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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #255 on: August 04, 2013, 12:02:44 AM »
Thanks Jorgey <3 I wouldve liked to meet those folks too.

Man, I don't even remember when I joined...maybe my Livejournal has the answers, but I'd have to really dig deep into the archives. x_x

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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #256 on: August 04, 2013, 12:22:56 AM »
Man, I don't even remember when I joined...maybe my Livejournal has the answers, but I'd have to really dig deep into the archives. x_x

No need to dig deep. Just click on your profile and it shows the day you joined.

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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #257 on: August 04, 2013, 12:37:47 AM »
You know, I'd like to create a Cunning Linguist award since we have quite a few people fluent in multiple languages here, and to accompany the Master Debater award of course, but sadly Charlotte's already used for the latter. Anyone have any idea as to who or what the icon should be?
It is precisely because it never cared, that people do care.  It's something which it's lacking, because that which it has, it has lackluster of.
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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #258 on: August 04, 2013, 12:49:54 AM »
@Shiroi:  That's good thinking...

...however, there were forums before this forum.

Some posts can be found on the Wayback Machine, but the old stuff?  It's probably lost in the ether of the internet.
However, the EZBoard was set up by someone who blocked archiving robots using robots.txt... so none of the Ezboard posts are archived at the Wayback Machine, sadly.

The Old Forumplanet board can be found, but only thread titles are visible; threads themselves cannot be perused (sadly):
Let me take you on a ride back in time...

This is the last page that can still be topic-read before the Wayback Machine decides to not even view pages anymore... though I admit I'm not savvy with the web archive.
I think I spot Cecil-Kain in there. :o

Now for the earliest versions of the forum's SMF version.
This is when I took over as Admin.  It's also when we switched to SMF which is easily web-crawlable, which means topics can actually be read.
Take me back to 2007...
I think I spot Dark Nemesis posts around then. :D

Ah, good times...

@VladCT: It'd have to be a hero whom we KNOW to be multi-lingual... sadly, the only one I can think of is Eric Lecarde, as he's clearly from "Segovia, Spain" yet speaks fluent English in PoR.  Anyone else, it would be pure speculation.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 12:51:51 AM by Jorge D. Fuentes »
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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #259 on: August 04, 2013, 12:59:18 AM »
That was one great ride back in time. Thanks Jorge.

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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #260 on: August 04, 2013, 03:24:15 AM »
I think I spot Dark Nemesis posts around then. :D

Yes, i was back there, but also i was before we moved the forum and got the purple forum attack, which lead us to where we are now.

This is when we have moved from the old forum, can't remember the reason: then everything went purple and finally left it and made it where we are now.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 03:34:41 AM by Dark Nemesis »
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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #261 on: August 04, 2013, 04:08:59 AM »
Carrie's last name is Fernandez, so I guess she must speak spanish. She speaks english, and also japanese in the japanese version of CV64, but that goes for every character  :P
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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #262 on: August 04, 2013, 04:46:24 AM »
Take me back to 2007...

LMAO I totally forgot about that old sig I used to have... From the Angry Video Game Nerd episode about the shitfest called "A nightmare on Elm street" for the NES!

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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #263 on: August 04, 2013, 05:22:58 AM »
Thanks Jorgey <3 I wouldve liked to meet those folks too.

Man, I don't even remember when I joined...maybe my Livejournal has the answers, but I'd have to really dig deep into the archives. x_x

Man you were definitely here before september 2007. You were on CVC before then, too. I still remember prunyuu being worldfiltered there to 'tickle me asshole'.


I think you'll find a lot of dungeonites here will have September 07 as their join date because many made brand new accounts here after Exodus 2.0. But they're still O.G.'s from the ancient days.

My happiest memory of the oldOLD(er) Dungeon was when some guy became enraged that Bloodreign had the audacity to move his marginally Cv-related topic to off topic, and tried to call him out with a topic titled THANK YOU FOR BEING AN ASS.

Also any time Diplocephalus was yelled at for being a butt makes me nostalgic.

I can't remember the name of the guy was who had a badger as his avatar. I remember he had music he composed in his sig which was pretty ballin'. He was always chill.

It's probably weird for Jorge-sensei to see the regulars of the Dungeon forums radically change so much over time.

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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #264 on: August 04, 2013, 11:35:31 AM »
Call it a hunch (or my detective powers), but I have a suspicion that some of those oldies still around, but in another incarnation.
Perhaps even closer than before.  Some ex-troublemakers, too.

Ah yes, I remember about CVC.  I think Serio was, at the time, fed up with the touchy-feely prunyuu thing that was happening, so he wordfiltered it.  But don't quote me on that since I did not really visit CVC.  I'm sure someone else could enlighten us.  Perhaps Bloodreign or someone else from that time and place.

Yes, "2007" was the exodus.
The reason for the exodus was because IGN/Gamespy was going to stop all free gaming websites, so Kurt's Castlevania Dungeon was going to lose its hosting.
This happened throughout the course of six or so months, from what I recall.  Eventually IGN/Gamespy finally called it quits on the Dungeon.  Thankfully Kurt and I had assorted backups of the website and forum, respectively.
Gamespy was kind enough to give us, for a time, some temporary hosting and helped us migrate from Forumplanet to SimpleMachines.  They handled the conversion of the member tables, from I recall.  A guy named "GSILufiaGuy" migrated whatever could be migrated, so a lot of the forum managed to get salvaged on the move to the SMF format.

When the websites finally started to die off, Kurt found hosting with a friend on, and we've been there ever since.  So has Hardcore Gaming 101, Kurt's other site.

This is why most old members will have their account date for sometime circa September 2007.  That was the official switch to SMF I think.

@Pfil: I'm still one with the opinion that "Belnades" is just Engrish or mispronounced/mistranslated "Fernandez".  Carrie's boss lineup in CV64's Castle Center indicates family ties to the Belnades family, and Carrie's HomingProjectile is very similar to Sypha's Homing Lightning Bolts from CV3.  I have nothing to back up my theory, and I think Koutei disproved it once, but it's a nice thought. :P  But you're right in that she 'could' be bilingual... thing is, just because your last name sounds like it's from someplace, it doesn't mean you speak that language.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 11:38:56 AM by Jorge D. Fuentes »
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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #265 on: August 04, 2013, 02:01:22 PM »
@VladCT: It'd have to be a hero whom we KNOW to be multi-lingual... sadly, the only one I can think of is Eric Lecarde, as he's clearly from "Segovia, Spain" yet speaks fluent English in PoR.  Anyone else, it would be pure speculation.

That is word play (lingual, lingua, tongue), but it still counts as a award icon for this?

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Hau auu~     

Offline Jorge D. Fuentes

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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #266 on: August 04, 2013, 03:25:20 PM »
It'd have to be shrunk, hehe. :P
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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #267 on: August 04, 2013, 04:12:06 PM »
Someone talented with a spare time can do that? I dont know how to shrunk and still maintains the details, I think it will need a bit of polishing after resizing.
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Hau auu~     

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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #268 on: August 05, 2013, 02:29:54 PM »
@Pfil: I'm still one with the opinion that "Belnades" is just Engrish or mispronounced/mistranslated "Fernandez".  Carrie's boss lineup in CV64's Castle Center indicates family ties to the Belnades family, and Carrie's HomingProjectile is very similar to Sypha's Homing Lightning Bolts from CV3.  I have nothing to back up my theory, and I think Koutei disproved it once, but it's a nice thought. :P  But you're right in that she 'could' be bilingual... thing is, just because your last name sounds like it's from someplace, it doesn't mean you speak that language.
Indeed. I'm part french (from my grandma's part of the family) but I don't speak french.
But Carrie has always gave me the feeling that she is indeed from Spain. I guess that was the original intention but that then everything got lost in translation. But I agree with the theory that Sypha was also Fernandez, and that then they changed that because of the bad translation.
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Re: CVForum Awards & Achievements
« Reply #269 on: August 15, 2013, 03:09:43 PM »
I wish I could say I was part of the old forums. But I didn't start using any versions of forums until DXC and that was the gamefaq forums too.
