpoint isn't a very well-made game, but it's loaded with charm. The story I find to be really great and also quite funny a lot of the time, the horror elements are pretty freaky, and there are a lot of interesting gameplay ideas. It's a "quirky game," to be sure.

Sometimes the game's technical inefficiencies make it a little more fun. Like the time I was driving real fast and suddenly came to a loading screen for what seemed like no reason at all, but then I wind up inside a cabin. Turned out the game hadn't rendered the cabin in the overworld when I approached it (there was just a patch of grass there), but it finally did when my car was right in the location of it, ha ha.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 03:48:08 PM by Abnormal Freak »
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: Heavy Rain
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2010, 11:34:34 PM »

I'm picking this game up as soon as I have the cash. I just need to get Super Mario Galaxy 2 first, and maybe Red Dead Redemption. And.. and.. and. Nah, I'm definitely getting Heavy Rain before Red Dead.... Anyway, I tried the demo and it just looked awesome. I also loved Indigo Prophecy (or Fahrenheit as it's called here) so it's a must-buy. I'm always 3-4 months behind when it comes to games, mainly becaue I'm waiting for the price to drop. Heavy Rain is still full price, while Final Fantasy XIII - which was also released in march - is like $25 already. Weird.

Offline Buflame

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Re: Heavy Rain
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2010, 04:46:18 AM »
i bought it past week cause here price already drops to 40€ :), is a pretty awesome game and i loved farenheit so i wanted it so bad, really lame that games these days have so much errors...its like customers being betatesters this times, and after some reports they upload a patch and nothing happens...
Even with the newest patch game got freeze several times that makes u restart ps3 and music and voices have serius problems in some parts of the game wich means you can undestand a shit if you arent using subtitles...
Its not problem of my ps3 or my game in particular, i already asked and search for info , and a lot of people have the same problem with the game.
Resuming, is a great game but in my opinion this problems kill it, already did for me, i'm not playing it anymore afeter 3 freezes in 2 me enough mad to start another game :S

Offline Abnormal Freak

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Re: Heavy Rain
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2010, 08:43:33 AM »
Are the other people having troubles with the game also in your region? Perhaps it's something only common to that particular release. I only had the game freeze on me once, and that was right after it had loaded a chapter, so it was an easy restart. I don't know why another region would be having troubles because there's really nothing to convert, but maybe something got messed up. Or I just got lucky. :p

I never did play Indigo Prophecy. It always fascinated me, but I just never got around to playing it. Though I'd like to import one of the European versions because the US release was censored.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

Offline Buflame

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Re: Heavy Rain
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2010, 02:56:54 AM »
since i think its region free maybe the problem with sound is in spanish track voice only, but freeze shit i suppose is the same in every copy of the game, i also heard that it happens more in collectors edition, dunno why ¬¬ ... maybe you had good luck :) well anyways is a very good game and if you dont get mad for a few screen freezes i recomend the game for everyone who didnt play it yet

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Re: Heavy Rain
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2010, 11:31:35 PM »
Are the other people having troubles with the game also in your region? Perhaps it's something only common to that particular release. I only had the game freeze on me once, and that was right after it had loaded a chapter, so it was an easy restart. I don't know why another region would be having troubles because there's really nothing to convert, but maybe something got messed up. Or I just got lucky. :p

I never did play Indigo Prophecy. It always fascinated me, but I just never got around to playing it. Though I'd like to import one of the European versions because the US release was censored.
If you are still thinking about that, I played the uncensored version here, It has a different name though: Fahrenheit, a couple of scenes were cut from the US version (and later too in the EU bit hey, uncensored versions were already on the market). I can highly recommend it, it has a good plot and really good game play, they way you interact with the game can really change the outcome.

