A good topic!

Name: SWAT Zombie
Description: Undead remnants of a police unit that laid siege to the castle.
2D or 3D? Either
Taunt: When he sees you, you hear a garble of static and an unintelligible moaned voice. Play around with the sound file and it sounds a lot like, "10-34" (Assault in Progress). When killed, his shield breaks, his body crumbles based on how you killed him, and you hear another moaned voice that turns out to be "Officer Down."
Means of attack: Much like Sniper Joe of the Megaman games, SWAT Zombie blocks your attacks with a riot shield. At intervals, he lets it down to tag you with shotgun fire. Sometimes he'll remain behind cover and shoot a poisonous smoke grenade in an arc. Leave him standing for too long and he'll moan a mangled, "Requesting backup." Then a targeting reticle will appear onscreen; if you're in it when it glows red, you'll be hit by sniper fire.
Time period: 1999 onwards

Bonus details for the Sorrow games:
Soul Power Type: Guardian
Effect Level 1: A ghostly SWAT officer sprouts from your shoulder AOS Shadow Knight-style and says "10-13!" (Assisting Police Officer). He alternates between blocking projectiles and shooting enemies for low-moderate damage.
Effect Level 2: He now uses grenades at intervals for extra damage.
Effect Level 3: A ghostly targeting reticle starts following you around, centering on enemies and shooting them for big damage. A Silent Scope homage of sorts.