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Ys: Memories of Celceta, My thoughts.
« on: March 10, 2017, 05:37:26 PM »
As This game got recenty patched to english and ported to PC, My thoughts are going to this version (Since this would have been the sole reason for me to get a Vita, Sorry Vita).

Ys: Memories of Celceta is a bit of a complicated one to talk about without some story not of the game itself, but it's history. This is the 4th iteration of the Ys IV game, the 2nd Party system game, and the 3rd Chronologically (Following Adol, I myself consider Origin as number 0). With Ys IV having an extensive history, spanning from the PC-E, SNES, PS2, and Now PC/Vita. This is also the second game to be remade in a new style, and the first to be Canonically rebooted (Since Felghana was pretty much the exact same story from it's past versions)

That being said, Let's Delve into this bad boy and determine if it lives up to it's reputation.

Presentation is rather nice, it's the first where nobody is Chibi-fied in any way, Stripping from all the shaders reveals a rather nicely textured and modeled environment, The touch of voice work is really nice, Music will be touched on sepreately though.

Music is a mixed bag for me, I've played the SNES and PC-E versions as well as a few special albums, which the music is great, and the new tracks are amazing, the problem lies in the lack of music variety. The older soundtrack spans to 3 Cd's as this to a single CD, and there were more instances where I was annoyed because they chose to recycle certain tracks as opposed to using more appropriate tracks, The Songs Field, Crimson Wings, and a few amazing others won't make it here which is a bit of a shame.

The Party system, unfortunately, is a step down. It's rather shallow this time around, Party combos are simplified to basic buffs, all Team members are regulated to the 3 attack styles and 2 vairiants, Slow Heavy hitter or Tank, Biggest problem being that This doesn't quite have the synergy as it should, by mid-late game, my team was Adol, Karna, and Duren and sadly since that team worked so well togather, all other options didn't appeal to me.

Combat is ironically, a Step up, Leaning more on the arcade-like nature of the Isometric Trilogy, with flash move and flash guard in mind, the combat never got stale despite dispatching near countless foes, only real complaint is the lack of bosses, SEVEN just threw them at you, this one just took a seat back on them which arguably takes from the greatest aspect of the entire ys series.

Story, I'm just going to state it, it's rather amazing, but I'll leave it that since it's spoiler territory, definitely the best of all the Ys IV iterations for the most part. Plenty of callbacks in the form of cameos and world building, so there is definitely something in it for both the long-time player and the Newcomer. The Party system takes advantage of this story as there are more interaction with characters, fleshing them out (aside from two particular late-comers who are seemingly just tagging along).

Dungeons are rather meh, Most of them are way too basic, and the real good ones are far and few between, but the good ones are really good, the others are a big "meh".

Overall, I can say it's worth your time, but still play Dawn of Ys. This may be Canon, but the PC-E version is too good to ignore. Granted the flaws are apparent, but it is a good starting point for a newcomer.

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Re: Ys: Memories of Celceta, My thoughts.
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2017, 06:01:31 AM »
Cool! Imma definitely check dis out when I can :D When it's on sale, tho...mah wallet is in dire circumstances ;-;

Check me out at!
