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Offline Captain Sheepy

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APPETIZER Stream to the #IGAVANIA Stream at 1:10PM PST
« on: May 30, 2015, 12:52:19 PM »
Hey everyone! As you know, Neobelmont and I started a #Igavania Twitch Stream Poll on May 22nd. We have come to a conclusion that we will play BOTH Harmony of Dissonance and Circle of the Moon. Though, that will happen after our Finals because studying and all that comes first. (Looking to Stream on June 3rd Afternoon). We are also trying to reach out to Kokushibyo to join in on his Streams and all have a chill time. >u<.

However, I do have an appetizer stream for you guys which will give you an idea as to where we are streaming to, how I will interact with you guys during the streams...and we are going to have a grand ol time together. O3O

Before you jump right to my stream though. Know these 4 things.

1. Don't be afraid to talk, ask questions, or distract me all you want. I love interacting with you guys and I'll probably be asking you all questions and etc.

2. Sometimes if something starts becoming a little stale, I tend to switch things up a lot game wise and sometimes I'll even take requests...Hmm, actually, that's giving me ideas for a Castlevania Sims 3 stream lol XDDD.

3. It happens at 1:10 PM PST (Streaming Right now). Be there for the feast but don't worry about being a late OuO

4. Introduce yourselves when you come to the stream >u<

I'm starting off with Komajou Densetsu! The Touhouvania!
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 01:13:23 PM by Captain Sheepy »

