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Offline Highwind Dragoon

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #210 on: January 22, 2013, 10:38:14 PM »
Highwind: Ok, here's how it's going to go down:  A fleet of helicopters have been dispatched from the Villa Advance base in the forest of silence and will be the Calvary force during the attack.  Meanwhile, we will have 8 armor (Tank) units, and 8 Mech. inf. units at our command (from the second villa advance base in the ruins of the main Russian base), to help us breach the Naval base perimeter.  Once the perimeter is breach, Group Alpha (Sulaco, kregan and Mobius) Will go into the base and destroy the Russians radar/communications center.
Group Beta (Slayer and X) Will infiltrate the base living quarters and set fires there as a diversion.  Group Gamma (Harrycombs and Donvermicelli) Will sabotage the dry docks, ship docks, and any ships in the naval yard with C-4 and any other means.  Group Delta (Me, Nathan and Neobelmont), will slip into the Naval base command post/center, kill everyone, set the charges, and get out of there.  The helicopter fleet and the tanks and mechanized Infantry will take care of the mop-up of the Naval base, While we plan our attack on the Russian Black sea naval fleet. Any questions?
Slayer: Yeah, why do we have to always spearhead the attack?
Me: Because we are the strongest units in this Militia, and the best chance for success against the Russians.
Slayer: Ah, ok, no more questions, then.
Me: Ok, now let's move out and link up with the armor and mechanized infantry units that are already in position!
*They depart the abandoned dock to go in-route to the attack position.*
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 10:39:56 PM by Highwind Dragoon »

Offline Donvermicelli

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #211 on: January 23, 2013, 08:33:03 AM »
*slightly after departure*

Harrycombs: Don, what are we doing in this cave again?

Donvermicelli: This cave runs deep under the sea floor and connects many underwater caves, in times long past they were used by smugglers to unload stuff without being seen. As it stands now we are going to use them to "load stuf" without being seen.

Harrycombs: Aaaa... I see now, but if they lead to underwater caves how will we get to the ships? we don't have the equipment to get there.

Donvermicelli: That's what I brought these capsules for, everytime I stepped outside to take a piss these mermen would jump out of the fountain and try to drag me under. So when I got fed up with spending too much time kicking their ass, I decided to trap them in these. I let them out on occasion to let them swim around a bit. It's fun  to see them dragging down werecats. Pisses them off everytime. *laughs*

Harrycombs: I can see how it's enjoyable to see a werecat climbing out of the water all pissed but how's that going to help us? We don't have that much time left before the mechs get there.

Donvermicelli: That's why I am saving us time, here look. *Don presses the switches on three of the capsules and throws them in the water, after a sizzling sound and a blast of smoke three mermen become visible.*

I want you to take this mine and place it under the central destroyer that's just outside the naval yard, then I want you to place the remaining c4 charges you find in this bag on any subs that you find submerged.

*without a hint of hesitation the mermen dive off*

Don't worry, I coated the c4 with a waterproof layer even with this amount of pressure they will still go off when I press the button. As for that mine, it's location is perfect. I can't believe these Russians are so stupid, completly unware of what they are sitting on! * a glow appears in his eyes as a grin is slowly formed *

Harrycombs: I don't think I even want to know anymore... Don I swear, where are you pulling these tricks from?

Donvermicelli: Hehe.. a good player never shows his cards before he needs them, I like to keep an ace or two up my sleeve for when I need them. As for the rest, you will see later, when we get to the next clearing though there's a chance for a signal, mind telling the mechs not to get too close to the shore?

*Harrycombs nods and both men walk off down the tunnel path*


Meanwhile at the naval base command center, somewhere in the airducts...

Nathan: Highwind, are you sure this is going to work?

Highwind: No problem, the defenses for the command center were surprisingly good. Even though
we did get into these airducts there is still no safe point of entry without the risk of being detected.
just wait and see, Neobelmont will do his job perfectly.

* knock, knock!*

RussianGuard1: what the... I bet one of those suppliers forgot to take their door key, AGAIN.
Seriously, why do we have to watch them every time they go and take a sh**?

RussianGuard2: Relax, I'll go get it.

* the guard opens the door and sees before him a man with a black beard dressed in a long black robe, the hood over his head makes it hard to discern his face *

RussianGuard2: Who are you? What do you want? this is a restricted area, if you want to get in you will need proper ID and clearance.

Robed man: but I do, I have clearance of the highest order, for I have come to bring you the light!

RussianGuard2: Oh god... how do they find us here?

RussianGuard1: What is it?

RussianGuard2: Come here you won't believe this, a Jehova's withness that's here to bring us the light.

*the guards both chuckle, both are now at the door*

RussianGuard2: Look friend, I commend you on your preseverence but we really aren't interested.

Robedman: Oh but I think you are, here look at this cross. It shall bring forth the light of salvation!

RussianGuard2: I really don't think th.....

Robedman: HOLY-CROSS!!!!!

*a bright light blinds both guards and stuns them, at the same time Highwind and Nathan drop down from the grating above and slice both their throats. both guards are quietly laid to rest on the floor and the Robed man takes off his hood*

Neobelmont: well then wen't better than expected. To be honest I didn't really think they would fall for it. Guess that just proves how stupid these guys are. I told them that the light would bring salvation, I just didn't say who would be saved from whom.

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #212 on: January 23, 2013, 10:30:52 AM »
*Group Beta (X and Slayer) are making their way into the living quarters when they hear a silent but clear noise*

Slayer: "Knew it."

X: "Holy Crossed."

*After reaching the target area, X brings out his bag of holding*

Slayer: "This may sound stupid but doesn't that bag ever run out of items?"

X: "That's a reasonable question actually. The truth is I don't know. I just put this bag together using a pocket space portal and sewn it together with a type of thread I found called Etheria."

Slayer: "You put a doorway to another dimension into a bag??"

X: "Well i was just tinkering at the time and was not thinking logically. But then again that's how most of the greatest inventions came about. Ah! Here we go..."

*X brings out two grenade launchers with belt-fed incendiary grenade backpack. The two get loaded up and prep for the onslaught*

Slayer: "Do you wonder why we're the ones who're always doing the pyro stuff?"

X: "Ask Highwind when we get back from this."


*After loading their payload, the two burst into the wide open rooms that are filled with flammable materials.*

X: "Burn baby, burn!!"


*lobbing grenades left and right the whole room is soon set ablaze. soon the fire klaxons sound off and the extinguishers try to fight the fires*

Slayer: "Those won't work will they..?"

X: "No. Remember...*Cla-chack!* Greek fire."
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."

Offline Donvermicelli

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #213 on: January 23, 2013, 11:43:51 AM »
Nathan: what's that sound?

Highwind: sounds like fire klaxons. We'd better hurry, the party already started.

Neobelmont: well there goes the element of suprise, suits me better anyways.

Highwind: That doesn't have to be the case. They are probably more on guard now but they still don't know we've infiltrated here. Let's proceed with caution.

*meanwhile at the underground passage*

Harrycombs: I've sent out the message, I still don't really know what you are thinking though.

Donvermicelli: You will see soon enough, I don't want to spoil the surprise.

*they arrive at a crossroads in the tunnel*

Donvermicelli: Now let me see wich way to the docks again?

Harrycombs: Want to toss a coin?

Donvermicelli: Sure

*Harrycombs reaches into his pocket and takes out a coind and flips it*

Harrycombs: Heads means we go left

*he lifts his hand from the coin and the heads side is shown*

Harrycombs: Ok come on, off to the docks we go.

*a short while later they arrive at a dead end*

Donvermicelli: OK so I don't remember this being there, they must have sealed it off when they expanded the base.

Harrycombs: So what now? I don't think we have time to turn around the other way.

Donvermicelli: Do you still have that dark crystal you stole from death a while back?

Harrycombs: Yeah, why?

Donvermicelli: I might have an idea.

*Don reaches for his belt and grabs his katana, then he opens his bag and takes out his camera*

Harrycombs: Why the hell do you carry a camera around?

Donvermicelli: Hey I like taking snapshots for memorable moments! It's awesome to look back on them.

Harrycombs: I hardly think this is the time for it..

Donvermicelli: Yeah I know... I need the lens though.

*he takes off the lens and jams the crystal into it, then he attaches the camera's battery and combines it with the katana.*

Donvermicelli: That should do the trick.


Donvermicelli: Come on...

*klick...*shoom* * the katana is engulfed by a purpelish glow that illuminates the cave around them.*

Harrycombs: Did...did you just make an F**** lightsaber?!?!

Donvermicelli: Seems like it, wasn't sure it would work though but this looks kinda cool, now let's see if it cuts as well.

*Don thrusts the sword into the wall and starts moving it in a rectangular motion*

Harrycombs: Now just a strong kick, *the wall crumbles down*

Donvermicelli: Just like in the movies, now where is the fuel station?

Harrycombs: To the right I think.

*They jet off to the fuel station*

Offline Highwind Dragoon

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #214 on: January 23, 2013, 11:52:31 AM »
Meanwhile, back with group Alpha....

Kregan: So this is the Russians radar/communications center.
Sulaco: Yep, now we have to find a way in.
Mobius: I'm on it!
*Shoots guards guarding the entrance.*
Mobius: That was easy.
*They enter the building.*
Comm. center worker: Hey! You're not sup-ARGH!
Sulaco: Shut up.  >:(
*Kregan and mobius get to work killing all of the Russians in the building, while sulaco sets the C-4 charges all over the building.*
Sulaco: Our work here is done! Now let's get out of here!
*They exit the building and get to a safe distance before activating the C-4.
Sulaco: The Russians radar/communications center is destroyed!  They can no longer call for reinforcements!
Mobius: Everything going to plan...

Meanwhile, back with Group Delta......
*The fire klaxons are blaring loudly*
Nathan: That was pretty awesome entrance, Neo.
Neobelmont: Eh, I've done better. *kills Russian guard in the way.*
Me: Well, we're in and headed straight for the central command post of the naval base. GOD DAMN THOSE ALARMS ARE LOUD!  >:(
*They continue on their way.*
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 12:01:23 PM by Highwind Dragoon »

Offline Donvermicelli

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #215 on: January 23, 2013, 12:10:30 PM »
* both men come to a sudden stop *

Harrycombs: You hear that? that's the second blast, we really need to hurry up and get out of here, things are going to get heavy.

Donvermicelli: True, we should be close now.

* the run along and reach the fuel station's main pump controls *

Donvermicelli: I'll hack the control panel, you place c4 charges on the pipes.

*Harrycombs opens the bag of c4 and continues to place charges all over the pipes.*

Harrycombs: Damn charges don't seem to come to an end, how many did we bring anyways?

Don: about 400

HCombs: What?!?!? weren't you supposed to at least give half to those mermen you sent to sabotage the ships?

Don: That's ok, the mine I give them should be more than sufficient, when the fuel pipes are pumping at maximum capacity when they blow it should cause a massive oil spillage throughout the entire coast.

HCombs: OK charges are set!

Don: then let's get out of here the pumps are working.

*both make a run for the entryway they so skillfully created, a short while later they arrive at the tunnel's end at a cliff overlooking the base.*

HCombs: Damn, there's alarms going off all over the base. Stuff will get serious soon.

Don: we just need to wait a bit longer.

*Don reaches for his radio and activates it*

Don: Highwind, you there? I'm done on my end. Just give me the word and their fleet is history. Try to stay clear of the coast as much as possible though, I might have overdone it a little.

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #216 on: January 23, 2013, 01:01:43 PM »
*Meanwhile, back with Group Beta (X and Slayer)*

Slayer: We've set everything on fire in the living quarters!
X: Then let's get out of here!
*Group Beta evacuates and gets to a safe distance, when the living quarters explodes with a huge fireball*
Slayer: Cool!
X: Our job is done, now it's up to groups Gamma and Delta to do their jobs.

*meanwhile, back with group Alpha*
Kregan: *Gets off radio* Group beta has destroyed the naval base living quarters with greek fire.
Mobius: Awesome. 8)
Sulaco: Then it's up to Don and highwind's groups to do their jobs.

*Meanwhile, back with group Delta*

Nathan: We've killed everyone here, building is clear.
Neobelmont: All the charges have been set.  8)
Highwind: Then let's get out of here!
*They evacuate, get to a safe distance, then activate the C-4*
Highwind: Naval base command post/center has been destroyed.
Nathan: Now call don and tell him to blow the Docks and the fleet in the Naval yard!
Neobelmont: Yeah, they're aiming their guns right at us!
Highwind: *on his radio* Donvermicelli!  It's now or never! ACTIVATE THE CHARGES, NOW!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 02:14:40 PM by Highwind Dragoon »

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #217 on: January 23, 2013, 08:35:23 PM »

 I've been shot ahh... my sword arm... 
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 08:37:47 PM by Neobelmont »
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Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #218 on: January 23, 2013, 08:57:34 PM »
*Slayer gets a message off his head set*

Slayer: "Damn!"

X: "Come again?"

Slayer: "Neobelmont's been compromised..!"

X: "Not dead I hope!"

Slayer: "No thankfully. But he did take a bullet-"

Actress: "That's far enough boys."

Slayer: "Crap, crap, crap, we don't have time for this..!!"

Actress: "I told you I'd see you again."

X: "Seriously! What's your fixation with me!"

Actress: "None. But then again you were in possession of the very Necronomicon that resurrected me."

Slayer: "And that means 'what' to us!?"

*Actress gives both men a hard gaze*

X: "..."

Actress: "The Old, Deep One is restless now. The dreaded tome calls for him as it did me. Those whom have touched that book will have the distinct honor of welcoming the Old Ones back to this earthly realm, Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!!"

*Actress vanishes*

X: "Those whom have touched the Necronomicon..."

Slayer: "Is she talking about a sacrifice?"

X: "Yes she is..! All those who had contact with that very tome will be fed to that monster! And I think Highwind's also on the menu!"

*Both men clear their immediate area before it is engulfed by fire. AS soon as they were clear of the heat X calls in*

X: Highwind do you read!?"

Slayer: "I'll fine-tune the comm for interference..!"

X: "We've got a very serious situation! It's about Actress, the Necronomicon and all those whom have touched it! Do you read me, over!?"
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."

Offline Highwind Dragoon

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #219 on: January 23, 2013, 09:31:27 PM »
Me: I hear you loud and clear.
X: Then what should we do?
Me: Several hours after Don blows up the naval yard and the docked ships, we all go out and destroy the Russian fleet in the center of the Black sea.
X: Then what?
Me: Then me and Sulaco must confront Cthulhu, and banish him from this plane of existence.
Me: Sorry, man, but there's no other way.  Now, I have to heal Neobelmont's arm.
*To Neo* Hold still, It won't hurt in a second.
*Removes the bullet, then uses regeneration*
Neobelmont: AHHH!!! ahhhhh...Arm feels much better now.
Me: We need to move. Now.
Nathan: Why?
*All three of them clear their immediate area before it is engulfed by fire.*
Neobelmont: That was too close for comfort.
Nathan: Tell me about it.

Meanwhile, back with group Alpha....

Kregan: Master, we need to move, NOW.
Mobius: Hey, who turned on the heat?
*All three of them teleport out of their immediate area before it is engulfed by fire.*
Kregan: A sacrificial fire, no doubt tied to the Necronomicon.
Sulaco: This is starting to worry even me.
Mobius: Oh great, whoever is doing this is WAY over even our heads!  :o

Meanwhile, back with Group Gamma...

Harrycombs: Don, are you BBQing up on this cliff?  I smell burning.
*Both men clear their immediate area before it is engulfed by fire.*
Harrycombs: What is going on, Don?!?!?! :o
Donvermicelli: I dunno, harrycombs, but I think this involves a certain someone from the "apocalypse" Incidents of the mid-19th century that took place at the very location of Castlevania's current location.
Harrycombs: Hmm, I wonder who it could be... ???

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #220 on: January 23, 2013, 09:45:40 PM »
Even if my arm feels better it is way to numb to actually use my saber for right now it's just my colt for right now.

So no close combat for right now for my left arm I can barely move it.

So are we going on a ship or plane to get where we need to?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 09:47:36 PM by Neobelmont »
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Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #221 on: January 23, 2013, 10:12:59 PM »
Me: No, we're taking cover and waiting for Don to activate the charges.
Neobelmont: Ah, ok then.
Nathan: BTW, what's taking him so long?
Me: *On the radio* DON!  BLOW THE CHARGES NOW!  >:( >:( >:(

Offline Donvermicelli

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #222 on: January 24, 2013, 04:23:37 AM »
HCombs: Don we need to blow those charges NOW!

Don: I know but I was waiting for the perfect timing, see the waves need to be in sync with the blast.

*just as he finishes speaking Don notices the tide turning on the shoreline and with that que he presses his detonator*

Don: Don't look away, you will love this show.

HCombs: I would but I don't hear or SEE the blast, that had better not be a faulty detonator.

*Before he can finish his sentance the central destroyer seems to rise out of the water into the air, or rather the water seems to go straight up pushing the ship higher and higher*

Don: Here it comes, my sakuradite mine, combined with the oil spillage will do all the damage we need.

*The water, still rising, is now rising above the naval base and just when it seems to stop a flash of blinding white light emanates from under the ship and a large explosion blasts it to a thousand pieces. The water, covered with oil is catching fire and is causing a chain reaction that's working it's way down until it reaches the normal water surface and all seems quiet for a second*

Don: wait for it....

HCombs: This had better work Don.

*A large tremor can be felt throught the entire area and right after a giant whirlpool begins sucking the remainder of the ships down*

Don: Stationing a fleet above an underground air pocket, how stupid can they be?

HCombs: neat trick.

Don: that's not all the air pocket stretches all the way back to deep sea, I was expecting a tidal wave to wash the remnants of the ships ashore but I guess I miscalculated.

HCombs: No look over there!

*What seemed as a regular wave is now quickly gaining size while picking up speed and not soon after the tidal wave crashes into the naval base destroying whatever was left standing with the exception of the troops that mobilized to intercept the other teams*

*the radio beeps*

Highwind: Don what the f**k!?!?!

Don: What don't yell at me, you wanted it cleared it's cleared. I told you guys to get to a safe distance before hand didn't I?

Highwind: Whatever, it did the trick. I'm calling the rest of the troops to move in for the cleanup, unless you want to tell me there's more coming?

Don: Not as far as I know, then again my estimates were a little off

HCombs: Eh.. Don, I think we forgot something.

*A click and the transmission is broken*

Don: What is it?

*HCombs is tapping Don's shoulder and pointing behind him, when Don turns his head around to look his eyes widen*

Don: Son of a.... This can't be!

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #223 on: January 24, 2013, 09:36:23 AM »
Highwind: *On radio* Alright! All armor and Mech. Inf. units, it's time for cleanup.*
*Helicopter fleet has arrived.*
Helicopter fleet, assist the cleanup with air support.
*All of the units mop up the rest of the Russian forces.
me: The Russian naval base has fallen!
Nathan: Highwind, someone cut off Don's transmission.
Me: Huh, that's not good.  I should go check on him.  You keep an eye on Neo, ok?
Nathan: Got it.
*Highwind teleports up to the cliff*

Meanwhile, back with group Alpha...

Kregan: I sense something wrong here.
Mobius: I'm catching the scent of a pretentious Victorian bitch.
Sulaco: Only 1 witch smells like that....ACTRISE!
Kregan: Sulaco, I sense her presence on the cliff where Harrycombs and Donvermicelli are.
Sulaco: I'll Check to see if he's ok....
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 10:37:31 AM by Highwind Dragoon »

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #224 on: January 24, 2013, 10:41:44 AM »
Slayer: Why'd you order Highwind to sand down?"

X: "Good question. I'm not his superior officer and I don't believe I even have a high enough rank to be giving orders, period. Slip of the tongue I'd surmise."

Slayer: "I'm smelling something else burning... And it's not the naval base!"

*X brings out his binocs and scans the coastlines*

X: "I don't see anything- wait..."

*Zooming in, he can see what looks like a sacrificial mound. The mound itself is riddled with illegible hieroglyphs*

X: "Auuuugh...Dammit!"

Slayer: "We need to meet up with the others..!"

X: "Yeah and they're on their way to my least-favorite gathering."

Actress: "Soon to be your last."

*X turns around fast but is knocked unconscious. Slayer also receives a jolt to his head*

Actress: "Soon. Very soon."

*actress carries the two men up to the sacrificial alter. But she soon stops in her tracks as a figure teleports nearby*

Actress: "You're just in time for the gathering of sacrifices...Highwind, Oh-ho-ho-ho-ho!!"
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."
