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Create your own monster.
« on: August 10, 2013, 08:48:13 AM »
Just as the topic says. If you have a good idea for an enemy that would be perfect for a Castlevania game, you can post it here. Please only post serious entries (you're not funny).

It's simple, just fill in the following categories:

  • Name.
  • Description.
  • 2D or 3D?
  • Taunt (Something that the enemy says, doesn't necessarily have to be an insult).
  • Means of attack.
  • Time period?
  • Image (How you envision the enemy to look like. Can be a sprite, 3D model, drawing, whatever).

Name:  Kuchisake-onna. Localized in English as "Slit-Mouthed Woman".
Description: A woman with long, black hair who wears a gray trenchcoat. Her mouth is slit from ear to ear, which looks like a large, unsettling grin. Her face also has a sickening gray complexion.
2D or 3D?  2D.
Taunt: In the Japanese version, she would speak in a very refined and polite manner. In the English version her speach pattern would be like ye olde English. (squeaky voice, similar to Medusa's laugh from Chronicles) “Dost thou gaze upon my beauty”? (or something to that extent).
Means of attack: Her weapon of choice would be something like a scalpel, a scythe, or a large pair of scissors. I imagine she would approach very slowly but strike very quickly and suddenly when in range.       
Time period: From 1999 and onwards.

Offline Lelygax

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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2013, 09:53:42 AM »
This really sounds like a good idea for me, its not supposed to be fun, but a continued homage to Kamen Rider.

Name: Rider Skeleton
Description:A dead hero from the past revived by black magic.
2D or 3D? 2D
Taunt:Motorcycle noises.
Means of attack: He will act like these enemies that go back and forth trying to run over you, sometimes waiting until you come nearby or attack him. If you kill it, it will spawn a Kicker Skeleton like a Flea Armor spawns a Fleaman.
Time period: 1999 onward.
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Hau auu~     

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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2013, 10:06:35 AM »

Name:  The Heretic
Description:  A former Holy man corrupted by a dark power. 
2D or 3D:  Either
I also gave them over to statutes that were not good and laws they could not live by; I let them become defiled through their gifts—the sacrifice of every firstborn—that I might fill them with horror so they would know that I am the LORD.
(This is actually a bible quote)
Means of attack:  In Battle, The Heretic teleports around the room launching spinning razor "halos" as well as causing large wooden stakes to shoot out from the ground and hooked chains that seemingly come from nowhere.  If you get too close, he may swipe at you with the stakes driven through his hands. 
Time Period:  1250s and onwards (although his look has changed a bit thoughout the ages)

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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2013, 12:39:54 PM »
Name: Nephilim
Description: Unnatural species descended from both angels and demons. Rejected by Heaven and not willing to reside in Hell, they seek to wipe out humanity and claim the mortal realm as their own. Resistant to both holy and dark attacks.
2D or 3D?: both
Taunt (Something that the enemy says, doesn't necessarily have to be an insult): n/a
Means of attack: dual wields swords (one holy, one dark), slashes, thrusts, shoots a variety of projectiles (holy, dark, or mixed).
Time period?: Any
Image: Caucasian (with sleight tan). white hair. black eyes with blue irises. Looks human. Can be male or female. Males have short hair. Females have long straight hair. Both wear armor like a knight (no helmet though).

Other Notes: These enemies would be found in either church like areas or near the keep of castles. They are also meant to be a boss or a mini boss.
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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2013, 05:49:50 PM »
A good topic!  :)

Name: SWAT Zombie
Description: Undead remnants of a police unit that laid siege to the castle.
2D or 3D? Either
Taunt: When he sees you, you hear a garble of static and an unintelligible moaned voice. Play around with the sound file and it sounds a lot like, "10-34" (Assault in Progress). When killed, his shield breaks, his body crumbles based on how you killed him, and you hear another moaned voice that turns out to be "Officer Down."
Means of attack: Much like Sniper Joe of the Megaman games, SWAT Zombie blocks your attacks with a riot shield. At intervals, he lets it down to tag you with shotgun fire. Sometimes he'll remain behind cover and shoot a poisonous smoke grenade in an arc. Leave him standing for too long and he'll moan a mangled, "Requesting backup." Then a targeting reticle will appear onscreen; if you're in it when it glows red, you'll be hit by sniper fire.
Time period: 1999 onwards

Bonus details for the Sorrow games:

Soul Power Type: Guardian
Effect Level 1: A ghostly SWAT officer sprouts from your shoulder AOS Shadow Knight-style and says "10-13!" (Assisting Police Officer). He alternates between blocking projectiles and shooting enemies for low-moderate damage.
Effect Level 2: He now uses grenades at intervals for extra damage.
Effect Level 3: A ghostly targeting reticle starts following you around, centering on enemies and shooting them for big damage. A Silent Scope homage of sorts.  8)

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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2013, 04:17:29 AM »
Name: Fire Fairy.
Description: A fairy from hell. She seduces men and kills them, and absorbes holy maidens energy to gain power as a daemon.
2D or 3D?: 3D.
Taunt: Come here, you handsome! I shall grant you a wish...
Means of attack: Drops poison fairy dust while she attacks.
Image: She can be the initial fairy from Curse of Darkness with a devil-girl costume.
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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2013, 08:51:28 AM »
Fun topic!! I think I would go for more of a comic relief approach:
Name: Cheeseburgular (not to be mistaken with the hamburgular)
Description: Dracula's personal McDonalds run maker. Has no money so steals as many cheeseburgers as he can to satiate the appetite of all the minions dwelling within halls of Castlevania.
Taunt: "you get no fries with that!"
Means of attack: tosses unwrapped cheeseburger from his plentiful satchel of cheeseburgers. Also has a slide kick that can kick said burger in your face causing extra damage.
Time period: Cv bloodlines era and up
Description: I would imagine him as a low level axe armor type enemy. All black but smaller than the average axe armor. Does not wield an axe.  :D
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 08:53:45 AM by son_the_vampire »

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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2013, 10:55:26 AM »
Name: Suck-o-Bus

Description: An afro-American succubus. Doesn't take s**t from anyone and would woop yo silly @$$ if ya try anything funny.

2D or 3D: Nevermind.

Taunt:"Oh no you didn't!"

Means of attack: Throws high-heeled shoes at you, slashes you with her super-sharp nails, and every once in a while pulls out a gigantic handbag and tries to smack you down with it.

Time period: 1976

Image: Use your imagination.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 10:57:28 AM by Mooning Freddy »
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~Charlie Sheen

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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2013, 12:55:55 PM »
LOL, you inspired me enough to that:

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Hau auu~     

Offline The Puritan

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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2013, 01:16:33 AM »
Name: Suck-o-Bus

Description: An afro-American succubus. Doesn't take s**t from anyone and would woop yo silly @$$ if ya try anything funny.

2D or 3D: Nevermind.

Taunt:"Oh no you didn't!"

Means of attack: Throws high-heeled shoes at you, slashes you with her super-sharp nails, and every once in a while pulls out a gigantic handbag and tries to smack you down with it.

Time period: 1976

Image: Use your imagination.

I'm getting huge Astarte vibes from that. COME HITHAH indeed.

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Re: Create your own monster.
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2013, 02:14:17 PM »
Soldiers that are almost human
iether 3-d or 2-d.
They serve as regular enemies and attack with gunfire, small grenades or by stabbing with a knife. 

