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Black Desert Online coming to PS4?
« on: September 09, 2016, 10:14:55 AM »
I dunno what the developers are waiting for. With the PC version interest winding down, there is a goldmine waiting for them on PS4.

Also with PS4 Pro announced, they can take more advantage of Black Desert Online's optimal settings.
The only competition on PS4 is FFXIV and ESO, but FFXIV is subscription based (which people that don't like subscriptions will not touch unless its buy 2 play),
and TESO is treated as an outcast by the conservative TES fanbase (it didn't fully recover from the mainstream bashing of its original PC launch before the Tamriel Unlimited relaunch. 
Also voicechat only on console ruined it for most roleplayers. )

They really can earn a huge following PS4.   It really shouldn't wind up like Kingdom Under Fire II, where those devs don't seem like they are even financially capable of fully porting and localizing it on PS4.

Black Desert Online preserves a lot of things that made mmorpgs so wonderous and immersive in the first place, and it has the greatest graphics in the genre to date, so it already has tons of marketable qualities to it that PS4 gamers would enjoy and appreciate. 

Yes, I play FFXIV, but I am also interested in Black Desert Online if they bring it to PS4.   It really is a masterpiece that the PC consumerbase don't fully value.   yea, it's not flawless, but it sure provides things no other modern mmorpg provides as professionally and well refined.

