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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2014, 01:19:51 AM »
I want to mention something.

All of the information posted thus far, i have heard from various sources at some point in the past. So i am not saying that anybody is posting something that they didn't hear, because i have heard it all myself. But i do have a question before i go on.

Has anybody ever seen proof of aliens? I have not. I have heard people say that they know somebody that says they did. That's about as far as it ever goes. If aliens are here, why would they hide from us? If the government has been in contact with them, would they not be frustrated with the elites not letting us in on it by now and just reveal themselves? After all, if they did in fact make it here, they are very advanced. I don't see any scenario where advanced beings like these would care about the opinion of a bunch of super corrupt individuals who call themselves our leaders. Think about it guys.

Also.. You hear all this stuff about Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, the Mayans, the crystal skulls, and things beibg hidden under the right paw of the sphinx, but have you ever seen proof of anything? These are the same people bringing you false footage of the chupacabra and Bigfoot. The megaladon show on discovery channel, remember that? They made is think throughout the entire program that the thing had been found. It was a huge lie, and i for one did not find it funny. Anybody catch mermaids the body found?

It's conducting research about the human mind guys. They are exploring the effectiveness of the eugenics program they introduced through the water supply and GMO foods. They want to know exactly what they can get the bulk of the population to believe at any given time. This is how they make plans. The next 911 event could be even less elaborately planned than the last one. But they need to conduct research to expose how effectively they are altering peoples minds first.

I will be writing story that i think will clear up a few things. The people posting here seem very well read on most of the known conspiracy theories. I don't feel like it will be wasted time.

This magic whip could be an example of advanced alien technology.

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2014, 03:27:46 AM »
Morning Star, I agree when you speak of studying the human species at a macro scale. I can't vouch for aliens, but I have been privy to seeing and hearing supernatural things. Many I know have either seen or been affected by the supernatural in some form. It has directly affected people I love either favourably or unfavourably. I can't say any more than that.

                                 ^      l   v  ^    v                 ^
                                 ^      l   v  ^    +<<<<<<<BE
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v                 ^  
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     BE>>> VK<**   
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     ^          ^   
            +<<<<<Legends>HC>OOS>LOD>64       ^
            v                           l              ^                ^
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            v                           l      ^               ^       ^
BE=Bad Ending
RE=Richter Ending

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2014, 10:34:08 AM »
Has anybody ever seen proof of aliens? I have not. I have heard people say that they know somebody that says they did. That's about as far as it ever goes. If aliens are here, why would they hide from us? If the government has been in contact with them, would they not be frustrated with the elites not letting us in on it by now and just reveal themselves? After all, if they did in fact make it here, they are very advanced. I don't see any scenario where advanced beings like these would care about the opinion of a bunch of super corrupt individuals who call themselves our leaders. Think about it guys.

Do you really want to know why Aliens have not shown themselves? The answer is simple; We are an extremely primitive and paranoid culture. Take a look at world events. We're still fighting and killing each other outright. There are many ETs out there that do not even know what the word 'War' is. It's not in their language. Earth on a spiritual scale is a very, very dark world. We are living on the lowest level of dimensional planes. This planet is the insane asylum of the whole universe. Or if you want an easier reference the look no further then the Christian's personification of Hell. That's what earth is; Hell. It's not below us it's right here amongst us. If you were from an extremely advanced race of beings who knew absolutely nothing about conflict in any way, shape or form, and you saw what was happening down here, what would your reaction be? How would you react to such violence? While you may not know it or believe it ETs are already on earth but you wouldn't know by the look of them because they look just like us. Just because you haven't seen something doesn't mean it's not true. You need evidence to disprove just as much as you need evidence to prove something. We aren't the only human species out there in the cosmos. And the other reason why you don't see them is because they've chosen not to reveal themselves (see the first reason). Official first contact from what I've head is on it's way. we are getting close, but we still need to sort ourselves out and the ETs that are hear are helping with that. Also humanity itself didn't originate on earth as the Darwin theory claims (of course Darwin didn't have access to our current knowledge either). The tribes of Africa will tell you stories of how their ancestors descended from the sky. The white man (race) has this obsession with the constellation of Pleiades (The seven sisters star cluster also known as Ursa minor, the little bear, little dipper). There are many depictions of it in old Celtic/Germanic imagery. Here's an image of it on a germanic sky chart;

The Atlantean race themselves are not native to this planet either. I've also heard that the first supposed earth colonies originated from the Andromeda galaxy. By the colonies were failures. The reason for the failings was due to this planet itself. As I had stated earth is a dark world and anyone coming here for an life incarnation deserves a f**king medal of honor. I know that I've been reincarnating to this planet since the civilization of Lemuria (Before Atlantis). What does that say about me? I'm a f**king masochist if it's been that long! And yes, this is something that I'm not proud of yet at the same time I am. Talk about human contradiction  :P

These are the same people bringing you false footage of the chupacabra and Bigfoot

I've heard that the Chupacabra is actually a biological tool used for gathering organic samples for ETs. When you hear stories of animal mutilations it's because those are the ones that have 'malfunctioned' so to speak. As for bigfoot, Sasquatch, the yeti, etc. I also heard that they are something of our creation. Through the untapped power of human though over the course of the ages we gave rise to these creatures. What I'm taking about is the ability to create what is known as a Tulpas according to the Tibetan oral traditions. The power of the human mind through stories and imaginations and belief made these creatures 'solid and real'. And considering how many of us are on this planet who know these stories of bigfoot it's not out of the question.

Has anybody ever seen proof of aliens? I have not. I have heard people say that they know somebody that says they did. That's about as far as it ever goes.

As a conspiracy theorist you can't just throw what you heard out the window because it is not what you hoped for or expected. Like anything else in life you need to keep an open mind and do away with your ignorance and arrogance. You need to 'look around' and 'start digging' so to speak. You'll never get anywhere so long as you keep holding onto what you feel to be true and outright dismissing everything else that doesn't have any tangible evidence. More ofter then not the human ego will interfere with whatever it is that we are doing or trying to accomplish. The human Ego does nothing to help us in any way. It's detrimental.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 10:36:49 AM by X »
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2014, 12:48:28 PM »
"The man who shook his head on being shown a giraffe, and said 'I don't believe it,' is quite on a par with the pontifical wiseacres of Wimpole Street.

It is egomaniac vanity that prompts disbelief in phenomena merely because they lie outside the infinitesimally minute pilule of one's own personal experience . . . if I may doubt all the people who have been to Africa or the Zoo and seen that giraffe, why must I cling with simple childlike trust to the people that say they've been all over Hell and parts of Kansas, and haven't seen one, and therefore such things cannot possibly be?  Of the two dogmatic assertions, I should unquestionably prefer the positive statement to the negative."

Offline Morning star

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2014, 05:00:25 PM »
People here have already formed very strong opinions about this topic. To argue my points would require a history lesson that would be long, require a large amount of effort on my part and in the end would probably be responded to by another quote that somebody heard on the history channel, YouTube or some book on the occult.

Let me leave you with these few thoughts.

The nazi doctrine is a branch of the golden dawn. The golden dawn taught Thelma. The Thule society is a German branch of the golden dawn. A little different, but mostly the same exact stuff. The golden dawn explores the same belief system of many ancient civilizations, only in a modern way. Egypt, Babylon, etc and so on. This is also the same belief system used by the illuminati. Illuminati banks in America funded the nazi war effort. George Bush seniors dad, Prescott Bush, was a nazi. Barbara Bush may have been the daughter of Aleister Crowley (Golden Dawn, Satanist and master mason) also the guy whos teachings are behind the founding of the church of Scientology. Wicca and neopaganism are the newest branches of the same basic belief system. This is the golden dawn for the common man and woman. If we were in school, they would be considered the intro courses into the much larger belief system or the elites. They hook you with the green aspects of loving your planet, nature and eachother. They mesmerize you with talk of fairies, alternate dimensions and magic. And finally you are presented with the truth about the religion you are following. Satanism.

High ranking nazi officials said, "we were helped by people from other worlds". Has anybody considered what that could mean? So the aliens helped with a holocaust? If they are here, they are not here to help.

Georgia guidestones say > mantain humanity at or below five hundred million people.
NASA now says > we passed the tipping point a long time ago. We could see the end of humanity by 2030-2040.

Again.. They are trying to get you to believe something. The question is why? The nation that conducted the holocaust says "we were helped by people from other worlds". They share a common base religion with the people who control the reports on all these ancient findings. They are teaching you something now. The question is why?!?!?!

Preconditioning you to accept the extinction of the human race. And that it is logical. That's the answer.

This magic whip could be an example of advanced alien technology.

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2014, 05:09:23 PM »
To argue my points would require a history lesson that would be long, require a large amount of effort on my part and in the end would probably be responded to by another quote that somebody heard on the history channel, YouTube or some book on the occult.

but u didnt get your info from book(s) or from a documentary or from someone that knows someone that knows a guy?

My Favourite clip from the UFO Disclosure Project

Bush and Cheney on UFOs

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2014, 09:48:30 PM »
Aleister Crowley (Golden Dawn, Satanist and master mason)

This man is not a member of the Free Masons. There is another group who considers themselves Masons but they are not apart of the Free Masons; The founders of the United States. Aleister Crowley is (was) apart of what some have dubbed Clandestine Masons. The Skull and Bone society is one of their branches which the Bush family is apart of, and yes they have Nazi memorabilia with in the society's main building too. I am also familiar with the Thule society (Order of the Black Sun).

High ranking nazi officials said, "we were helped by people from other worlds".

Yes they were. That's how the Nazis were able to advance their military tech which the allies then used post war on things like the space program. The Nazis themselves actually built UFOs. The had four UFO blueprints but only three were ever built and tested. Here's some images of them;

Has anybody considered what that could mean? So the aliens helped with a holocaust? If they are here, they are not here to help.

No. Aliens would have had nothing to do with a mindless mass genocidal program such as the holocaust. that was all Hitler and his Reich society. You have to remember that hitler himself is the second of three antichrists as predicted by Nostradamus. Hitler is what we would call in spiritual terms; A Dark Entity. Dark entities differ from that of regular souls. And the only place in the whole universe that dark entities came incarnate is right here on earth, because earth is a dark world.

Wicca and neopaganism are the newest branches of the same basic belief system.

Wicca or witchcraft is nothing new. It's old. Very old. It is a belief system that follows humankind all the way back to prehistoric times. Long before any other form of belief. It has nothing to do with satanism. It is the belief in the Great Goddess (Mother God). It's about the sacred respect and worship of Life, Nature and the Universe as a whole. Take the five pointed star pentagram as an example. It's got nothing to do with the devil as the early Church has made it out to be. Instead it represents the five sacred elements of the universe: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Ether. We need these elements for our very survival so this can't be an evil thing. And these forces were in turn created by God. Neopeganism is a return to the older beliefs that were stamped out by early church doctrines. Neopeganism is not evil. It is in fact a sacred and personal belief in God and God's creations. There are those who have taken neopeganism as an excuse to do bad things, but in the end it's not the true purpose of such practice, and Karmic debt will give those idiots a good kicking in time and instances. God created things to be that way as a form of education; to help teach us values, right from wrong, and to learn to respect those around us. by hurting other you hurt yourself far greater then you know of. That is a form of Karmic debt. But by helping others you are rewarded in kind far greater then the deed itself. Jesus himself taught these very lessons to his followers.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 09:53:14 PM by X »
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."

Offline Morning star

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2014, 10:30:33 PM »
This is what i figured. Posts that make no sense and rubbish designed to try and confuse people.

People can see what i posted. Google this stuff guys.

Witchcraft and sorcery are indeed, very old.  Gerald B Gardner is the founder of Wicca though. Wicca is not old. Aleister Crowley satanist that helped author many Wiccan rites, says he invoked Thoth to get the LOST secret wisdom.. You may have heard of Thoth. There is a video on YouTube talking about how him an Ra are masters of the universe. A crazy long time ago.. (Katy perry reference) I wonder if Crowley was channeling him when he was ran out of Italy by Mussolini!!! Why was he ran off? I'm so glad you asked. Because children were coming up missing and people were becoming very afraid. I wonder if he was channeling Thoth when he had a sexual encounter with another man in the desert during a ritual to invoke demons. Later that man lost his mind btw. I wonder if he was securing ancient wisdom for us when he had a goat mount his wife and upon climax he cut the goats throat? He must have gained great knowledge from that...

Crowley was a Master Mason. 33rd degree Scottish rite. Among being involved in other branches of masonry. Next you will say Albert Pike was not also a master mason. He was a grand dragon in the KKK.

Last but not least... This.
You can't have it both ways man. Either aliens helped the nazis or they didn't. If they didn't, it's a conspiracy cooked up by the illuminati to push the agenda people are being brainwashed into accepting now. If they did.. It means they knowingly gave advanced technology to a country that was and i quote "guilty of crimes against humanity".

You said it was not the aliens fault because that was hitler, not the nazis. If the aliens are that stupid, i want nothing to do with them. You also said in an earlier post that we are a primitive and paranoid culture. That's why the aliens didn't expose themselves. If you listen to the ancient astronaut theorists (lmao) they exposed themselves during our entire history. Why not now again? Are we more barbaric now or in 2000 BC?

This magic whip could be an example of advanced alien technology.

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2014, 11:43:52 PM »
Keep it civil in here or this topic will be closed.... and that is no conspiracy. I can already see it unraveling in here, behave like responsible adults.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 11:46:37 PM by Bloodreign »

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2014, 08:45:40 AM »
i just like to defend my alien brothers ???

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2014, 10:30:11 AM »
Crowley was a Master Mason. 33rd degree Scottish rite.

The Free Masons do not have 33 degrees. They only have 3. The clandestine Masons have 33.

Gerald B Gardner is the founder of Wicca though. Wicca is not old.

The founder of modern Wicca maybe but not the original which is indeed very, very old.

You may have heard of Thoth

Yes, Thoth is the Egyptian God of scribing and wisdom. There's nothing evil about that.

Ra are masters of the universe.

Ra being the Sun God in Egyptian mythology, isn't so much the master of the universe per se. but is essentially the universe itself. Ra is another facet of the Father God (Jahova to the Christians, Om to the Tibetans, and Ahala to the Arabs.) He goes by so many names but in the end it is the same God.
You can't have it both ways man. Either aliens helped the nazis or they didn't. If they didn't, it's a conspiracy cooked up by the illuminati to push the agenda people are being brainwashed into accepting now. If they did.. It means they knowingly gave advanced technology to a country that was and i quote "guilty of crimes against humanity".

You said it was not the aliens fault because that was hitler, not the nazis.

ETs did help the Nazis but were never apart of Hitler's final solution. Yes they did help the Nazis. That on official reccord of those who were brought over to the US to work on America's space program. But I think what has lead to your confusion about them through my posts is that i neglected to mention the following: Yes ETs are real as history has proven time and again. There are those who wish to help us and there are those who wish to do us harm. The Anunnaki; A reptilian-like race were the one who ended up doing the most harm to us. By interfering with our natural evolution in order to utilize us as a labor force. The ETs living amongst us now are the ones who are trying to help us get passed all that mess. They are teachers, scientists, chemists, lecturers, philosophers, etc. But they look just like us so you would never know they were an alien unless they told you themselves. But they do not wish to because were are still going through a transition and we're not ready yet.

Hitler is a dark entity. Dark entities are born physic with natural ability to draw people to them. They have a naturally strong charismatic magnetism that they use to gather followers to their cause (whatever cause it may be). The majority of the Nazis believed what they were doing was right because they were drawn in by Hitler's words. Through his Charisma. And just in case if you're not familiar with operation Valkyrie, It was the plot to assassinate Hitler. The ones doing the plotting were in fact Nazis whom believed that Hitler was going too far and out of control.

People can see what i posted. Google this stuff guys.

Like anything on the net it must be taken with a grain of salt. I'm familiar with that which you have stated but eachothers' conclusions are very different. But that's all a part of being human.

This is what i figured. Posts that make no sense and rubbish designed to try and confuse people.

I have no idea why you've decided to take it upon yourself to try and gouge us like this. The other posts made on this thread make sense. If you're feeling confused then that's something within you that needs dealing with. It's got nothing to do with the rest of us. Remember what I said about the human Ego? If you aren't in control it can and will control you. You may think you are in control, but that's what the Ego does. It's the greatest manipulator that makes you completely unaware of what's truly going on. The Ego is the darkness within ourselves and it must be strictly managed. 'The internal struggle' as it is more commonly know. And Since Bloodreign has posted out a warning I would suggest we all heed it. Unless of course Morning Star you wish this thread locked.
"Spirituality is God's gift to humanity...
Religion is Man's flawed interpretation of Spirituality given back to humanity..."

Offline Morning star

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2014, 06:10:44 AM »
The Free Masons do not have 33 degrees. They only have 3. The clandestine Masons have 33.
Alright, so he was not official. He was still a master of the degrees. He was so high ranking that they gave him an administrative role. But him being or not being a super official mason had little to do with the larger point i was making. Almost all high ranking, executive postion elites, have some ties to masonry or the occult. I notice you didn't comment on the other points i mentioned about him, lol.

The founder of modern Wicca maybe but not the original which is indeed very, very old.
No maybe to it, that's fact. Gardner invented it. It's documented. And anybody should know how old witchcraft is. It's spoken of in the Hebrew bible for one example.

Yes, Thoth is the Egyptian God of scribing and wisdom. There's nothing evil about that.

Ra being the Sun God in Egyptian mythology, isn't so much the master of the universe per se. but is essentially the universe itself. Ra is another facet of the Father God (Jahova to the Christians, Om to the Tibetans, and Ahala to the Arabs.) He goes by so many names but in the end it is the same God.old.

Is it the same god? Are you sure about that? Because the Old Testament God says not to use any symbol to represent his worship. Idols, etc. In fact, the way i read it, the bible makes it clear that idol worship starts after satan is cast from heaven. Sun worship is satans revenge for this. At least, that's what the bible says. I know that this ancient alien thing claims that all these gods are the same, and for the most part, they are. But the God of the Old Testament seems to be a clear example of something a little different.

ETs did help the Nazis but were never apart of Hitler's final solution. Yes they did help the Nazis. That on official reccord of those who were brought over to the US to work on America's space program. But I think what has lead to your confusion about them through my posts is that i neglected to mention the following: Yes ETs are real as history has proven time and again. There are those who wish to help us and there are those who wish to do us harm. The Anunnaki; A reptilian-like race were the one who ended up doing the most harm to us. By interfering with our natural evolution in order to utilize us as a labor force. The ETs living amongst us now are the ones who are trying to help us get passed all that mess. They are teachers, scientists, chemists, lecturers, philosophers, etc. But they look just like us so you would never know they were an alien unless they told you themselves. But they do not wish to because were are still going through a transition and we're not ready yet.

Hitler is a dark entity. Dark entities are born physic with natural ability to draw people to them. They have a naturally strong charismatic magnetism that they use to gather followers to their cause (whatever cause it may be). The majority of the Nazis believed what they were doing was right because they were drawn in by Hitler's words. Through his Charisma. And just in case if you're not familiar with operation Valkyrie, It was the plot to assassinate Hitler. The ones doing the plotting were in fact Nazis whom believed that Hitler was going too far and out of control.

This is where you really lost me. How you can even start to imagine that you know what your taking about here is beyond me. I know they have released a lot of pro alien propaganda. Series, documentaries, even official translated findings to try and support it all. The question is this. Can you believe what your being shown these days? The answer is no. The year the history channel began to be no longer credible was in 1999. Interesting date 1999.. That the year they released the matrix. (The blueprint of illuminati control) During this period we have a faction called the NWO in professional wrestling. That's very close to the year that castlevania made it's forever shift to the dark side. "Perhaps the same could be said of all religions" "what is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets" the series has never been the same and has only went more twisted and stupid ever since. 1999 was the year Bush watched the dawn of the new era ceremony in Egypt in front of the pyramids.. 1999 turned upside down is the numbers 1 and 666. These hand symbols are now being used all over television. One finger followed by the hook em horns. Colbert does it. Bill Maher does it. John Oliver did it when he introduced his new news show on HBO. And many many more. But enough talk, have at you! [/quote]

Like anything on the net it must be taken with a grain of salt. I'm familiar with that which you have stated but eachothers' conclusions are very different. But that's all a part of being human.

I agree that things found on the internet must be double and triple referenced these days. The internet is the modern day equivalent to a book burning. They are trying to rewrite history to favor whatever fanciful story they decide to stick out there. But just to be clear. My sources are reputable. I am not just some half ass clown that google searches and then talks about it as if i had known all along. I give you one reference now. The capitalist conspiracy, by G. Edward Griffin. That's a great one to reference.

I have no idea why you've decided to take it upon yourself to try and gouge us like this. The other posts made on this thread make sense. If you're feeling confused then that's something within you that needs dealing with. It's got nothing to do with the rest of us. Remember what I said about the human Ego? If you aren't in control it can and will control you. You may think you are in control, but that's what the Ego does. It's the greatest manipulator that makes you completely unaware of what's truly going on. The Ego is the darkness within ourselves and it must be strictly managed. 'The internal struggle' as it is more commonly know. And Since Bloodreign has posted out a warning I would suggest we all heed it. Unless of course Morning Star you wish this thread locked.

This quote is absolute rubbish and i won't entertain it. You are no mod and your not claiming any high ground by acting like one. What are all these references to us, lol. I have no ego where i am wrong, nor will i play games with words to seem more correct when i have brought no real substance to the conversation. Psychology can be used only on the weak my friend. I am neither weak, nor confused. The last thing i want is this thread locked. That implied that i would wish it because i am somehow losing. Clearly you are mistaken. Instead of picking apart my posts for anything you can refute rightly or not. Why not instead try to add something or stay on topic with an educated argument.

This magic whip could be an example of advanced alien technology.

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2014, 06:51:57 AM »
The point is, when you're posting in a thread called "conspiracy", and start arguing about Atlantean energy crystals, Illuminati mind control, and how aliens helped Hitler, then you're really in no position to call each others' posts rubbish.

In other words, everything that's been discussed here is entirely contingent -- which means that while none of it is necessarily false, it's all also lightyears away from possessing any objective truth value. So the only thing that you actually succeed in doing when you single out the "rubbish" opinions of others is to make this entire conversation seem far more ridiculous than it should be.
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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2014, 07:17:01 AM »
The point is, when you're posting in a thread called "conspiracy", and start arguing about Atlantean energy crystals, Illuminati mind control, and how aliens helped Hitler, then you're really in no position to call each others' posts rubbish.

In other words, everything that's been discussed here is entirely contingent -- which means that while none of it is necessarily false, it's all also lightyears away from possessing any objective truth value. So the only thing that you actually succeed in doing when you single out the "rubbish" opinions of others is to make this entire conversation seem far more ridiculous than it should be.

Illuminati mind control is real and documented. It's not conspiracy theory. Project MK Ultra. That's the difference here. People who know and people who don't. It's only conspiracy theory or " lightyears away from possessing any objective truth value." If you don't understand that's it was already top secret, had the lid blown off or unsealed, documented and then exposed.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2014, 07:22:56 AM by Morning star »

This magic whip could be an example of advanced alien technology.

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Re: Conspiracy
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2014, 08:07:33 AM »
The point is, when you're posting in a thread called "conspiracy", and start arguing about Atlantean energy crystals, Illuminati mind control, and how aliens helped Hitler, then you're really in no position to call each others' posts rubbish.

In other words, everything that's been discussed here is entirely contingent -- which means that while none of it is necessarily false, it's all also lightyears away from possessing any objective truth value. So the only thing that you actually succeed in doing when you single out the "rubbish" opinions of others is to make this entire conversation seem far more ridiculous than it should be.

Intersection, Conspiracy is an incredibly broad term. Therefore in a topic about 'conspiracy' it's like talking about 'America' or some other kind of insanely broad topic, there are no clear distinctive lines to what is too outlandish for some because that's the general nature of conspiracy, and its natures varies vastly in scale.

Using the words ridiculous and conspiracy in a thread re: conspiracy is in and of itself, ridiculous.

                                 ^      l   v  ^    v                 ^
                                 ^      l   v  ^    +<<<<<<<BE
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v                 ^  
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     BE>>> VK<**   
                                 ^      l   v  ^    v     ^          ^   
            +<<<<<Legends>HC>OOS>LOD>64       ^
            v                           l              ^                ^
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BE=Bad Ending
RE=Richter Ending
