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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #30 on: September 16, 2008, 01:46:45 AM »
In Reply To #28

DoS's level design is not nice!! Aria's level design IMO is the most awesome after Symphony. DoS is having better enemies design and animation, but that's all it has. It lacks at level design, music, story and it doesn't have gameplay improvements!! On the other hand Aria was something new, with wonderfull level design, nice music, good story plot and an interesting gameplay!! My only complaint is that we didn't get the arranged versions of the sound track!! Only four tracks!!
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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #31 on: September 16, 2008, 03:32:49 AM »
People may hate me for that, but though I like the oldschool-vanias, I prefer every IGAvania (besides HoD) over ANY oldschool-vania. The only thing that matters to me greatly is gameplay. And gameplay sure was great in all of them... if you let HoD aside. No matter what you say. Your opinions aren't of any interest to me. They won't change my mind. I always loved Metroid more than CV, so a CV with Metroidesque gameplay is better for me than a standard stage-based platformer.
Other than that, we live in a time, where oldschool platformers don't sell well. I don't like that either, but I think it's just like that. Also, CV1 still rocks, as does SCV4, as does rondo, so I don't really need a new OldschoolVania.
And as said, don't try to change my mind with any bullshit-arguments. You won't have any success. I'll eccept you opinions, so you'll have to accept mine.
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Offline Long John Silver

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #32 on: September 16, 2008, 04:18:18 AM »
In Reply To #32

sounding kinda pretentious holier-than-thou internet tough guy there

anyway on topic, metrovanias have been degenerating for me with each new title. the newer the title is, the more sloppy, rushed and uninteresting it felt.

in pork's case it's almost visible, since the level design is repetitive cod-level copypasta, and the coding is so buggy you can cause the game to freeze accidentally, rather than by deliberate glitching like other games. hell, on some older ds systems the game will freeze randomly.

maybe ooe will change that. who knows.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 04:20:32 AM by Serio »

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #33 on: September 16, 2008, 04:30:18 AM »

LOL @ this thread.

The GBA and DS games were recieved well by critics and sold a lot, but still people think that IGA should pass the torch to someone else? Why would he deliberately make himself unemployed if Konami and the rest of the world is, in fact, pleased with his work? The only ones complaining are you guys, the so-called "fans", as always.

I too, prefer the IGAvanias to almost any of the oldschool games. Execpt maybe SuperCV4. I do, however, think that the formula is wearing thin, but I believe IGA is doing a fine job and all is not lost yet. And DoS was excellent. AoS was meh. (lol I am teh troll) So it's not only downhill from here. I have faith!

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #34 on: September 16, 2008, 05:39:12 AM »
In Reply To #33

What's so pretentious about saying that I have my own opinions, which won't change through you arguments, mr celeb? Or is it the fact that I don't like Sotn that much?
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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #35 on: September 16, 2008, 05:51:39 AM »
In Reply To #30

Yes, Iga brought over two games that weren't available in Japan. But DXC is merely a remake, nothing more, nothing less. A good remake yes, but it isn't exactly "new" it's just a graphical rehash of a 15 year old game. Get your facts straight. It is not, I repeat, NOT new. That would be like 15 years from now if OOE wasn't released in US, remaking it and releasing it in US. It just didn't come here, it's still as old as it ever was in reality. And in this day and age, if it doesn't come here people will just download it or import it.

Iga did have a hand in SOTN and it was an awesome game. But to me I consider Dracula's Curse and CV IV the series' masterpieces. And until the day comes where Iga releases a remake of Dracula's Curse and the 1999 game he will not have my respect any longer simply because he is abusing his power and continuing to make mediocre games. He has a few good stories under the belt, I liked Soma's twist and Juste's story, and I especially want the 1999 game.

Castlevania needs more attention to it's roots, and I'm perfectly fine with him continuing his metrovania style if he would mix it up more and release more classical style games and 3D games in the style of what CV 64 was.

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #36 on: September 16, 2008, 07:25:17 AM »
I just hope that Order of Ecclesia is a vast improvement over DOS and POR, which really stink.

Not everyone would agree with that assessment.

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2008, 07:45:14 AM »
In Reply To #35
it's the way you said that. it was pretty much sounding like "you all suck, i am better than you so my opinions count more" while posting it in a way to sound as a jerk/a poser/'cool' guy. i honestly don't give a shit about your opinions about sotn or whatever.

you can have any opinion you want on sotn. to me, only mine matters just like to you does yours, but i don't try to sound all high and mighty about it.

In Reply To #37
majority on the cv boards that count agrees that portrait is one of the weaker castlevania titles though. :o
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 07:54:38 AM by Serio »


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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2008, 08:36:19 AM »
While I am not sure whether I would choose Iga for the position, I think it is important or at least useful to have one creative director for a series.  I see this as a means of telling a more consistent and perhaps deeper story.  What if a different author was employed to write each of JRR Tolkien's many books detailing the world of Middle Earth?

As some have noted, Iga did rise through the ranks in Konami, made at least one highly successful title (SotN), and has continued to churn out at least marginally successful titles (at least as sales go).

I do not understand many people's attachment to playing as a Belmont.  Obviously Castlevania is their story, even when a generation is largely impotent in fulfilling their destiny as vampire hunters.  It is about their downs as much as it is about their ups.  It would be a rather boring story if every generation produced a Belmont champion who could ultimately overcome any and every evil.  Part of what makes the Belmont story rich is the humanity to it, and the courage despite the weakness at times.

I think it gives the story richness, and on a more practical level allows the game some added variety, to employ none Belmont characters along with or in place of the Belmonts in certain generations.  One might look at it as the early designers having used up many of the Belmont stories, and Iga has had to balance things out to avoid being repetitive and to give the story its depth.

On the other hand, I agree that some of the recent games feel repetitive so far as level design go, and some of the gimmicks leave a lot to be desired.  I am playing DoS right now and enjoy it but not as much as HoD or CotM (yeah seriously).  PoR was the least impressive of the recent handheld games to me in this regard though I have not finished it (I got stuck and never came back to it because of other things).

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2008, 10:44:52 AM »
I bet that when someone else takes over, say goodbye to the 2d style.

A lot of game makers would rather do a 3d title than to stick with the classic gameplay.  Other than Contra, I cannot think of any old series that stuck to 2d action.  Seein how well portable console can now do polygons, I wouldnt think the 2d gameplay would last unless it the director has lots of faith in it.  I mean, Metroid, for the longest time was 2d until the DS was released, whereas no other metroids released was in that style; Smash bros doesn't count since that is a fighting game

People moans that IGA is killin the series unless he goes back to classic level base gameplay.  No offense, but there are also those who like the metroidvanias.  I personally am not a fan of them, but it is better than havin no CV in my honest opinion.

I mean for ME, this is similar to Contra 4.  I didn't like it as much as the classic contras or shattered soldier, but I am satisfy with it and would be happy the contra 4 team design a contra 5 title.

I am sayin, who is to say that a new guy would put "heart" into a CV game?  I mean, the Dreamcast version had a story that is more laughable to any of the post SOTN games.  You think Soma bein Dracula reborn is bad, how about  a chicken of a vampire and his ancestor from a few centuries ago, teamin up to defeat Drac through time?
I bet you guys a lot that you would whine when another designer takes over the franchise.  It is apparant that some of you dudes whine just because it is different.

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #40 on: September 16, 2008, 11:18:05 AM »
In Reply To #32

Where do you or any people get this idea that I'm trying to change others' opinions? Enjoy IGA's games all you like.

And yeah, unfortunately his games do get a lot of praise. But I don't like them (nice going on putting "fans" in quotation marks, shelv--I guess if I don't like the shitty new games, I'm not really a CV fan). Also, I never said anything about "passing on the torch" as if I want to see someone else take over CV. Dammit, people, don't you know how to read? I simply want variety back. I don't want CV to be controlled and produced by one single person, because it's only been like that for the past 5 years or however long it's been since HOD came out.

le05andalotmorenumbers, what about Mega Man (speaking of the ZX series and the upcoming MM9)? What about New Super Mario Bros. and the other Mario 2D sidescrollers on the DS? What of the upcoming Metal Slug 7? Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure? Kirby? There are tons of sidescrollers on the DS, lots of people are making them still. I highly doubt that if IGA let go of his grip on the series and allowed other people to develop games that suddenly there would no longer be any 2D games.

And "whine just because it is different"? Why is it that all of you people are so prone to attack ME and the others who share my opinion? I've never once said anything negative about your people's opinions on IGA's games. I think the games suck, that's my opinion, but do I go and make baseless assumptions as to why YOU people enjoy his games? Do I try and knock you down? I don't get why some of you are so uptight and getting your underoos all in a bunch.

And if I were whining just because it's different from the old CVs, then why do I adore SOTN? I consider it one of the greatest titles in the series. However, Kobe and IGA haven't come close to achieving that brilliance ever since. I'd say that Mega Man ZX does the whole free-roaming style of gameplay better than any of the post-SOTN Metroidvanias.

As for the whole story element that Moon Knight touched upon...I don't really care for any of the stories in IGA's games, to be honest. I've NEVER really cared about the stories in CV 'cos to me the games have always been far more about gameplay than storyline. I always thought the CV1/CV4/X68000 story was pretty cool, Dracula reviving and some dude trained in combat and blessed by God with supernatural strength and abilities taking down Dracula and his minions with a blessed whip or whatever, but that plot is very thin and I'm A-OK with that. It's enough to give motivation and purpose for the character, and I get to play a really cool game because of it. I honestly don't care about storyline continuity in the CV series since for me the thin story (even the newer games have thin stories) means little to nothing.

To sum things up and to spell it out for anybody who perhaps STILL doesn't get it: IGA can go ahead and continue to make the Metroidvanias that a lot of the people on this board love. But, I would really like to see different talent come in and create other games, specifically old school platforming games. Maybe other directors and producers would themselves crank out shit, it's highly possible. Perhaps no one at Konami right now is really talented enough to make a game that I enjoy. But perhaps this is a case where maybe Konami should allow another company to make a game. The post above me mentions Contra 4, and I adore Contra 4, and it was made by an American developer. I'm sure there's somebody in this wide world with the means of making a classic CV game and also has the desire to do so.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 11:20:40 AM by Abnormal Freak »
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.


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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2008, 11:35:56 AM »
In Reply To #41

I think one must ask why havn't there been many (any?) Castlevania imitators.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 11:39:40 AM by Moon Knight »

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2008, 11:47:16 AM »
I'm all about mashin' the buttons. :] For me CV has always been about the exceptionally fun whip-wielding (or in the case of Bloodlines, spear-thrusting) action, the precise platforming, the horror aspects, the creatures, the music, the atmosphere... Which brings about another thing: Handhelds don't do Castlevania justice. I'll admit that atmosphere, full sound, a large screen, and excellent graphics are a large part of why I enjoy a game. Obviously gameplay is the most essential, and I love games that play wonderfully but look like ass, but I also revel in the beauty and art of it all. Unfortunately, seeing a 2D Castlevania on a console is not very likely at all, aside from perhaps the 8-bit game, if it gets made.

I realize today's market has a lot to do with the games I enjoy most no longer being made. But there ARE still a number of old school games being made.

As for other people making CV games, I suppose nobody really wants to do a CV clone since they're usually looked down upon. Or no one cares. But I mentioned Mega Man ZX, which is clearly inspired by the Metroidvanias, but also fuses that with MM/MMX/MMZ style gameplay. A Castlevania game that combines the free-roaming aspects of the SOTN style games with the whip-wielding, non-leveling up platforming aspects of the older games would be really cool if you ask me.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #43 on: September 16, 2008, 01:49:36 PM »
you can have any opinion you want on sotn. to me, only mine matters just like to you does yours, but i don't try to sound all high and mighty about it.
This is about... EXACTLY WHAT I SAID. So where is the problem?
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Offline Long John Silver

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Re: I think I know the main reason why I dislike IGA
« Reply #44 on: September 16, 2008, 01:52:20 PM »
In Reply To #44

just the fact that you said it like an arrogant poser who tries to look cool. that certainly won't make people respect you, more of the opposite. :o
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 01:56:00 PM by Serio »
