I think this says it all:

I hope this hasn't been mentioned before,but I searched the forums and couldn't find anything, so ...
This is pretty much as good as it gets, concerning the N64 Castelvania's last hurrah. Legacy of Darkness plays far better in emulation; in large part due to the fact that you can map the previously-unreachable camera controls to the second analog.
Well, now it LOOKS far better too. A user by the name of Gitech at the Emutalk forums has been working on this pack since January. He claims it's 98% complete, but he's letting anyone download the beta anyway.
Now the problem is, it's using one of the older N64 emulators as its base, as it seems that "1964" is one of the only emulators to support hi-res texture packs. And so several people are going to need to tweak arouind with the plugins to get them to work right (took me about an hour). There's an option to "dump textures", and he used Photoshop to retouch and upgrade many textures, and likely Google images to fill in the more extravagent ones. (Public Domain be damned).
He did a beautiful job. Artistic freedom in tow, he did manage to make a few things more horror-filmish (like purple teeth on the pointing statue in the graveyard), and unless something's going on with my vid card, red water at the graveyard. But the second you load this up you are going to notice the graphics texture quality jump 2,3 or 4 fold; depending on how high you can set your video settings.
Some of it is simply beautiful. I may be a purist when it comes to re-experiencing the classics, but sometimes emulation is actually the better choice. I'll take most of these textures over the originals any day.
So if you have the LOD rom, DOWNLOAD THIS PACK NOW, you won't regret it. I am having a blast with this game like I've never had before.