
It's all in the title.

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I don't know.  My mind was recently violated by a Dark Priest.

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Re: Lords of Shadow --PS3 or Xbox 360?
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2010, 03:57:10 PM »
^That's what I am hearing now... makes me wonder if it's installed and it's doing so? or they are confusing the intentional slow downs... as Jorge mentioned in his post over yonder. I hope it's not true.

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Re: Lords of Shadow --PS3 or Xbox 360?
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2010, 01:24:23 AM »
I love my 360, and will be getting it for 360. I've never had ANY problems with mine, but mine was made with a Japser chip, later on in the 360s life. I will say I know many people who have had theirs die. But I never buy anything when it first comes out. I prefer a nicer price and to have all the kinks worked out. Heck my buddies PS2 would stop playing Gran Turismo 4 when a race started. But his PS2 was bought when the first came out. I personally think the XBOX has better exclusives by far. But they interest me and might not someone else. Gears of War, Fable, Mass Effect(especially Mass Effect). While the only game I really want to play on ps3 that is exclusive is God of War 3. But it looks like This game will take care of that problem. As I love Castlevania, if this is sort of like GOW but with Castlevania style. It'll be my new favorite game. Oh, not to mention the 'Titans'. I love Shadow of the Colossus, and that looks a bit like that. I must say I'm pretty excited. This is prob the first new game I've been super pumped about for some time. Heck it's Castlevania. I'm sure it'll be fine on 360, maybe a bit slicker on ps3 since that's the system it was designed for. But from what I normally hear, games on both systems tend to wind up better on 360. Maybe I'm thinking wrong here. but I think the Bethesda games are even glitchier on ps3. Oh, and 360 has more cool exclusive downloads, and I hear the ps3's online isn't as good. It better not be considering I pay 50 bucks a year for online service. I hope this game has a killer soundtrack. It looks leagues better than the PS2 Castlevanias(which I liked). I'm sure it's gonna rock on either system.

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Re: Lords of Shadow --PS3 or Xbox 360?
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2010, 02:50:40 AM »
I heard some of the newer ones also die... it's one reason they got rid of the 3 red rings... >.>
I had an older one that worked fine for a good long time. Never broke down, I just got it banned and switched it out claiming it had reg rings, lol.

In any case... I thought I read a post about Cox and teh slowdown... like he said it's not there any more or fixed or something? (for 360 I think, specifically)

Offline ShinAkumaXX

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Re: Lords of Shadow --PS3 or Xbox 360?
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2010, 03:29:26 AM »
That is one gay fucking fact. Getting banned. How damn lame! You meet a few dip shits online, and they are actually loser enough to complain about you like a little fag, then you can get banned. What the FUCK? Why I try and not say a thing on xbox live, and I've actually had people diss my rep for it. I have bad stuff on my rep for being 'not a team player'. Fuck one time a guy on halo shot me in the back of the head with a snip rifle that was on my team. So I shot him in the chest with a shot gun, and he complained about me. What a fag. Wow, that's shitty that new ones mess up. I'm on mine all the time. Not really gaming, but I watch Netflix a lot lately. For the last 3 weeks I've had my xbox on for 12 hour of the day. Then again I take care of my stuff. I have the same NES that I got in 1992. Works like a charm, as do all of my other systems. While my one friend who's family is very dirty and destructive. They had 4 ps2s, they are on their 5th xbox. It's ridiculous. I myself never have my stuff break down, and I use the shit out of em.

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Re: Lords of Shadow --PS3 or Xbox 360?
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2010, 12:46:54 PM »
^Sucks dude... though it wasn't my reason for being banned.

And yea, I hear about breakdowns but I've neer had it happen. Lucky me, or us, rather.

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Re: Lords of Shadow --PS3 or Xbox 360?
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2010, 01:34:20 PM »
PS3 all the way, and not only because its the lead platform but because its a better value.

the only reason to get a 360 is if you have to play halo, and I have to play God of War just that much more than Halo (Halo 2 cured me of giving 2 shits about the series... kinda like the Matrix 2- convalute the shit out of the story etc)

Anywho- the PS3 will give you blueray and both give you netflix-and the ps3 is also a 3d bluray player if you care about that. bluray + netflix + free PSN = win over 360 any day...

I know it has changed now with the new 360 systems, but it used to be by the time you bought a 360 with a harddrive and then gave it WiFi it was MORE than a base PS3

If I play games with friends its in person or in a MMO on my computer- and I hate paying for XBL- and XBL gold members should be thanking Sony for comeing out with PSN + @ 50$ to force down gold from about 120 to about 60...or so they say, its still about 100+ for gold- boo.

And the PSN as a media server rocks- also the hard drive is upgradeable and that action is supported by sony- rather than banned by microsoft so they can charge you, what was the 60gig add on drive to the Arcade? 120?$? - just buy some SATA 2.5inc drive, toss it in your PS3 and it converts it- the PS3 also has an option to backup your current PS3 harddrive to an external drive so when you swap to a bigger/faster drive it will re copy everything.

I have a 60gig fatty hardware ps1/2 comptable I got refurbed from compusa.com for 260$ a few years ago (good deal) and a slim 120gig I bought for upstairs bluray.

The ps3 outside of gaming is a supriour bluray / 3d bluray player to every option- the only reason imo you would not buy a ps3 as even just a bluray is if you just want a simple entery level blueray thats sub 200, once you break the 200$ mark you should just go to a PS3. I have an insignia wireless bluray we bought for 140$ from bestbuy for the bedroom- it has built in netflix- the first one we got would not boot, the 2nd works. The netflix experiance is not as good, no animated menus or search function- playing of blurays seems like a task for the loud drive- I feel if I used it as much as my primary (60gig) ps3 it would be dead in a month, then to get a good stand alone bluray that has wireless etc- your getting close to a ps3...and it does not have a harddrive or media shareing stuff like a ps3 does.

okay ps3 fanboi out!

looking forward to castlevania :-)
