If we do extend it, it should be no longer than a week at the most.
One of the prerequisites of the contest is the deadline, I believe extending it hurts the iniquity of the contest.
The deadline forces the participants to become quicker spriter's and gain valuable experience (if they haven't had it before) working under pressure and a time frame.
I think it's not only great to have fun participating in these contest but I also think it's more valuable for artists to improve upon their actual skills be it, design, speed, whatever etc..I have already noticed novice artist since the last contest make great gains when it comes to the quality of their work.
Being able to sprite quickly under given guidelines is very important and shouldn't be taken lightly.
With that mentioned others may disagree with me and that is fine. If, you guys want an extension and vote for it, then I guess majority will win.
I am just pointing this out, just my opinion by no means is it gospel.