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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2011, 12:25:59 PM »
Not exactly an error, but I noticed the board doesn't automatically recognize the new YouTube short links ("" etc.). Is there a way to make posting one of those links work the same way as posting the longer links (i.e., making it into a video)?
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #16 on: April 24, 2011, 03:25:17 AM »
Hey Jorge! I have a problem, bro.
For some reason, lately I'm getting an error message each time I'm trying to access the forum from my PC:

"Sorry, but the Adminstrator has blocked access by proxies."

So I can't access the forum. I'm typing this message from a different PC.
I don't know much about internet connections, so I don't know what's a proxy either.

All I can say is that I'm using a wireless connector to access the net, and perhaps by the same reason the forum system identified me as a spambot a couple of times.
Can you tell me of a way to fix that? Am I the only person getting that message?
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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #17 on: April 24, 2011, 05:57:20 AM »
You're not the only one getting this, Freddy.

Lately we've had people logging in using Proxies.  A Proxy is a method used to connect to the internet anonymously.  That is, instead of using our own internet connection to access the 'net directly, you're accessing a proxy server, and it piggybacks your connection to the Internet, thus masking your true internet identity.

This forum has been having people logging in using Proxy Servers for a while.  While I did not care, we've had dubious accounts (spambots mostly) creating accounts and accessing the forum through proxies, which is why we had that big Chinese Spambot attack a few weeks back.

You're looking at the result of security measures installed.  I installed them.

My guess is that you're accessing the internet through one or more of these proxy servers instead of directly, when you connect from your home connection (or you have a Satellite-based Internet connection and its ISP has been identify as one that has allowed spambot accounts in the past).  That, or your computer's connection has been hijacked and you need to get your PC looked at.
Talk to whomever is charge of your internet connection, or tell me more details about it via PM (IP address, provider name, etc.).  It's likely that the provider or your PC has been accessing a proxy service and has been blacklisted.

I have it now so that you can temporarily still post and view the forum, but not register.  Already-created accounts should be able to post (I'm not too happy about that, but there do seem to be active members who are connecting this way).
I really suggest to the few people who are having this problem, to check your internet connection.  Are you using a hilariously old browser?  Are you piggybacking through a Proxy?  Maybe you're accessing stuff through a cellphone connection in a foreign country, or satellite internet may be the issue.  In any case, it's in your best interests to find that info out for yourself.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 06:32:07 AM by Jorge D. Fuentes »
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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #18 on: April 24, 2011, 10:55:49 AM »
Thanks. That fixed it for me.
Maybe I should get my comp looked at.  :P
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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2011, 03:04:41 AM »
Can we please get rid of the piece of dooky drop-down list of newly-added posts? o. o Each time I visit this place, which is several times a day sometimes, I get a million notifications that drop down and get in the way of everything. I go to the main page to see what the most recently posted in topic of any subforum is, and I gotta wait a few seconds just to see that 'cos the millions of notifications get in the way. I can't even read what any of 'em say anyway.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

Offline Jorge D. Fuentes

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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2011, 06:32:27 PM »
Yeah I'm thinking of getting rid of the eNotify.  Should be gone in a few days or so.
There isn't much use 'cuz the links come up too quickly and there isn't a 'notifications page' anyway (which I submitted as a suggestion).

I'll also see what can be done about those new Youtube links.
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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #21 on: May 16, 2011, 06:37:03 PM »
Probably also the source of the page taking 15 times normal load times to load. I tend to get that 'this script is raping your browser, want to stop running it now?' message a lot on the main page.

Offline Jorge D. Fuentes

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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #22 on: May 16, 2011, 07:54:11 PM »
On the main page?
I don't get that problem.

I implemented an Ajax script so that your QuickReply shows up without having to refresh the page.  The downside is that it shows a green bar on top saying

Not sure if I dig that all that much.  I gotta see if I can change it to a more forum-friendly color.
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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #23 on: May 17, 2011, 01:16:46 PM »
I've just try to post some pictures on a thread and they didn't get post. I have press the modify button and then the save button, only to get a double post..... :( Here is the thread
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Offline Jorge D. Fuentes

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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #24 on: May 17, 2011, 01:30:23 PM »
Your pictures are pretty big, but let me see if I understand the problem:
-you put up some pictures
-you went back to the original post and modified it, trying to add more pictures
-the new pix didn't show?

or did you:
-put up pictures
-went back to the post and replied to add more
-your reply for some reason didn't have them, so you went to modify it
-modifying it gave you a new post?

If you did this then maybe your pics were large and were taking a while to load.  On top of that, you may have hit the 'reply' instead of 'modify' button...?
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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #25 on: May 17, 2011, 02:45:37 PM »
I went back to the original post and i tried to put the same pictures again and when i pressed the save button, it has made a copy of the original post. This is the first time that i have encounter this problem, as for the pictures, sure they might be a little big, but when i made the first try, when i pressed the post button, i was waiting about 5 minutes and all it was saying on the windows tab, was connecting. I haven't touch the second post, but you can see that it says that it has been modified. I've been left with my mouth open when i saw, what happen when i tried to modify it.

I don't know if i was any help to underestand what happen.
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Offline Jorge D. Fuentes

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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #26 on: May 17, 2011, 03:11:22 PM »
Maybe you accidentally hit the new 'save as draft' button?
Were you using Quick Reply or were you using the regular reply button?
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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #27 on: May 18, 2011, 04:19:47 AM »
I used the regular reply button. I haven't noticed that there is a save as draft button. I also checked my status and i don't have any drafts. Maybe fire fox had a internal crash and create that bug? I really don't know what  else to say....
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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #28 on: May 29, 2011, 04:28:58 PM »
I can't highlight the spoiler tag to show on my cellphone.

Offline Jorge D. Fuentes

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Re: If anyone spots Forum Errors, please post here
« Reply #29 on: May 29, 2011, 04:46:52 PM »
Probably the javascript code.  I will change the spoiler code so that you have to 'click' into it for it to show (right now you have to hover over it to show, something that could be problematic on cellphones).
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