Sound nice....Ironically we too had similar ideas for alucard in one of our games POC,...and the use of black magic. I had already started a dark implode ball move which alucard can drawy up energy into and suck things into a black hole...similar and bascilaly the same thing as what is used in thor movie. We also had him using new id' well as maria, and annette. I am not sure if we'd keep annette as black magic..seeing how original she was going to be a gypsy. Also i had concept ideas for dark matter(which would a triangular projectile..that shoots out beams of light randomly in a radious..devasting whatever lie in it's path.
I dont mean to be intruding or obviously you have a great game wiht nice ideas so far Aurateam. I just dont want to have to throw out ideas by me and my team mates had for Purge of Chaos. Similar i have already sprited up heavy weaponry overhand attacks, samurai moves,familar id's,subscreen..and various things prepared for our game..though i didnt mention him..i was refering to i mentioned secrets in the unlockalbe.... I had even made a different set moves for overhand and samurai for esco's game.I think what i'll do is explain things better in a Purge of CHaos thread for ideas only(not the actual game...). This hopefully will clear things up as our im' sure our games will be totally differnte either way. My apologies..i feel that i have to be a bit more active and less passive on the forum about ideas...probalby not allowing much in the way for secrets... I've personal;ly seen alot of ideas..identicall at times to others games..and at sorta kills what i wanted to do...then if i do do it..when i can finally get to it..i get called out for taking ideas..which i previously had isnt exaclty fair to me... .hopefully you understand.. As i've said i'll post up a thread on POC and explain further..