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DOOM 64 remaster
« on: March 25, 2020, 02:58:32 PM »
As an avid fan of this game, I can say that Nightdive did an absolutely stellar job on this remaster, thanks to Samuel Villarreal's Kex Engine and programming wizardry. According to an article on The Verge, "Villarreal wrote a tool to extract assets from the N64 ROM, then reverse-engineered the decompression algorithm to recover as much detail as possible." It's amazing to look at the game with filtering/smoothing turned off to see just how good the art is; I've always liked Midway's work on the game, but now I have an even deeper appreciation for the texturing now that there's not a thick veneer of blur over everything.

The new levels are also fun. I didn't quite think so at first, because stage 1 of the "lost levels" is kinda so-so, but it gets good immediately afterward.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: DOOM 64 remaster
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2020, 01:27:00 AM »
If you ask me this is the true Doom game of 2020.

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Re: DOOM 64 remaster
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2020, 07:02:12 PM »
Playing through this right now. There's definitely a lot I remember from this game, since it was one of the very few N64 games I absolutely loved. And not having to use the N64 controller is an added plus!

Thinking of eventually getting a PC copy of this off of Steam. I like the mouse and keyboard movement a lot better for Doom games, and I play a lot of megawads on PC, anyway.

One thing that seems kind of janky is getting stuck on walls/fixtures/etc when moving around and trying to dodge projectiles. That, and movement feels kind of stiff while using some of the weapons, like the rocket launcher (probably due to the recoil). It's barely there, but it's noticeable. Stuff that I probably didn't even think about when playing it back in the day, since I didn't have any PC Doom games to compare it with. And man, I do miss the Revenants, Archviles, Spider Masterminds, and chaingunners (yes, even those annoying bastards).

But the graphics are fantastic. The designs on a lot of the level fixtures like walls, pillars, etc., are just awesome to look at. I really like how a lot of the levels are similar to fortresses/castles/etc. (one of my favorite things about a megawad called Eternal Doom released decades ago). Just a great atmosphere overall. The chaingun looks, sounds, and feels a lot better to use than its PC counterpart. The fully-upgraded Unmaker is really fun to use. A really fun game to finally replay after all these years, with the ability to save anywhere now. Thank god!
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Re: DOOM 64 remaster
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2020, 05:33:03 PM »
The beauty about getting stuck on walls is it shows how accurate of a conversion this is. Kaiser (Villarreal) previously worked on DOOM 64: Absolution (TC) and DOOM 64 EX, and if I'm remembering correctly, neither had this strange bug replicated. So it's cool to see it implemented for sake of accuracy, but it's also annoying as shit, lol.

I don't know what console you're playing on but I heard Xbox One has mouse and keyboard support. That's pretty sweet. It's also one of the only, if not the only Xbox One game that plays in 4K on an S model, which is nifty.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: DOOM 64 remaster
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2020, 09:35:01 PM »
Doom has been one of my favorite series for decades.  I was totally obsessed with the original back in the day.  I never got into Doom 64 though - I was staunchly anti-N64 in the late 90s, and when I finally did play it, I didn't like how it felt different from the classic Dooms. 

But I forced myself to play more of it last year after buying the Hori N64 controller (the one that's made for 2-handed people).  And I was pleasantly blown away.  Doom 64 felt like the proper Doom sequel that Doom 3 and Doom 2016 weren't.  Hell, Doom 64 was even a better sequel than Doom II and Final Doom, as it actually expanded on the original rather than just giving us new monsters and new maps and the exact same engine.  I only played halfway through Doom 64 though.  I was playing on Ultra Violence or whatever the equivalent is, and I got to the approximate halfway point before getting stuck and moving on to other games.

I planned to go back and finish it, but then the news of the PS4 port came out and I thought it would be better to hold off for any updates that port might offer.

Now I've beaten Eternal, Plutonia, and Sigil in the past month, all for the first time, and I'm about to dive back into Doom 64.  After that, I just need to finish The Master Levels and I'll have beaten all the official Doom installments (well, not counting the RPG games).

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Re: DOOM 64 remaster
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2020, 10:31:10 PM »
Oh man, The Master Levels. I really liked The Black Tower ans The Express Elevator to Hell. Very challenging, but very creative levels.
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Re: DOOM 64 remaster
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2020, 09:46:54 PM »
I'm going through Final DOOM for the first time on DOOM Classic Complete for PS3. Some of these levels are real arseholes but I'm enjoying myself, even if this port's occasional frame drops are really frustrating. I should just be playing on PC or the new Unity Engine ports for current consoles, but whatever—I started this PS3 compilation years ago, I aim to finish it, dammit.

PFG, if you dig DOOM 64, I recommend Quake II for the N64. Same director (Aaron Seeler) and composer (Aubrey Hodges), feels very much in line with its level design philosophy as opposed to the PC original, which I could never really get into. It's also one of the few (or only?) N64 games to utilize the expansion pak for things that actually make the game look better without bogging down the framerate, like extra colored lighting and removing anti-aliasing. It's still a low-res game but looks sharp and runs exceptionally well.
Oh yeah, and also:

Soda as well.

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Re: DOOM 64 remaster
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2020, 05:11:07 PM »
PFG, if you dig DOOM 64, I recommend Quake II for the N64. Same director (Aaron Seeler) and composer (Aubrey Hodges), feels very much in line with its level design philosophy as opposed to the PC original, which I could never really get into. It's also one of the few (or only?) N64 games to utilize the expansion pak for things that actually make the game look better without bogging down the framerate, like extra colored lighting and removing anti-aliasing. It's still a low-res game but looks sharp and runs exceptionally well.

I'll pick up a copy.  I was never big into Quake, but I did play the original a bit back in the proverbial day.  I have the first one on N64.

If the frame drops on the PS3 Soom Classic Complete bother you, it might be worth you while to pick up the PS4/Xbone ports, if you have those consoles.  They run perfectly at a silky 60FPS, and even have some nice bonus episodes available for free (Final Doom and Sigil for Doom I, No Rest for the Living and Double Impact for Doom II).

