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Hunter-V My fan fiction (I need ideas on story..)
« on: November 29, 2008, 12:50:01 AM »
Well guys Im new here to the forms and really love castlevania! So much i want to make my own Fan fiction..But any who with that out of the way here's my idea for the Fan fiction im working on..

OK...i really hope everyone reads this and likes this idea..
So I already have the title for the story, its called Hunter-V. Yes, its mainly a Castlevania spin off- but a really good one at that...Oh why do i say that? Think of it as..Rondo of blood and Symphony of the night combined but without the whole RPG scheme. Oh yes and i mean our Belmont hero is a hybrid vampire...Other half is human for those who didn't guess. So here's the only 2 of the characters I've thought about

Vindicart Belmont- 18, Male. Vindicart is the possible strongest of the Belmont clan. His holy powers are unmatched against Dracula's own strength. Vindicart lived during the times of 1792-1800, Which was the time of Richter (Dracula X, Rondo of blood) and Alucard (Symphony of the night). Vindicart, even with his power tried to kill Dracula- but instead brought shame to the Belmont clan..By not killing Dracula and been bitten by him.
Vindicart, very shamed vanished from the Belmont clan and was never herd of again...Until...

Ryanhart Leiion- ????, Male. Ryanhart has very close ties to the Belmont clan. Keeping himself hidden from Dracula and his minions he has kept his family's ancestry alive... Coming from the time of 1941- WWII is in play- and so is Dracula. 1944, the war is coming to an end but Dracula is starting his plan (Portrait of Ruin). Ryanhart sent a priest to aid the two heroes. Ryanhart has not done anything else since that time...But the time will come.

Now here's the sort-of plot...

Vindicart Belmont, perhaps the strongest of the Belmont clan...Is shamed.
He was sent to the quest to defeat Dracula as all the Belmont's must, but he has failed...Worse than any other. Not only was he incapable to defeat Dracula, But also was bitten by him.
Ryanhart Leiion, a close friend to the Belmont clan- But also like a brother to Vindicart- Tried to treat the bite wound... He did all the best he could..But could not remove the vampire blood cells. Vindicart would not have the issue to feed, nor be harmed by light, holy items, and some other vampire weaknesses..But he was harmed by being hunted by his own clan...and family.
Feeling shamed and a monster, Vindicart simply vanished...he was never herd of since 1812.
Dracula, continuing rising then being slain was a constant war,until his final day of 1999 when Dracula was defeated for good...Only his powers remained.
But an unknown apprentice of Dracula has approached the spotlight and begin to wreak havoc across the U.S...Light has not shined out yet and Vindicart has come out of the darkness..And Ryanhart is in lead of a resistance name F.A.N.G.. In the near future where possibly the Planet is on the brink of hell, all eyes look to one Human...vampire...Belmont. Hunter.

Well that's all what i have thought about..So give me your thoughts and ideas i accept everything!

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Re: Hunter-V My fan fiction (I need ideas on story..)
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2008, 10:28:19 AM »
I have to say, this storyline is eerily similar to that of Vampire Hunter D...
_______________________________________ ___________

Magically immune, and loving it!

Offline ninjawolf

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Re: Hunter-V My fan fiction (I need ideas on story..)
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2008, 06:02:51 PM »
In Reply To #2

Oh wow really? lol..i mean i saw the movie..BUt i didnt know the story line...i dint think of vampire hunter D at all when i was thinking bout my

