Call it a hunch (or my detective powers), but I have a suspicion that some of those oldies still around, but in another incarnation.
Perhaps even closer than before. Some ex-troublemakers, too.
Ah yes, I remember about CVC. I think Serio was, at the time, fed up with the touchy-feely prunyuu thing that was happening, so he wordfiltered it. But don't quote me on that since I did not really visit CVC. I'm sure someone else could enlighten us. Perhaps Bloodreign or someone else from that time and place.
Yes, "2007" was the exodus.
The reason for the exodus was because IGN/Gamespy was going to stop all free gaming websites, so Kurt's Castlevania Dungeon was going to lose its hosting.
This happened throughout the course of six or so months, from what I recall. Eventually IGN/Gamespy finally called it quits on the Dungeon. Thankfully Kurt and I had assorted backups of the website and forum, respectively.
Gamespy was kind enough to give us, for a time, some temporary hosting and helped us migrate from Forumplanet to SimpleMachines. They handled the conversion of the member tables, from I recall. A guy named "GSILufiaGuy" migrated whatever could be migrated, so a lot of the forum managed to get salvaged on the move to the SMF format.
When the websites finally started to die off, Kurt found hosting with a friend on, and we've been there ever since. So has Hardcore Gaming 101, Kurt's other site.
This is why most old members will have their account date for sometime circa September 2007. That was the official switch to SMF I think.
@Pfil: I'm still one with the opinion that "Belnades" is just Engrish or mispronounced/mistranslated "Fernandez". Carrie's boss lineup in CV64's Castle Center indicates family ties to the Belnades family, and Carrie's HomingProjectile is very similar to Sypha's Homing Lightning Bolts from CV3. I have nothing to back up my theory, and I think Koutei disproved it once, but it's a nice thought.

But you're right in that she 'could' be bilingual... thing is, just because your last name sounds like it's from someplace, it doesn't mean you speak that language.