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Offline CastleDan

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #120 on: May 21, 2012, 11:30:25 AM »
CastleDan, you're coming off as an obnoxious little kid "nyah nyah cox games are better than your dumb iga games nyah nyah"

Seriously. It's fucking annoying.

No see that's where you are wrong. I'm pointing out how annoying it is seeing people bitch about one David Cox game that actually was praised in the press and was a pretty well made game.

I like Aria of Sorrow, and I love IGA's commitment to the metroidvania style. I'm just saying people give him a pass so easily and he made far more changes to the series and did some pretty out there stuff.

Cox told everyone it was a re-imagining from the beginning how much did he really lie if we knew that from the start?

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #121 on: May 21, 2012, 11:30:33 AM »
Two more news.
First, Konami told the site with the original story to ERASE it. So it's accurrate. Good.

Dave Cox wrote something

 David ‏@Wizpig @CastlevaniaLOS What can you say if I say "Mirror of Faith"?

@Wizpig - I would say wrong end of the stick....misinformed. I would also say the truth is ALWAYS better than fiction! :-)

In another note, I'm not only excited for the possibility of this, but because, hey, we'll get TWO castlevania games with plot relevance announced at the time, and God knows I was hungry for more CV (In one way or another).

Also, we don't know if Mercury is DEVELOPING THE GAME, we know Cox is producing it and Alvarez is writing it/directing it, but it could be outsourced to another developer, think.. Wayforward?

Everything comes full circle

Offline CastleDan

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #122 on: May 21, 2012, 11:31:43 AM »
Two more news.
First, Konami told the site with the original story to ERASE it. So it's accurrate. Good.

Dave Cox wrote something
In another note, I'm not only excited for the possibility of this, but because, hey, we'll get TWO castlevania games with plot relevance announced at the time, and God knows I was hunry for more CV (In one way or another).

Also, we don't know if Mercury is DEVELOPING THE GAME, we know Cox is producing it and Alarez is writing it/directing it, but it could be outsourced to another developer, think.. Wayforward?

Wayforward would be interestin'...

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #123 on: May 21, 2012, 11:32:07 AM »
Yet people go crazy saying how they were misled! it's really NOT as different as everyone flips out at it.... Lets look at IGA's storylines with cars in the backgrounds...

LOL, cars in the background aren't what I call a major problem with IGA's storylines. Considering the cars were present in the "future" CV games, they are actually pretty easy to swallow, maybe even "realistic" in a way. Of course there's going to be cars, it's 2035-2036.  ;D

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #124 on: May 21, 2012, 11:32:21 AM »
I see 3D model effects in Crayon Shin-chan screen shots, despite being a severely cheap licensed title. Adventure Time was announced just recently with NO screen shots to be found, and is a DS multiplatform title as well. I hardly think that counts. Cave Story is a 3d remake with a retro mode tacked on. You are really grasping for straws here.
So the 3D elements in the DS Castlevanias means the games were 3D? Sorry, I didn't know.

The point is: Nintendo doesn't limit developers to do shit. The artstyle of the game is a decision of the developer in the end. Sony is fine with 2D/pixel art games too.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #125 on: May 21, 2012, 11:32:55 AM »
Yes, and Zobek's grandiose dialog and descriptions of Gabriel's "pain and torment and overwhelming rage" (that rarely got shown, FYI) weren't over-the-top at all.

Not to mention I've seen better writing than that in a whole bunch of animes.


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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #126 on: May 21, 2012, 11:33:40 AM »
My point is people are fine with IGA's bastardization of the series....

Dude, stop using that as your justification for everything. I've seen it in almost every one of your last few posts. Not everyone here is a huge fan of IGA. You're using that as your crutch to explain why you're defending Cox and LoS.

Instead, you should be focusing on things like atmosphere (that was more Lord of the Rings than Super Castlevania 4, like Cox swore up and down it'd be), music (that was, again, more suited for a theatrical score and NOT for engaging video game music like a good majority of past Castlevania games) and characterization (telling us Gabriel's some tormented, rage-a-holic fellow and neglecting to show it, and slapping CV names on generic baddy bosses as an excuse to call it "Castlevania")

Give me good explanations for all of those, and not the excuse of "Well IGA's stuff is crap too, you guys just love him too much! lol!", and maybe then you'll garner some weight with your rebuttals.

Offline CastleDan

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #127 on: May 21, 2012, 11:34:18 AM »
LOL, cars in the background aren't what I call a major problem with IGA's storylines. Considering the cars were present in the "future" CV games, they are actually pretty easy to swallow, maybe even "realistic" in a way. Of course there's going to be cars, it's 2035-2036.  ;D

My point was more of a bash of doing a future Castlevania game at all..Lol
Aria of Sorrow did it tastefully but Dawn of Sorrow started to sound modern by it's horrible dialog and various other elements.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #128 on: May 21, 2012, 11:36:33 AM »
The point is: Nintendo doesn't limit developers to do shit. The artstyle of the game is a decision of the developer in the end. Sony is fine with 2D/pixel art games too.

I wouldn't expect the general population of gamers to know about it, but it is undeniable fact. But what would I know, its not like I ever worked for Activision, on a Nintendo title or anything- OH WAIT, I did. In fact we had an entire DEPARTMENT dedicated to making sure we comply with the myriad of Nintendo regulations imposed on developers.

PS: Megaman X4 was rejected being told it was "Not 3D enough" on the PS1, until they revised the graphics to have a depth to them. So no, your argument doesn't hold any water here, past, present, or future.

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #129 on: May 21, 2012, 11:39:05 AM »
Quote from: CastleDan
I'm pointing out

That's the thing, no one asked or needs you to point out how Cox's efforts are sooo much better than IGA's. We know the deal, It's been done to death, and you keep shoehorning it in every post.

Offline Maedhros

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed(?) Castlevania: Mirror of Faith
« Reply #130 on: May 21, 2012, 11:39:10 AM »
I wouldn't expect the general population of gamers to know about it, but it is undeniable fact. But what would I know, its not like I ever worked for Activision, on a Nintendo title or anything- OH WAIT, I did. In fact we had an entire DEPARTMENT dedicated to making sure we comply with the myriad of Nintendo regulations imposed on developers.

PS: Megaman X4 was rejected being told it was "Not 3D enough" on the PS1, until they revised the graphics to have a depth to them. So no, your argument doesn't hold any water here, past, present, or future.
I don't buy your explanation at all.

BTW, where did it changed from "2D game" to "pixel art"? Like I've said, I just don't care about pixel art. The game being 2D isn't something that Nintendo regulates.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 11:42:35 AM by Maedhros »

Offline CastleDan

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #131 on: May 21, 2012, 11:44:25 AM »
Dude, stop using that as your justification for everything. I've seen it in almost every one of your last few posts. Not everyone here is a huge fan of IGA. You're using that as your crutch to explain why you're defending Cox and LoS.

Instead, you should be focusing on things like atmosphere (that was more Lord of the Rings than Super Castlevania 4, like Cox swore up and down it'd be), music (that was, again, more suited for a theatrical score and NOT for engaging video game music like a good majority of past Castlevania games) and characterization (telling us Gabriel's some tormented, rage-a-holic fellow and neglecting to show it, and slapping CV names on generic baddy bosses as an excuse to call it "Castlevania")

Give me good explanations for all of those, and not the excuse of "Well IGA's stuff is crap too, you guys just love him too much! lol!", and maybe then you'll garner some weight with your rebuttals.
Crisis- it's a forum learn to deal with people posting their opinions on a board. I never said you can't dislike lords of shadow i'm just stating why I never got the hate for it. ( that is allowed)....It's just dumb that people are flipping out over a game that we haven't even seen yet

1) Didn't like lords of shadow's music but some people did so won't argue there.
2) Some enemy designs did have a generic look but some were accurate too. The wargs for example. They were going for a grittier more realistic look like Super Castlevania 4 instead of the more goofy designs that recent entries have been going towards.
3) The atmosphere of the settings are infinitely better to me than previous entries, especially the sidescrolling moments.
Also it follows super castlevania 4 in that a lot of the locations were outdoors and in the castle.
4) The whips use for exploration was big in super castlevania 4 and in this game too.

David Cox from the get go said it was a re-imagination so I just didn't get the point some people were making. It's a step in the right direction in terms of 3d castlevania games but it has room for improvements for sure like any other game.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 11:49:49 AM by CastleDan »

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #132 on: May 21, 2012, 11:48:12 AM »
See, was that so hard?

And I'm not Crisis, unless you were just quoting me and giving a shout-out to him. Which makes no sense. o_O

Edit: Then you cut out your actually halfway-decent explanation. Why shoot yourself in the foot?

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #133 on: May 21, 2012, 11:48:27 AM »
Crisis- it's a forum learn to deal with people posting their opinions on a board. I never said you can't dislike lords of shadow i'm just stating why I never got the hate for it. ( that is allowed)....It's just dumb that people are flipping out over a game that we haven't even seen yet

What happened to the hecka long post you made I pressed I was reading that   ???

Edit something just hit my head right now. Well you know how lords sold over 1million right? And Harmony of despair sold well on both systems right not sure if it was half a million or something, but I just a feeling that a good selling 2d and 3d cv could garner some great sales. Sales that series deserves. 
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 11:53:22 AM by Neobelmont »
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Come on now this was going to happen eventually  :P

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Re: Castlevania 3DS confirmed- Castlevania: Mirror of Faith(fate?)
« Reply #134 on: May 21, 2012, 11:50:13 AM »
Is this thread going to be a constant bitchfest for the next two weeks? :(

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