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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #240 on: January 31, 2013, 10:23:41 AM »
X: "I heard we have a ancient Latin speaker aboard."

Neobelmont: "You heard right."

X: "Any of you thought of giving this Celticus a universal translator?"

Highwind: "We've got someone here who can speak it well."

X: "That's all find and good but what about the rest of us? We can't make conversation via a dead language. And since we're heading to our next battle we've got to be able to communicate with him on the fly. Here..."

*X reaches into his bag of holding and brings out a small circular device*

Celticus: "?"

*X then attaches it to Celticus' clothing*

X: "Tell me your name."

*Celticus: I am Celticus."

X: "There we go. Eventhough he still is speaking his native Latin we cann all at least understand him quick enough."

Highwind: "Ummm where did you produce that translator..?"

X: "The Tower of Science."

Highwind: "Should've deduced that myself. Figures."
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Offline FireSeraphim

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #241 on: January 31, 2013, 11:16:28 AM »
Celticus suddenly found himself able to understand what the others were saying because of the translator that X gave him. He then told everyone his story because he was sure the others would want to know a little bit more about him. "I was hired by the governor of the province of Gallia to deal with a necromancer who has been waylaying travelling merchants from Italia, I tracked the Necromancer down to his lair in the mountains separating Gallia from Italia and the Necromancer and I fought a long and arduous battle, as I was about to strike the killing blow the Necromancer casted a powerful wind spell sending me off the mountains and into a nearby lake. (And this was in the heart of Winter!) I have survived falling from much higher heights before but the Necromancer then froze the whole lake over just to be sure that I would not trouble him. When I woke up next, I found myself in a strange castle. To make a lengthy tale short, I found a portal in the Castle leading me here. Am I correct to guess that many years has passed since my battle with the Necromancer? Likewise I will gladly help in this so called invasion as long as I get to take any treasure I find." Celticus Arenius had been in many situation in the past and has always adapted to change. However this was a whole 'nother kettle of fish to him. "As we say in Rome, Let us Seize the day for there is no tomorrow!"
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 05:26:41 PM by FireSeraphim »

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #242 on: January 31, 2013, 09:27:47 PM »
Me: That's interesting and all, but first let's take out the Russian's Naval presence.


Advance Wars - Dual Strike: Tag Power Theme

Me: No enemy can stand before me and live! FINGER OF GOD! (a F5 tornado)

*The russian fleet is damaged, and a quarter of their ships sink*

Me: Ok, all Naval units and helicopter's converge and attack!

*Another quarter of the Russian's fleet is sunk.

Me: My turn is over, time to tag to X!

X: They won't stand a chance!  PEACE THROUGH SUPERIOR FIREPOWER! (*Boosts attack and speed at the cost of lower defense.)

X: All units, finish them off!

*Using superior naval tactics, the Villa naval force sinks the Remainder of the Russian fleet.*

*The russian fleet has been destroyed!*

Advance Wars- A Grand Adventure

Highwind: None can stand before us!
X: Hope they can breathe water.

*The transport reaches the drop-off point several miles outside of Rostov-On-Don.
Slayer: Now what, Dragoon?

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #243 on: February 01, 2013, 06:53:49 PM »
Celticus Arenius recognized the place, despite it being different then when he remembered being here last. Although back in his time this city was not called Rostov-On-Don, but Tanais. A famous Roman colony known for it furs and for it's slaves. He was born in this city had a wealthy uncle who lived here that he personally despised because his uncle stole his rightful inheritance. As he was reflecting on this Celticus was sharpening his Gladius, he then crafted a bow and some arrows from whatever parts he could find, fixed up his armor and prepared himself for the oncoming battle....

(@Highwind: I don't mind you taking control of Celticus for combat situation when needed to advance the plot)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2013, 07:10:33 PM by FireSeraphim »

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #244 on: February 03, 2013, 08:27:05 PM »
Me: Ok, here's how it's gonna go down: First, we need to take out the Port facilities.  Secondly, we Assault the Naval yard and Russian black sea High command post/center.  Lastly, We need to take out all of the bridges in Rostov-on-Don.  Any questions?
Slayer: What?  No teams?
Me: We're in enemy territory now, we need to stick together.
Harrycombs: Right, we move as one.
Me: Ok, we know the plan now, let's MOVE OUT!
*The villa militia departs to carry out their mission(s).*

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #245 on: February 07, 2013, 11:24:28 AM »
Celticus Arenius temporarily departed from the group to carry out a side mission, the task itself being discussed the night before (t'was actually a private conversation between Donvermicelli and Celticus). It was Celticus's idea to destroy the warehouses since they usually contain vital supplies for the enemy (Celticus once served in the Roman Army). He entered one of the various warehouses, armed with his weaponry and several charges of C4. he begun to set the C4 around various crates. as he was setting the last one, he ran across a Russian soldier. Celticus ran a good distance away from the soldier so he could arm his bow and arrows, as the russian soldier was coming around the corner, Celticus land an fatal heatshot on the soldier with with his arrow. He then set the last change of C4 and got out the warehouse. He himself would have used the detonator if not for the fact that Donvermicelli currently has it and is waiting for the Celticus to set the C4 in the other warehouses, Celticus continued his C4 setting run without any further interruptions....
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 03:11:12 PM by FireSeraphim »

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #246 on: February 07, 2013, 11:26:29 PM »
Me: Ok, here's how it's gonna go down: First, we need to take out the Port facilities.  Secondly, we Assault the Naval yard and Russian black sea High command post/center.  Lastly, We need to take out all of the bridges in Rostov-on-Don.  Any questions?
Slayer: What?  No teams?
Me: We're in enemy territory now, we need to stick together.
Harrycombs: Right, we move as one.
Me: Ok, we know the plan now, let's MOVE OUT!
*The villa militia departs to carry out their mission(s).*

I'll step this one out and just be the eyes of the group.
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Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

Offline Highwind Dragoon

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #247 on: February 08, 2013, 11:08:08 PM »
Me: *On walkie-talkie* Frogman group, are you done planting the C-4 on the port facilities?
Kregan: We have an affirmative on that, Mr. Dragoon.
Slayer: All set here!
X: Ditto.
Me: Return to the Rendezvous point, then.
*After everyone re-grouped at the hiding place.*
Me: OK Don, let's blow the charges!
Donvermicelli: It's show time!
*They both activate their respective detonators.*
The Port Facilities and warehouses have been completely destroyed!
Me: Phase 1 has been completed!  Now, let us begin Phase 2, where we will Assault and destroy the Naval yard and Russian black sea High command post/center.
*They depart to their destination.*

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #248 on: February 09, 2013, 03:23:51 AM »
"Celticus, you are going to sneak into the back of the the command post and take out the communication array there since you demonstrated an unusual mastery of stealth, meanwhile NeoBelmont and I are going to draw the enemy's attention away from you" said Donvermicelli. "I do not think it would be a good idea, what if we get captured or worse" "relax Celticus, I have it all planned out" A few minutes later Donvermicelli and NeoBelmont were fighting russian soldiers out front. Celticus managed to sneak into the back entrance of the command post, armed with nothing more than a Gladius, A makeshift bow, some makeshift arrows, and a some explosive charges given to him by Donvermicelli for the sole purpose of sabotaging the communications array. The building was remarkably empty except for the one or two soldiers going out to fight his fellow teammates. While sneaking his way towards the central communications room of the command post he managed to stealth kill several Russians soldiers with his Gladius. That was the easy part. The hard part was making sure to hide the bodies, infact he almost got caught once or twice. But he soon reached the comm. room and found that there was twelve soldiers between him and his objective. He decided to draw the attention of the Russians soldiers, which he did. Although it was difficult to remain hidden he managed to kill ten of the twelve Russian soldiers. The remain two were so scared of what they dubbed the "Caesar's Ghost" that they ran out the front door only to get KOed by Donvermicelli and Neobelmont. "That was a tense one" said Celticus as he set up the explosive charges and stuck it firmly into the control panel. He would have left the room had the door not suddenly shut close. "Hehehehehe, Remember me?" Celticus turned in the direction of the voice. "I was the one you were trying to kill for that greedy governor" Celticus soon recognized the voice as belonging to the very same Necromancer that he was fighting over a thousand years ago. "I would have killed you too had you not pulled a fast one on me" said Celticus as the Necromancer materialized. "I know, but I'm here to settle a score with you. In our last battle you chop off my right hand. Necromancy can do many things. Replacing a missing hand is not one of them!" The Necromancer pull off the part of his robe covering his right hand and revealed that his right hand has been replaced by glowing energy aura shaped like a hand. "Now it's time for you to die and join me as my undead servant" and thus the battle was once again commenced, almost as if the battle was just paused for a millennia. The Necromancer started the battle by throwing a bolt of pure dark energy at Celticus. Celticus managed to send it right at him by smacking it with his Gladius thus hitting the Necromancer strait in the groin. The Necromancer was weakened by this very action. "now to finished what I have started" exclaimed Celticus as he charged at the Necromancer with his blade drawn. The Necromancer teleported to the other end of the room and tried casting a Necromancy spell on one of the corpses in the Comm room, but it didn't work. "What's the matter, gotten weak?" "This can't be right, normally my spell work on even the weakest of corpses" Celticus soon noticed that the russian soldier corpse was wearing an amulet with a crucifix shaped symbol in it. He knew that he had no time to ponder the implications so he once again charged at the Necromancer, but the wizened spellcaster was not out of tricks yet. He cast a spell to make many duplicates of himself. Celticus was familiar with this strategy since he did this same trick in their last battle, but this time he did not have any rocks to throw so he struck the first one on his right. Nope, it was a fake! the real Necromancer casted a firebolt that struck Celticus in the back and left him vulnerable. "Mwha ha ha ha ha ha, it would appear that the tide has been twisted in my favour... Huh, was that a banging noise?"

*Cues FF6 Locke's Theme*

The door where Celticus entered the room bursts open, and smokes temporarily obscures both men's vision. the smoke then cleared up, revealing Donvermicelli and NeoBelmont have apparently come to the rescue! "Looks like we got here just in time!" "WHO ARE YOU, THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE THE GALL TO INTERRUPT MY REVENGE! No matter, I'll just kill you all!" Celticus had enough time from the distraction to recover and soon got back up. "I'm not out yet, you lecherous necrophile!" "Guys, we don't have time for this. The charges are going to blow up soon." "My teleportation spell is being interrupted by a strange presence. No matter, I'll take you all with me!" The Necromancer cast a barrier spell on the doorway Donvermicelli and NeoBelmont came from, then he cast the duplication spell again. "come and kill me if you can!"

*Cues the first three parts of Dancing Mad*

Donvermicelli shot many of the Duplicates with a AK47 that he looted off of a Russian Soldier, meanwhile Neobelmont struck down many duplicates with his whip. Celticus was able to land another blow on the real Necromancer and in the process chopped off his left hand. "YOU SHALL ALL PAY PAY PAY!" It had become clear by this point that the Necromancer had lost his mind. The Necromancer started to convulse and shake wildly, like a man possessed. "NOW YOU DIE HERE" "Ohhh shit!" said Neobelmont as the Necromancer begun to change into a more hideous form, A form that can be best describe as a bastard mash between man, cyclops, and elephant. "this is not gonna end well" said Donvermicelli as he reloaded the AK47.

*Cues the final part of Dancing Mad*

The monster that was once the Necromancer KOed Donvermicelli and NeoBelmont with one of it's trunk-tentacles, reducing the battle to one between man and monster. "In the name of the Father Jupiter, I shall smite thee!" Celticus was having trouble dodging all the spells lobbed at him by the abomination formerly known as the Necromancer. The monster tried smacking Celticus with it's trunk-tentacles but Celticus dodged then and then climbed up them to the monster's face, stabbing it in the single eye it had. The monster was unable to see, he then taunted it and force it to charge at the other door, the only one not affected with a barrier. He knew that he only had five minutes left on the explosive charges to kill this thing and save Donvermicelli and NeoBelmont. The damage done to this room caused some wiring from the ceiling to be exposed, which gave Celticus an Idea. "over here you blind trunkfeck!" he caused the monster to charge toward's the exposed wiring, trapping it for a brief period. by this time NeoBelmont recovered. "quickly, I'll hold this thing off. you take Donvermicelli and get the hades out of here!" NeoBelmont carried Donvermicelli unconscious body out of the command post, which was collapsing because of the damage caused by the monster. it soon broke free of it's bonds and charged at Celticus again, he sidestepped and got it tusk's trapped on the communication console, so firmly stuck infact that it wasn't getting out anytime soon. "Two minutes remaining, that should be enough time to get out"

*Cue Castle Escape theme from Castlevania 64/Legacy of Darkness*

as the building was collapsing, Celticus found that many of the paths he used to get here were blocked with rubble. "shit, one minute remaining!" he got out just as the charges finally blew up.

He and Neobelmont stood back and watched as the command post blew up and collapsed into rubble. Donvermicelli regained conciousness. Celticus said a silent prayer of thanks to Jupiter for his victory over the Necromancer. He, Donvermicelli and Neobelmont returned to the Rendezvous point.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 03:30:03 AM by FireSeraphim »

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #249 on: February 09, 2013, 01:36:39 PM »
Me: Time to assault the naval yard!

Haunted Castle Cross Your Heart 1 Extended

Me: Chain lightning!
Celticus: *Rapidly shoots russians with his bow and arrow.*
Harrycombs: Tidal Flame!
Slayer: Hydro storm!
Donvermicelli: Dark pulse!
X: *Fires his laser.*
Neobelmont: *Transforms, then uses gryphon strike repeatedly.*
Sulaco: Dark Volley!
Mobius: Firestorm!
Kregan: Soul corrosion!
Nathan: Thunderbird!

The naval yard is destroyed!

Voice: Not so fast!
Me: It's you!
Russian high Admiral: Hmm, guess this disguise wasn't that good after all:
Harrycombs: It's Carmilla!
Carmilla: That's right!  The Basilisk Necromancer resurrected me before they headed out to attack you!
*Transforms into demon form*

Let's Listen: Castlevania Circle Of The Moon (GBA) - Big Battle (Extended)

Me: Chain lightning!
Celticus: *Rapidly shoots Carmilla with his bow and arrow.*
Harrycombs: Tidal Flame!
Slayer: Hydro storm!
Donvermicelli: Dark pulse!
X: *Fires his laser.*
Neobelmont: *Transforms, then uses gryphon strike repeatedly.*
Sulaco: Dark Volley!
Mobius: Firestorm!
Kregan: Soul corrosion!
Nathan: Thunderbird!

Carmilla is defeated and the Villa militia destroys the rest of the naval yard and docked fleet.

Me: Phase 2 is completed!  Now, on to Phase 3, Destroying all of the bridges in Rostov-on-Don that cross the Don river!
*They depart to their next destination.*
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 01:50:09 PM by Highwind Dragoon »

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #250 on: February 09, 2013, 11:00:20 PM »
*The Villa militia approaches one of the bridges*

X: "Any bets?"

Neobelmont: "On?"

X: "If I can take down that bridge from way the hell over here."

Highwind: "Knowing you I'd bet my bottom dollar!"

*X brings out his Laser cannon and adjusts it*

Nathan: "Hurry! There's a Russian convoy crossing it!"

*X takes aim at the bridge support pylons and fires*

Ray Gun/Laser - Sound Effect - Free Download Link

*The bridge's central pylon gives way and the whole structure along with the convoy falls into the sea*

X: BOOYEAH!! Who called it!

Celticus: "Such powerful weaponry!"

X: "Theoretically this type of weapon is impossible with today's technology. However the magic of Castlevania changes the game somewhat."

Celticus: "I see."

*After the smoke on the water clears they proceed onto the next bridge*
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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #251 on: February 10, 2013, 11:34:38 PM »
Me: Uh, X, Rostov-on-Don only has 2 bridges across the don river, and 1 railway bridge.
X: Uh-huh *Brings down the other bridge.*  Need to get into position.
*X moves into position to the southeast of the railway bridge. He fires several times, causing the bridge to collapse into the Don river.*
Me: Phase 3 is complete! Now, while the Russian army is scrambling to send reinforcements to Rostov-on-Don, Our final objective is clear: Destroy the Volga–Don Canal ( to cripple the Caucasus region and force the Russians to sue for peace.
Slayer: Sounds cool, when do we start?
Me: We depart immediately.
*The villa Militia departs for the Volga-Don Canal.*
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 11:36:30 PM by Highwind Dragoon »

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #252 on: February 11, 2013, 08:58:34 PM »

Ray Gun/Laser - Sound Effect - Free Download Link

Neo :A freaking lazer beam wow -_- you know what just wow whatever....

X : you see..

Neo: Shhh!

X:Don't be a sore loser  ;)

Neo:...... Shut your face  >:(

X:  ;D

Neo: Whatever ....
(click to show/hide)
Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #253 on: February 11, 2013, 09:25:19 PM »
"My fellow mercenaries and adventurers, now is not the time for letting mere jealousy weaken us for we have a serious task ahead of us. I will go on ahead and do some scouting, if I do not return in half an hour, then you all are to proceed with the plan without me" Celticus Arenius once again depart from the group to do some scouting and to assess the strength of the enemy forces at the Volga–Don Canal. He found that the enemy had erected a crude fortification of concrete and steel near the canal, the size of the fortification however was impressive for such a crude building. It was roughly the scale of a small city and seemingly swollen with Russian soldier. At the centre of this fortification was what looked to be a command post of sorts, similar to the one that he fought the necromancer in. He then head back to the rendezvous point and reported his findings to Highwind and Donvermicelli....

Offline Highwind Dragoon

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Re: Villa 7.0: the fall of the villa and the rise of castle center
« Reply #254 on: February 11, 2013, 11:27:56 PM »
Me: So, they built a make shaft city fort alongside the canal?  Hold on, I've got this.
*Flys up high above the city fort*
Me: Come on.....come on....
*Using the power of his lance, highwind merges several cold and warm fronts, creating several F5 tornados.*
Me: Now...Just need to point with my lance where they will touch down.
*Points at several key spots in the city fort and lets the tornadoes descend.*
*The Resulting carnage wipes out the fort and kills all of the Russian soldiers.
Me: Ok, everyone, each of you take a bag of C4, and plant it on the locks and the sides of the canal.  MOVE OUT!
*They all go and plant c4 all along the entire length of the canal.*
Donvermicelli: It's done, dragoon!  Now let's blow it up!
*Don activates the C-4 with the detonator, destroying the Canal with many large explosions.*
X: Dragoon, do you want to talk to Putin now?
Me: Yes.
*Picks up the red Phone to Moscow.*
Putin: Da?
Me: President Putin, this is Highwind dragoon, leader of the Villa militia.  I'm sure by now you've heard of all the destruction we have caused your nation.  Now, we have no desire to continue fighting you if you would just sign a peace trea-
Me: Well, that was just plain fucking rude.  >:(
X: What now, dragoon?
Me: I think that Russia doesn't respect us, and never will.  We must show them the error of their ways and make an example of their capital, Moscow.
Slayer: Highwind, you're not talking about the Ultima Cannon are you?
Me: Yep, It seems it's the only thing that Will end this little war, here and now.  Other wise, this could drag on for years.
Harrycombs: Do you realize how many people will die because of this?
Me: And many more will suffer and die if it doesn't end now.
*On walkie-talkie* Chaos Guardian General, Activate the Ultima Cannon, now!
Chaos Guardian General: Well, ok, you're technically in charge here, so here goes nothing.
*The Ultima cannon is warmed up, pointed towards Moscow, and fired.*

*Ultima Lv. 16 Animation*

Moscow, and the surrounding Metropolitan area, has been wiped off the face off the earth and turned into a smoking crater.

*Everyone turns to look fearfully at highwind.*

Me: Yeah, that's right!  Now don't ever fuck with me, got it?  8)
Everyone: ...... *Too nervous to talk.
Me: Chaos Guardian General, Moscow has been obliterated.
Chaos Guardian General: Dragoon, I'm detecting a rather large bolt of anti-matter heading towards Volgograd.
*They all teleport away in time as Volgograd is annihilated by a blast from the anti-matter cannon.*

Golden Sun Dark Dawn OST: An Eclipsed World

Me: No...this is really fucking bad right now...the worst.......  :o :o :o
Celticus: Why? What's wrong, dragoon?
Me: I've seen that weapon before.......Cthulhu and the other old ones made's the anti-matter cannon.
Neobelmont: Why should we be worried at all?
Me: Because, the blast created a black hole that will eventually suck all of existence into it.
Sulaco: Wow, that actually sounds really shitty.
Slayer: Well, Dragoon, What now?  Do you have a plan for this?
Me: Yes I do, and listen carefully: I am the only one who can stop this.  If I fail, contact the Chaos guardian general and tell him to fire the Ultima cannon at the black hole.
Kregan: Forgive me for intruding, but that idea sounds incredibly, well, insane.
Me: Yeah, well, It's the only chance we have of stopping this.

Golden Sun Dark Dawn OST: Ascend to Destiny

Me: Wish me luck!

*Shatterhand teleport animation*
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 11:36:40 PM by Highwind Dragoon »
