This one's been taken down as well. Are they butthurt or something..?
yeah i made another account unlisted the video and named it video all so it have a chance to stay up where other have the whole movie on there for over a year and the whole soundtrack (that's where i got it) but both times mine got took down in 2 days think they just don't like me doing a dub oh well I'll just upload it to a torrent when i get done with the whole movie done with i did more now i'm 27 minutes right now that's 25% done here i upload a new video of it so ppl can still see it you'll have to download it tho cause i give up on youtube sorry for the quality made a wmv to save size and to upload to youtube before i seen they hit me again
kinda lost a little still look good but you see what i mean guess I'm getting to use to 1080p video
have to check my settings but only 230mbs still have a long way to go on the voices but voices are all i got left i edit the whole movie mp3 cutting all Chinese voices out so just dubbing to do can't record none today my $400 mic will pick up the damn rain
damn blue yeti pro not only have to unplug it every now again to get window to see it but be very still so it don't record any other sounds but my voice lol sucks cause its hot and i want to run my ac but i can't
anyway enough talk here's the url
monkey king 2014 27 minute English dub where i got most my learning on how to do my editing
Journey to the west 1996 20 minute English dub