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Gundam Versus free to play on PS4, search Gundam on PSN
« on: September 02, 2017, 08:20:27 PM »
wasn't really interested in Gundam games, I played the 2nd "Warriors" Gundam game and it was so so, though Gundam Versus is really amazing! I like the combat and depth, it's so gorgeous, super fast loading, and 60 frames per second and with gorgeous graphics!!

looking up info on it, I'm surprised something so outstanding would be discovered the month it launches in the west.  xD In just a day of playing I've gotten so skilled, at times it feels like I carried to team to victory, almost always the #1 highest scoring team member out of 3,   I even accumulated 10,000+ score in a team match!!  (and that's just using Gun EZ as Junko Jenko, it's intensely amazing feeling defending some iconic mobile suits/pilots )   

there is a lot of depth, and I got more used to the moving and timing.   oh yea be sure to use R3 for burst when you left meter is half or all the way filled.  during burst mode, I pressed R3 again and it seems to do a super attack. very useful.   it's so epic when all 6 pilots using their burst, which flash their intense portrait onscreen.

the pilot portraits in this game are the most gorgeous ever, HUGE portraits that are perfect in size and detail, and animated too for the talking portraits.   really adds soul to the experience, especially considering the pilots are the souls of the mobile suits. So its great this game doesn't simply 100% present just the mechs.    yea other than the occasional portrait pop ups, the pilots are no where to be seen in the UI, but I guess it makes the instances the pilots are in view, all the more refreshing and awesome.

the only iffy thing is that the favorites section, just lists the mobile suits and not the pilot portraits (like the normal select screen has), and it's kinda awkward that the pilots themselves don't have their name in text next to them, (but when in matchmaking practice mode, you do practice against a mirror opponent of the mobile suit and pilot you chose, and the pilots's name is below their indicator).  but I guess for easier localization, they forego having names next to pilot icons in the select screen , expecting fans to recognize them all.   :P

though I'm very very surprised how much I like the game, the mobile suit and pilot selection is amazing, the gameplay is deep yet even an amateur like me can turn its overwhelming system into something adaptable and understandable, and that's just a day's experience playing it.  So much intense and close battles, and even intense comebacks!    I would like the matches, especially 3v3 matches to be longer, they should up the score, though I think the overall match length is the bare minimum, any shorter and I would be like upset.  but as is, it seems on the fine line of decent length.   

and yes it can lag, but at times, it can be flawless too.   I'm impressed by the hosted player matches too, how the slots systems work and it can basically sustain multiple teams in one lobby and they can match up instead of individual lobbies that just house two teams for one match.  (at first I thought it supported 18 players matches lol!) 

but yea its definitely awesome.    now if they added things like first perosn cockpit mode and other stuff, they can improve it even more.  but I'm impressed this was an arcade game, and the console version is already making it greater with 3 vs 3 and other modes.

it really is refreshing and I think Namco has a winner with this masterpiece, though I wonder if it will sell enough in the west, it should, there's nothing like it, and they already won a new fan if the full version is this great or greater.
