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CV needs a kick in the pants. Any ideas?
« on: May 25, 2008, 12:29:04 PM »
Another year, another IGA Castletroid. We all have a lot of expectations for Order of Ecclesia, but we also have lingering doubts after the somewhat loose production of Portrait of Ruin, and the growing staleness in the "SotN" formula in general.

How much longer can Castlevania survive this way? Even the press has trouble sounding excited for any new IGA releases these days -- almost like it's an inside joke just to come up with new euphemisms, or at least synonyms for "(Enter protagonist here) ___ enters large castle and fights Dracula... maybe with whip". There's just a general feeling that more of the same is not going to be enough someday, and maybe someday soon. Afterall, POR is one of the lowest-scoring CVs since HOD.

I think it is inevitable in this next-gen environment for Castlevania to remain mostly in the 2D realm (even if it's on the best selling system ever) -- Castelvania has to go 3D and it has to do it right in order to truly break the mainstream barrier and that of the casual gamer. Either that or something drastic has to change about the 2D formula entirely.

Then there's the fact that ever since IGA set the beginning of the timeline in the 11th century and the finale in the 21st, there's only so much room and belivability to work with. At some point, given this, the series is going to have to look to side stories once more -- Alternate realities of the Belmont/Dracula dichotomy. But that's probably going to require a new producer. And hopefully it doesn't turn into the joke the Mega Man series has.

So, I decalre PROGRESS REPORT time. Where do you think the series grades now, and what would you like to see changed or added to spice it up? Or are you perfectly fine with it?

I'll let you guys start first. Just think about it. Any good ideas for a Wii CV? How could online play a larger factor? Should LOI truly be the beginning and the "Sorrow" series the end? Should some other force take over where Dracula left off; should some other force precede him?

Go wild, but don't forget to grade first.

(I'll just quickly reitereate I think the lack of solid 3D in the formula needs to be addressed, and addressed soon if this series is to see proper growth with the competition. I'll add my other thoughts later).

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Re: CV needs a kick in the pants. Any ideas?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2008, 01:24:30 PM »
Castelvania has to go 3D and it has to do it right in order to truly break the mainstream barrier and that of the casual gamer.


Don't take the last 2D game series away from me... no...

Seriously, I don't understand how this asinine perception of one "dimension" of graphics being objectively better than another persists. Back when 3D was new, sure. But now? I know the so-called "mainstream" is fundamentally retarded, but 2D and 3D are just different aesthetic principles. If anything, 2D has the advantage where gameplay is concerned because it doesn't have to deal with all the issues that come up in the third dimension. A 2D game can be planned to be literally pixel-perfect. I find myself annoyed playing many 3D action games because of the lack of precision I am used to in games like Castlevania or Megaman. As far as looks go, games like Legend of Mana, Dawn of Sorrow, and Odin Sphere are some of the most gorgeous ever created. There are so just many artistic and gameplay possibilities in 2D.

 So no, if Castlevania needs to be "revitalized", it shouldn't be via a jump to 3D. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they kept releasing new SotN-style games forever.

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Re: CV needs a kick in the pants. Any ideas?
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2008, 01:26:06 PM »
Castlevania Pinball.

Okay, so I got nothing.
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Re: CV needs a kick in the pants. Any ideas?
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2008, 02:03:50 PM »
What Castlevania needs is a return to it's roots, a return to its gothic themed art and atmosphere that made the fundamentals of the game. As for the timeline.. I don't care what IGA did to it, I just would've kept the n64 titles in it since they were arguably the best 3D title released but oh well.. What they should do now is continue where LOI left off, start building the timeline from bottom up and then when the epic battle comes when Drac dies ( years from now on if you want to fill the gap from beginning to end) you can still continue the series because we all know that Soma is his reincarnation and he has to lose to his inner evil someday (muhaha evil soma ftw)

also on a side note: if they want to deliver true fan service and add greatly to replay falue of a title they should do what the n64 titles did: have alternate characters with their OWN story, not just a sprite swap.  ;)
