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How would you adapt other games?
« on: October 10, 2018, 11:26:28 AM »
Thinking on the Castlevania season 2 and announced season 3, I started to wonder what other adaptations of the games would be like? Regardless of how unlikely it would be, what would your ideas be for an adaptation of the other games in the series?

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Re: How would you adapt other games?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2018, 01:20:18 PM »
Honestly, they could push a straight chronology at this point, only going backwards to Leon for the penultimate season, depending on how they long they wanted to go. I'd stick only to the Belmont family saga though.

Some caveats: I'd make Adventure and Belmont's Revenge the same season, and Adventures can be covered in one episode more as a prologue to Belmont's Revenge as Adventure isn't very interesting on its own.

Unless they were intent on consistently lengthier seasons, I'd say Simon needs three in total: one for his first adventure, and then two more to deal with Simon's Quest. With longer seasons, a single one each wouldn't be bad.

Harmony of Dissonance would be a neat one to see, with its bright colors and in-your-face psychedelic personality offering kind of a neat shift from the grim fantasy/gothic horror aesthetic the franchise is known for. Because this one is so well self-contained, they could get away with this one as a 70-80 minute movie to fill the between-seasons gap if they really wanted.

Rondo is pretty self-explanatory, and if you consider the original cutscenes as storyboards, they already have some of their work done for them. I'd probably only say a half season for Rondo, devoting the second half to Symphony of the Night.

Bloodlines and Portrait are kind of optional as they're not entirely essential to the story -- there's little that's explained in them that couldn't be related in another way in a season not devoted to them. I do confess my desire to see Bloodlines done as "Bram Stoker's Dracula the movie writ Castlevania" to bring the cycle of influence full circle. That could be amazing. Maybe go the movie route, like Harmony.

Take the time to go back, and explore Lament of Innocence at this stage.

Aria of Sorrow does the Doctor Who thing: the 1999 Demon Castle War is never shown in its entirety because at this point there's nothing they can show that tops what people who want it have imagined for themselves. We do get snippets and flashbacks, and Genya Arikado occasionally loses his cool a little bit when he thinks about it or mentions it -- proof that it was so terrible that even the usually unflappable Alucard is traumatized by the events more than a little.

Honestly, I think it's best for everyone that we just... skip Dawn.

Anything unique it has to say (that is actually important) could be easily folded into Aria.

And that's just a quick roadmap I could bang out in ten minutes.

We're looking at 5-7 additional seasons and a movie or two. I think that's more than respectable, and easily in line with big shows on major networks.
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Re: How would you adapt other games?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2018, 03:49:36 PM »
Harmony of Dissonance would be a neat one to see, with its bright colors and in-your-face psychedelic personality offering kind of a neat shift from the grim fantasy/gothic horror aesthetic the franchise is known for. Because this one is so well self-contained, they could get away with this one as a 70-80 minute movie to fill the between-seasons gap if they really wanted.

Agreed, and they could do just that for Order of Ecclesia too.

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Re: How would you adapt other games?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2018, 07:12:55 PM »
how'd i go about it?

i won't go into detail for every title, but i do know what i'd do at least production-wise

get the penny dreadful people on it--we already know they're damn good at gothic horror and their production values for filming/wardrobe/effects/casting/acting/writing/etc. are equally great (if one ignores the rushed nature of the third season's end-tying, which was due to studio cancellation rather than a lapse in production quality)

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