I like that Skynet still has a core and doesn't go the route of T3 to say "You can't touch me because I'm the internet".. Lame af
I like the throwbacks to T2 with Dyson and the fact it basically tells T3 to go molest itself in a dark corner
Did anyone think it was weird that "Pops" just found child Sarah Connor? Presumably Skynet knowing it couldn't beat JC tried to correct the past by eliminating Sarah. However, say this did happen, how is it that Pops was just there?
There's something sinister about that twist, Sarah claims that the T-1000 destroyed her parents' cabin and sunk the boat that she was on, yet Pops just happened to arrive, saving her. The same Pops who acquires T-1000 Liquid metal properties at the end of the film.. Something isn't sitting right here.