As part of Aria of Sorrow's 10th Anniversary Tribute, I am currently in the process of "remastering" Aria of Sorrow's stage maps. These maps will be be further enhanced in video with additional effects --including potential light sourcing and particle effects. But I have a small problem... Most of the stage maps available on the internet haven't properly separated the stage elements. For example --Paralax Backgrounds, Torches and other Sprite elements need to be separated... But the biggest problem I'm having is with water. Water is animated. Water is transparent. And water graphics are polluting the maps --most notably the Underground Reservoir... I need someone who is willing and able to assist in ripping all of the following stages with separated elements.
Underground Reservoir--clean map needed (no water, sprites, or paralax backgrounds)
--need paralax backgrounds and uniques sprites as separate elements
--All water elements are needed (including animated effects like waterfalls)
--Any information on the correct transparency % for the water?
Forbidden Area--clean map needed (no water, sprites, or paralax backgrounds)
--need paralax backgrounds and unique sprites as separate elements
--All water elements are needed (including animated effects like waterfalls)
Floating Garden--clean map needed (no water, sprites, or paralax backgrounds)
--need paralax backgrounds and unique sprites as separate elements
--All water elements are needed (including animated effects like waterfalls)
Clock Tower--clean map needed (no water, sprites, or paralax backgrounds)
--need paralax backgrounds and unique sprites as separate elements
--All water elements are needed (including animated effects like waterfalls)
Top Floor--Animated flames from the Succbi area are needed
Castle Corridor--All water elements are needed (including animated effects like waterfalls)
Arena--All water elements are needed from the rubber ducky room
Can anyone help with any of this?
When this project is complete, all remastered maps will be made publicly available --and lend themselves very well to homebrews.